The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 336 - Celestial Being

"... master …..wake up….."

Xin," Hmmm ….zZzZZz.."

"Wake up ...… master ...."

Xin sleepy open his eyes and see Melan who is staring at his face closely, he looks around and see that the girls are already awake.

Xin yawn and said," Melan, you don't need to copy Ikarus when wake me up ~"

Melan who sitting at the top of Xin slowly nodded, she removed herself in front of Xin and stood beside him.

Seeing Xin is already awake, Koneko whos holding Koroka in cat form walk to him and said," Good morning nya ~"

Xin patted her head and said," Good morning too you to"

Xin feels happy that Koneko is starting to open her heart to them, but still, she need time to trust others.

Shuri, who is already awake, walk to Xin while Akeno follows her, she takes a chair and sit in front of Xin.

She asked," Xin is your name right?"

Xin nodded," That's right, I'm Xin Fei a professional robber"

Akeno who heard how he introduce himself giggle, she said," I already heard a lot of work from mother but i never heard a professional robber"

Shuri smile and said," Thank you for what your heal last night, if you did not help us maybe I'm dead now"

Akeno bow said," Thank you Xin-kun"

Xin smile and said," Don't mention it, I don't like seeing someone getting bully so i help you"

Akeno said," So you are not only a professional robber, you are a righteous one too?"

Shuri smiled and said," Then can I ask you something about Xin-kun?"

"Sure Shuri-oneesan," Xin said.

She asked," Can you tell me what happened to me? When i awake while ago i notice that something change from my body"

"Did you do something from me while I'm sleeping?"

Xin embarrassed said," Well, i help you last night because you are already dying"

"And because you use your life force, i can't heal you in a normal way or even giving you a potion"

Shuri asks," Then what did you do?"

Xin said," Well i use something to you to help you recover"

Shuri asks," And that is?"

"Twelve Constellation Keys, Aries Crystal Key"

Xin then explains what these keys are and the benefit of them, after whole new hours of explanation at them all the girls understand what he did.

Koneko said," It's same as Devil Piece's of the High-Class Devil in the underworld, nya ~"

Koroka in her cat form nodded, after all she became peerage of House of Naberius.

Shuri asks," Then I reincarnate into a devil?"

Xin shook his head," No, you did not become devil, but a celestial being"

Akeno said," Like angels in heaven?"

Xin thought," Well I'm still don't know what celestial being is, but you are not a devil or angel"

"If i can categorize you as demi-god races"

All of them were shocked, they did not expect Xin to say that, they know that god is the omnipotent of this world like the Great Mao.

Xin smile at them and said," You become a demi-god, but not strong as them, after all, you only become one last night"

"Besides the change in your body, you can now use the power of stars"

Shuri asks," Then what will happen to me afterward?"

Xin uses Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes to check her ability.

Racial Ability:

Cosmos Embodiment

Use: Automatically absorb star power and energy in the night. Strengthen the body and the overall status of the host.

Star Energy

Use: Can freely use start energy stored inside of the body

Strength: E+ > D-

Agility: E- > E+

Endurance: C+ > B-

Intelligent: A+

Luck: A+

Xin said," Well, based on the racial skill you have, you will become full-fledged god in the future"

"Because of the change of your body, even you do nothing and sleep at night, you still become powerful in future"

Shuri did not expect that she would not become demi-god, her body also strengthens her without knowing.

She asked," Is my body going to change again?"

Xin said," Maybe …. Not ….. I think this is the last physical change on you"

Shuri feels relief somehow, even Xin somehow uncertain, she somehow can still retain her face.

Xin add," And you will not going to age, but you will become younger too"

Shuri said," Then in future, if I walk in the city with Akeno, other will mistake us for as sister ow twins?"

Xin nodded," Well you are right but don't bother about that thing, maybe in future, you can master your power and develop skill and ability for your own use"

Shuri nodded, and then she opened her palm and then wool scarf materials in front of them.

She asks," Than what about this?"

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