The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 239 - Buster Call fleet

In the distance the Vice-Admiral and Admirals see black object traveling fast, its to fast the only thing they heard was the whistle of the wind.



Another ship was hit by the incoming attack, just like the other ship, the ship had been hit crush into two.

Spandine hurry said," Hey Marine do something! the ship will be destroyed before we even see the enemy!"

Akaino command," All spread far to each others try to dodge the incoming attack!"

After hearing the command, all the battleship start to spread far to each other while some officer watching for the incoming attack.





They all see the attack of the enemy hit everywhere and because of the tactics that they use they minimize the damage that they get.

Meanwhile, up in the airship, all of the archeology see the tactics of the marine, so they come up with an absurd plan.

They will add more people to throwing platform and rain down attack to the marine.





The attack rain down to the enemy, while the Marien feels irritated because they still can't see their enemy.

Aokiji move," Ice Block: Partisan"

Aokiji creates several spears of ice by solidifying the cold air around him and then launches them at the incoming attack.

"BANG!" his attack hit the target

"Crash!" but his attack destroyed by the target


Another ship destroyed again, Akainu feels irritated right now he doesn't know who the perpetrator of this madness.

Akainu made his move," Ryusei Kazan"

Akainu points both fists into the air and fires a great number of magma fists upwards to intercept the incoming attack.


Because his attack is not solid and it was soft he somehow successfully intercept the incoming attack, but the thing that he did not help in their situation.

When the super fast robber ball hit to the lava he created, the lava exploded and the debris from it shower to their ship.


"The ship is on fire!!"


"Help!! The sea is boiling!"

Because of Akainu's magma, some ship catches on fire, while the survivor whos floating in the sea boiled alive.

"Ice Age!"

Aokiji use his ability to remove the fire and cool down the sea, he said," Sakazuki don't use your devil fruit ability here."

Spandine angry said," You are not helping! you almost kill us CP9 here!! Do you know what will happen if we die here?.

"The world government will strip your rank and throw you in Impale Down"

Akainu feels super annoyed right now, he knows that he should not use his ability but he was to irritate.

Aokiji said," It's better if we make two groups and move in different directions so that they can only focus their attack on one target"

All the officers acknowledge the order, the whole battalion of ship separate in two groups.

One group lead by Aokiji, while the other is Akainu.


Up in the air inside of the Airship, all of them see the marine new tactics, one of the canon operators shouts," Doctor marine split into two groups, what should we do?"

Clover said,"We can't attack both of the group because we only have 1 double barrel super long-range cannon"

"Just pick the most ship on the two groups then resume that attack"

The canon operator pick the most ship in the group and resume the attack.

They don't know that the group that they pick is the group that Aokiji leading.

Aokiji see the incoming of attack flying on them, he knows that they will be unfortunate this time, he started using his devil fruit to defend.

"Ice Wall"

He creates a thick ice wall in front of the warship, hoping that the ice can at least neutralize some force before it hit into their sh.i.p.s.

Meanwhile Akainu sailing at full speed, he can't wait to see who is the one have the guts to attack marine leet into the sea.


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