The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 198 - Who is Ritcher?

A week later Xin and the Angeloids recover from their injuries.

After Xin free Melan from being bind, the girls decided that Melan will be going to stay to them.they don't want her to be used as a weapon again by Minos.

Ikaros recommended herself to teach Melan that she needed to know while leaving in Xin's resident.

In first day Nymph did not agree Melan stay at them Nymph said she was a dangerous existence, but Xin continued explanation and gentle coaxing she eventually agrees.

Just like that Xin get another family member,he even joke Ikaros that she and Melan is twins.

Ikaros only stare at Melan while Melan gaze at her.

Start on weekdays so everyone start to prepare to go into the school.

Xin beg Nymph to help Melan to enroll at their school , Nymph hack the database of school and add Melan's name in so that she can attend with them.

And just like that Melan is successfully transferred to Xin's school.


Everyone is walking at the gate of their school when suddenly see Yoshitsune standing in front of the gate...

Yoshitsune look at them intensely.

Xin nervous ask," Ummm .. Senpai what are you doing here?"

"There's still a while before the next festival start you know?"

Yoshitsune nod," Yes I know .. but my price can't take the loss we suffer from you guys…|

Xin nod," Well.."

Yoshitsune said," So I thought up a plan to remind you all of you why the Hououins is superior…"

"I crack my brain and think something that can help beat you guys…."

Yoshitsune smile," But it turns out,I didn't even have to think about it…"

"Because we have something that you couldn't even hope to compare with us in!!"

Sohara asks," Something that we couldn't even hope to compete with..?"

Yoshitsune nod," Yes .. and it is ..Money.."

Xin stare at him like an idiot, he said," Money?

Yoshitsune nod."That's right!"

"We are rich!!"

"And you are dirty poor!!"

Xin said," Are you an idiot? Money is that all?"

Nymph said," If it's Money we have someone rich too, you know?"

All of them point at Mikko who's smiling at them.

Yoshitsune stare at Mikako and said," Hrmph ...interesting.."

"Then how about..a competition.."

"To see who richer!!"

Just like that the 1st Hououin Family Vs Satsukitane Family + Extra Fei Family "Who is richer?" Competition.

The three of them stand at the stage,

Xin asks," President ..why im standing here?"

Mikako grin," Its an event ..Xin-Kun~ ..every event that I participate or made you should join"

Xin nervous said," But.."

Mikako laugh," Fufufu~ and you need to win this time too, if not you know what will happen ~<3"

Xin proudly said," You belittle me too much i have Transport Card who can win against me hahaha"

Oregano suddenly appeared then pass the Transport Card at Mikako, Xin suddenly said," How do you get that!!"

Mikako said," I already use one of the cards to cancel the effect of the other card for one day ~ "

"So you can't use this to cheat~"

Xin angry shout," Nooooo ~~!"

Xin prostrating at the stage while Mikako happy grinning at him.

Yoshitsune cant help to be sad at this kid, Mikako was too sadistic to him..

From the commentator area.

"And so it begins!!The 1st Hououin Family Vs Satsukitane Family + Extra Fei Family "

"Who is the Ritcher? Competition!!"

"As always the commentary is brought to you by me, Math Teacher Takahara, and" Takahara commentated.

"The analysis is brought to you by me, Sugata," Sugata said.

"Let's head to the action!"

"First on attack, we have Hououin Family!"

"How will he show off his wealth!?"

Yoshitsune said," Shall begin with a simple comparison of annual income"

Then he snapped his fingers and five of his bodyguards come with case.

"My family's Annual Income..10 Billion.."

A large amount of money dump in front of Yoshitsune.

All of the students were shock this is their first time seeing that amount of money.

Takahara hurry said," Oh no!Confusion! The Sorami Middle School is confuse!!"

"In comparison what is the Satsukitane Family's annual income!?"

Mikao said," My ..income?"

"Oh, dear … I never enough so I'm always in a bind.."

Then she took her cellphone," Hold on a second..I'll call home and ask.."



Then the phone call connect,Mikako, said," Hey Prime Minister…"

"How much do you think you're going to fork over this year?"

All of the students petrified in what they heard, who thought that Mikako Family's annual income comes from the national budget.

Sugata cough,"Um..Let me explain.."

"There has always been a sun of our country's annual budget that mysteriously vanishes. the truth is.."

Mikako stare at Sugata as if giving him a signal.

Sugat a nervous said," Um... Maybe it's better if I keep quiet about that.."

Takahara cough," Well next is Xin Fei of Fei Family, lets see how much is his family annual income.."

Yoshitsune can't believe on what he heard.

While Mikako smile sadistic at Xin,"Xin-Kun ~ if you cant bring your annual income i can consider this event to be my win ~ <3"

"And you know what will happen if i win ~"

Xin gulp then slowly stand up.


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