The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 26 - Mr Doodle

It was a Rooster! A talking Rooster Xin cant help to be amaze.

The rooster is color white he have corsair headgear , eye patch in left eye leather jacket that protect his body a customized brown boots and he have brown leather belt with cigar surround it.

He also has a Cutlass it was a short, broad sabre or slashing sword, with a straight or slightly curved blade sharpened on the cutting edge, and a hilt often featuring a solid cupped or basket-shaped guard and it was customized to.

He have mini handgun He also wore a long, thick, dark pelted fur coat it was bad a.s.s.

Seeing it Xin can't help but laughing "hahahaha"

The Rooster angry said "Kid do you want to die why are you laughing"

Xin "No this is my first time seeing a taking rooster wit that cool set of costume the only thing is that your to funny in that dress"

The butcher and crew suddenly noticed his costume and they laugh.

"Stop laughing do you know that this daddy of yours is vicious i already kill not hundreds maybe thousands but i can't remember the number i kill"

Flat Nose said"Let me gest you kill a whole colony of ants and termites hahahahaha'

The rooster proudly held his c.h.e.s.t up and said "Now you know how vicious i am every time i kill i never left anyone alive"

Butcher 1 "Yeh yeh"

Xin said, "Then mister rooster what are you doing here did they arrest you because you already kill so much?"

When the crew and butcher hear Xin reason they all go down and floor and start laughing hard even Jessica cant help but to smile"

The rooster appreciate how polite Xin "Kid you have a future come with this father of your and we will conquer this kitchen from now on you can call me Mr Doodle"


Ding! Quest Complete Rescue the Unknown Guardian

Ding ! You receive +500 exp Reiatsu Training Guide X1

Ding ! You receive Reiatsu Training Guide X1

Ding ! Quest Complete Heroic quests:Make your Own Famigliat

Ding ! You find Family Mascot "Mr Doodle the talking Rooster"

Ding ! You receive Family Emblem


Xin almost faint in what he heard

System "Congratulation Host for getting a talking Chicken"

Xin angry said "System why is my guardian is a chicken there are many animals and cool beast in this world but why chicken?"

System "No comment host,Find your own answer"

Xin almost vomit blood in angry he deep breath and talk to Jessica

"Sister Jessica i think i already see my friend"

Jessica smiled and said "I know,that's why you don't want to tell me whos is your friend now i know wait here first and i will find the other Chief if you can get your friend out of here.

Xin smile "Thank you"

Then Jessica left ... after half hour she back but his face look gloomy

Xin can help but to ask "Sister Jessica what happen?"

Jessica said"Xin there is a big problem you know that your friend here just eat the fruit that for the dessert and it will serve for the break time of the admiral."

"And we don't have much time almost 3 hours left after we serve that dessert for them and all chief vote that the rooster will going to become the main dish"

When Mr Doodle accentaly hear what Jessica said he was like an arrow flash and he arrive in Jessica feet.

And he began "No please no dont eat me i'm already old ...i have old mother waiting at home and i have 20 kids that i need to feed please don't eat me what happen if i die here my child will become pirates and avenge me who can be sure that they were not going to destroy this base"

When the crew hear it they cant help but to laugh

Jessica said,"I can't help you Mr … why did you eat the ingredient that we need"

Mr Doodle "I'm just hungry. that's why I eat it"

Jessica shakes his head "I really can't help you but if some one help you i can realise you"

Mr Doodle slamb in the floor weeping "If soem one can help me i will become his slave i will serve him with all my strength"

In Xin midn

Ding ! Congratulation you receive Sub-Quart:Help Mr Doodle in his misery

Sub-Quart:Help Mr Doodle in his misery

Help Mr Doodle in his life and death problem

Duration: 4 Hours

Fail:Mr Doodle will become Mr Roasted

Reward: 1,000 Exp,Revitalizing Kitchen Knife

Suddenly he heard Xin voice "I can help you!"

Mr Doodle suddenly stop crying with a flash he was in Xin feet hugging one of Xin legs"Kid are you sure can you help me i can become your pet or even your alarm close i can use my beautiful voice to wake up you early you dont know im professional in doing that ... in my village they call me The Alarm Clock"

Xin wave his hand and said "OK ok ok i will help you"

Jessica cant help but to ask "Xin kid can you cook?"

Xin smile and nod "Yes i know how to cook my grandma and friend said that my food is delicious"

Jessica "Ok i will try it go to kitchen and make a dessert I want to see if it is good enough if you pass my taste test i will give you that chicken"

Xin happy nod


In kitchen Xin took a 5 egg, sugar, sweet milk, condensed milk,lemon, cheese and oval metal container.

In a large metal container, place the sugar. Place it over low heat until sugar is melted and golden, he occasionally movie the container to avoid burning and to distribute the sugar evenly. Then he remove from heat and allow to harden.

In a bowl, beat cheese until smooth and add eggs one at a time.To make sure to beat mixture after each egg is added.

After that he add sweet milk and condensed milk and he mix it well. Once he thoroughly mixed he add some lemon skin to add some aroma and let mixture sit for a few minutes.

Then after a minute he remove the lemon skin and transfer the mixture in the metal container.

Xin cover the container with foil and place in a steamer with 1 inch water. Steam it for 375F for around 1 hour or until a toothpick inserted into the container comes out clean.

After an hour he transfer the fresh made custard pudding into a plate and serve to Jessica to taste.

Jessica amaze in what she sees"Xin you know how to cook and the way you move in the kitchen is like professional"

Xin smiled and said "No I just have some knowledge in cooking ...try it and tell me if it is good enough"

Jessica took a spoon and scup the freshly made custard pudding and eat it.

Jessica sandenly trap in world of milk and sugar, she fell that he was floating in the cloud and bathing in a rain of milk.She cant describe his feeling right now and she cant help to moam.

Then she suddenly snap out in reality

"Xin this dessert is super delicious i can say that the admiral that going to eat your food will be happy"

Xin only smile at him

"Oh sorry i forgot to ask the name of the dish"

Xin said"it's called custard pudding"

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