The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 221 - First Meeting

The scared girl is actually the one that Xin trying to find it was Nico Robin.

While Xin coincident find Robin while he was walking aimlessly into the forest.

Robin was scared of standing in front of him, she just came back from the library after getting book she wanted.

She wants to walk in her secret spot to read peaceful who thought that a ghost suddenly appeared in front of her.

The ghost 'Xin' is wearing white cloth 'Hooded Jacket' it was a male ghost with white delicate face, red eyes, and silver-white hair.

Walking aimlessly in the wood, this is the first time Robin encountered something that can't explain with her poor knowledge. Even though she was the youngest scholar in Ohara.

In all the books that she read there are different race know in this world, but she never read a ghost appeared in broad daylight.

She knows that ghost should only appear in a cemetery or in a dark and gloomy place, not in a peaceful forest like a forest.

She was nervous shaking and did not notice that he dropped the book that she held.


Xin snap out in reality when he heard something drop, he noticed a book drop in the ground.

He walk and pick it to give it back to its owner, but who thought that the owner of the book is a scared looking girl and actually the one he trying to find.

Xin return the book to her and said, "Is this your book? you can take it back ...and you need to be careful in handling century-old book like this"

Robin did not take the book and scared run away from him, leaving Xin dumbfounded.

He doesn't know why she run away from him, Xin even check his self if there something scary about him but he did not see anything.

Xin thought," Maybe I scared him when my invisible magic fade"

He scratch his head and decided to wait for her here, he knows he will going to come back for her book.

Xin made a stone table and chairs in under the tree, then he took the book that Robin drop then he read it.


Meanwhile, Robin run to his Grandpa.

She ran inside the library to ask for help.

In distance Professor Clover the director of the Ohara Library and a leading authority on archeology sees Robin scared face panting, he kindly asks," What happen, Robin?"

Robin panting said," Grandpa i see a ghost in the forest!"

Professor Clove confuse," Ghost? In my long-time leaving in this Island, i never see or hear a ghost sighting.."

"Maybe it's just your imagination what you see.."

Robin," But-But...i really see him .."

Professor Clove said," So its a boy"

Robin continue," He wears a white cloth have red eyes, white face and silver-white hair.."

"He appeared in thin air fear i run before he get me"

Professor Clove notice that she doesn't have the book he borrowed just now so he asks," Robin wheres the book that you borrowed?"

Robin embarrass said," In my nervousness, I accidentally dropped the book and the ghost took it…"

Professor Clove said," You know the rules Robin wright? can't lose any book that you borrowed.."

"Or else i'm going to get angry and i will permanently ban you in taking books from the library.."

Robin nervous ask," Then what should I do?"

Professor Clove sigh," You need to go back and take the book back … I don't know if your clumsy or what.."

"You are the youngest scholar in Ohara but you still clumsy in making a decision.."

Robin nervous said," But...the ghost.."

Professor Clove said," There's no ghost in the Island,it must be your imagination.."

Robin nodded," Okey…"

She walked slowly back to where she dropped the book.

Professor Clove can't help but to feel sad for this child, her mother left her when she was just 2 years old to study the poneglyphs.

So she never experience having a happy family, even her own relatives don't want her because they thought that she was a devil child.

Professor Clove only hoping that someone in this world take this unfortunate child before his own life die down.


Meanwhile Robin nervous walk back to where she drop the book.

She took a branch to make it as a weapon in case the ghost attack her.

She slowly walk in the place that she sees the ghost, but after getting there she did not find the ghost and her book.

Robin nervous look for her book, she doesn't want to lose that book it to important for Scholar the knowledge that the book has.

While she was walking aimlessly to finding her book.

Robin see in the distance a white figure sitting in a stone chair.

She don't remember that there are stone chairs and tables here in the middle of the forest.

Whenever she go here to read her book, she only sit in fallen trees or woods.

So she was confused,how a cair and table appeared here.

And the most important is that the ghost holding her book as if he read it.

Robin confuse," Ghost can read?"

She gazed at Xin in distance, she doesn't know if she is going to come closer to just shout at him to get her book.


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