The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 195 - Nymph Pandora Evolution

One of the Angeloid grab Nymph head and slam to the ground.

[Initiate Hacking[

And start to hack Nymph system, they are trying to change her to become his caged bird again.

Astraea tries to fight back but the new Angeloid is much more powerful than them whos first-generation Angeloid.

Minions laugh at them," Kukukuku.."

"Don't you think that looks suit you beta..?"

"Do you remember what you were like when you were in Synapse..?"

The evil laugh at her," If you want it so badly ...I could"

"I could make you my Angeloid one more time know..?"

Nymph pant and said," Don't mess..with me..!"

Minos smile at her," Is that so.."

"But think about it carefully..isn't that what you truly d.e.s.i.r.e?"

Nymph nervous said," What are you saying..?"

Then the new Angeloid brings back her memory in front of her.

The things that happen while she leaving with her new master, the fun and happiness they made together.

Minos entice her," You d.e.s.i.r.e him don't you..?"

"Xin Fei.."

Nymph's memory flashback, she see how Xin care at Ikaros like his precious treasure.

"But Xin Fei… only has eyes for ..the Uranus Queen"

"Even if you tried to take him,your opponent is the strongest Angeloid in all of Synapse.."

"Your defective self is no match for her.."

"How about this.. If you come back to me"

"I'll spare his does that sound?"

Nymph shaken, she knows that all of what he says is true and deep inside herself, she want to be cared like Ikaros.

One Angeloid change to Xin appearance and gentle hug Nymph, Nymph was shaken she don't know what to do.

Minos continue," Now that the Uranus Queen is dead, you are all he has.!!"

Fake Xin gently said," Nymph .. you're all i have…"

"Xin Fei belong to you alone!!"

Daedalus hurry contact them, she said," Beta! Don't listen to him!!"

Minos angry shout," Shut up Daedalus!!"

Minos smile and said," You too... You d.e.s.i.r.ed Xin Fei as well do you!?.."

"So you send him the Uranus Queen.."

"But did that turn out..?"

Daedalus shake his head,"No… i.. I just .."

Minos grin," Haven't you realized … that"

"That you are the Uranus Queen's Biggest enemy?"

"NO ..1.."

Suddenly Nymph emotionless said," What a boring man.."

Minos was shocked he thought that he already success to control Nymph, while Daedalus stare at her child.

Nymph said," Did you think i could earn Master heart like that?"

"You don't even understand that much you!?"

Nymph casually slap the Angeloid that hugging her, she said," Hey long are you going to keep fooling around inside of my head?"

Nymph repel the hacking attempt inside her head, she slowly stand and said," Who do you say ..couldn't compare to Alpha?"

She thought the last word of Ikaros for her.

'Nymph .. Please take care of Master'

Nymph murmur," What's that supposed to mean.."

"Are you giving him to me..?"

"...No, i will make him mine…"

She starts to shine and the rage inside of her burst out, while something inside her want to be unlocked.

Minos, Daedalus, Astraea, and all the new Angelic can't help but dumbstruck in what they all see.

Nymph hair fall down her wings change to a bluish transparent butterfly wing, while she slightly grow up to a beautiful young lady.

Her emotionless eyes stare at the new Angeloid in front.

[Fundamental Particle Jamming System..]

[Aprodite Deploy]

Nymph deploy a super long-range hacking to all new Angeloid.

Minos was shocked,he tries to stop the new hacking system by his advanced computer but he can't.

It's like a virus that destroys all his creations

Minos angrily said," Evolving as Chaos did..? HOW!?"

Daedalus said," That's right .. all of the first generation Angeloid .. are equipped with [PANDORA].."

Minos can't believe,"Impossible…"

Daedalus explain to him," When I create them.i was deeply conflicted by one thing"

"If all of them are nothing more than a caged bird..then i at least"

"At least give them hearts, so I gave each of them Pandora"

"I buried it under many layers of protection, so it would give them more emotions"

Daedalus sob and said," Beta has destroyed those barriers...just like Chaos before her.. Without a doubt, she evolving"

Minos smash all the things he takes," Damn you!!

"Damn you!!

"Damn you!!

"Damn you!!

"This is not over yet!!"

Then he notices something wrong from Nymph,laugh and said," She's overheating.."

"That's how it is.. Even she successfully destroy all my new Angeloid ..she still weak"

"No matter how much her body evolve ..Beta does not possess the power to sustain it!!"

Minos laugh," Kukuku .. she doesn't have the enormous power of a Variable Wing Core!!"

Then he thought something and stare at Ikaro's dead body then he feel relief.

"No. it's fine the Uranus Queen should have already destroyed.."

Then he noticed that Xin is gone," Damn him!!... WHERE IS HE!!"

Minos angry shout," Where is he.."

"Where did he go … Xin Fei WHERE ARE YOU!?!"

Meanwhile, Astraea gently smile when she sees his master beside Ikaros, but they're something different.

Xin's mouth is shining in gold, then he gently bow his head and kiss Ikaros lips.

And then he fainted, Xin use his remaining time to unlock his power to heal Ikaros.


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