The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 300 - Fishman Pirates

Xin said," Well I can't tell the girls original unless they allowed it"

Nami stared at him and said," Then can you just tell me how you meet them?"

Xin smiled and nodded," Sure why not …"

Then Xin tells how he meets all the girls, from Stella to Chaos, but of course, he omits some details about his other world adventure and the real race of the Angeloids.

He doesn't want to endanger Nami and her family if something happens in the future, while talking to each other Nami realizes that Xin is really annoying as she expected.

She is just like a simple kid that likes to make friends and family members that wants to protect his precious family.

Xin suddenly said," You can take out the bread now, if not you will going to burn it again"

Nami did forget the time and almost burned her bread again, thank goodness the Xin reminded her.

When she took out the bread a fresh bread smell burst out from the oven, while the bread was golden brown and did not burn any side of it.

She then placed it on the kitchen table and grabbed the breadknife to cut.

After she cut it she gave Xin a slight and waited for him to judge her creation.

Xin takes a small bite and chews it carefully, he looks like an expert while eating, he then stares at Nami.

Nami gaze back at Xin nervous waiting for his verdict.

Xin said," This is ….."

Nami," THis is?"

Xin gulp and stare at Nami attentively, while face where already fail she feels that she will be going to fail again.

Xin smiled and said," This is perfect enough so don't get nervous"

Nami felt relieved when she heard Xin's verdict, she then got angry and said," If it was good enough, why not tell me straight away and why do you need to hang the verdict and make me nervous!"

Xin smile brightly and reach Nami's cheek and he pinch her, he shows his white teeth and said," Well, i just want to see you if you're going to cry~"

He released Nami and ran fast outside, leaving Nami furiously kicking her legs in frustration.

While the girls outside heard the angry voice of Nami, all of them stared at each other and just smiled.

They already know that the two of them like to bicker to each other every day, it was already normal to see them fighting while Xin is running while taunting Nami.


Meanwhile, Xin goes to a cliff that can see the whole sea. He always goes there to check if Arlong Pirate has already arrived.

He already doing this start last weak to prevent something bad happen,

For the whole week, he only sees some merchant sh.i.p.s and new pirates passing the island, but sometimes pirates come here to loot but before the pirates embark on the island, Xin already intercept and rob them.

That's why the whole island is still safe while still bustling with tourists and merchants.

He is thinking why Arlong is still not coming, he already anticipates that they will come within this weak base on the quest duration.

Suddenly he noticed a ship from far, Xin stared at the ship flag and saw the saw-nosed shark turned to the left with the tail curving inward. Around the shark is a semi-oval with three curves emitting from it. Behind the shark is a cross bone.

Xin smile," Finally they arrive, i thought that they will never come"

Xin ran on a deserted beach and took out a signal flare and shot it in the sky.



A bright red shot straight from the sky, Stella and the girls see the signal from the shop and look to each other.

They know that their master see his target come to this island, Stella walk to the customer and said," Sorry for inconvenient but we will close the shop for meantime"

"What happened to Big Beauty Stella?"

Stella politely smile and said," There is some emergency so we need to close the store for the meantime, please cooperate"

The customer confuses what happens they ask the first but they only say that there is some problem that needs to be resolved somewhere that's why they need to close the shop for the meantime.


Meanwhile, in the port the people see a big pirate ship coming to the Island, some fisherman said that they see Fishman pirates inside of the ship.

A huge mess happens in the port, the people are running everywhere while merchants and tourists start to escape using their ship.

Genzu the sheriff of the island starts to warn the people of the island to hide and get ready for the incoming pirates.

Genzo knows that these pirates are not normal pirates that they can fend off easily, they are Fishman pirates that know their inborn strength.

He takes some men to meet the incoming pirates, they want to try to ask them to let the people go exchange for their money.

When they all assemble in the port they notice a bright signal flare in the opposite beach, while the pirate ship turns and goes to that beach.

The island folks where confuse on what happens, Genzo said," Maybe someone use a signal flare to distract the pirates"

"That's why the ship turn and go to that place"

Meanwhile, Xin is waving the signal flare to the incoming pirates, and he uses special bait for them to turn around and focus on him.

He places a huge stack of gold and treasure c.h.e.s.t in the beach while he is exactly standing at the top of it while happy waving at them.


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