The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 353 - Xin the huge problem

When the girls arrive at Xin's house they see Xin whos cooking in the kitchen while wearing an apron.

All the grist though,' How handsome'

Koneko walk to Xin and asks," Is there any fish or sweets? Xin"

Xin smile gently and patted her head," Of course we have, wait a few moments and i'm going to finish this one"

Koneko dazed again but this time she snapped out fast, she blushed while watching Xin to cook.

Rias who sit in the dining room while watching Xin cooking feel that Xin is perfect husband material.

Handsome, young with a caring appearance and know how to cook, she even want to be pampered by him.

Sona who tries not to look at Xin but it's not effective she tells her mind not to look but her body and eyes are already gazing at Xin.

Thank goodness that only Tsubaki comes with him if not she will be embarrassed in front of her peerage.

Rias who was still fl.u.s.tered asked," So what happens Xin?"

Xin reply while continuing cooking," My anger explode and just like that I become like this"

Melan walked to Xin and whispered," Master…. Asia-san said that she needed to go back... "

Xin nodded, he knew that she was still going to pick the church even if that thing happened.

Sona asks," Then why are we so affected by your presence in Xin?"

"Well because of my unique traits, I can attract….. well you know…. " Xin embarrassment said that he is literally a walking bomb for girls.

Sona and Rias nodded, they now know what happen to them, this form of Xin is a lethal weapon for the woman.

"But don't worry, I will get back to my original body later, but the thing I don't know is how many hours or days I'm going to stay as this' ' Xin said.

Xin then finished cooking, he invited them to eat with them, of course, the girls did not reject his offer.

After eating, the girls suddenly discover a good trait of Xin and that is being a good cook and mindful of what they want.

After a generous dinner, Melan and Akeno washing the plates, while Xin sitting in front of Rias and Sona,

Koneko who is like a spoiled cat curled in his l.a.p sleeping, Xin can even feel that she is constantly sniffing his clothes.

Xin sip the tea and ask," So what do you want to ask, you can ask me now. I will try to answer your question truthfully"

Rias looks at Xin and Koneko, she feels envious somehow, Sona adjusts her glass and asks," Then can you tell me who you are?"

Xin smiled and said," Im Xin, a human and I can do lots of things"

Sona blushed and said" That's all?"

Xin thought, and said," I'm a famous robber too"

Sona helpless sigh, she doesn't know how she is going to ask this man in front of her, even though he looks mature he is still a kid inside.

Rias asks," Then can you tell us how powerful you are?"

Xin look at her and said," I can't, let's just say that i'm in the same level of Koneko ~"

Both lips of Sona and Rias curl up, they thought,' Liar, who the hell same level as Koneko, base on his power they can say that he already near in Mao Level'

Sona asks," What is your motive in applying in our school?"

"To learn and to spend time while enjoying staying in this town ~" Xin answered.

"Then, can you tell us why you got angry this time? Is it the corpse in that house?" Sona asks.

Xin stare at them and said," Well that is the part that angers me, as you can see i don't like seeing someone dying or die because i can't contain my emotion inside"

"Much more like that, dying because of some petty reason, as I said before i'm a robber, I rob for fun, but I still killing is my bottom line, I never kill anyone but I still beat them"

Rias asks," And what is the book you used as a secret gear?"

"No" Xin shook his head," That book is a treasure but its value is like secret gear"

"I have a secret gear but it useless for you guys, so you don't need to ask what kind of secret gear I have"

Sona asks," Can you tell us the ability of that book?"

"Well…. It not that powerful, that book can only restore, imprison and store soul of dying people or person"

"Anyone who store or imprisons inside of my book will never reincarnate or summon using anyway"

"Meaning, if you ever store in my book you will only stay in my book until the book destroy or I release you"

Sona and Rias both shocked, they did not expect that the book Xin was holding was too powerful, even though the book was only used for imprisoning, it was still powerful.

Rias hurriedly asks," Is there any limitation on imprisoning someone inside of that book?"

Xin looked at her and said,"…. Secret"

Ris and Sona feel intrigued, but seeing that Xin is dead set not saying anything at them, they just stop and let him be.

Rias helplessly asks," So what are you going to do tomorrow? As I can see you can't attend class for the meantime?"

Xin thought," I think I will take the perverted dragon and train him until I back in my form"

Sona and Rias nod, they feel that Xin need to stay in his house in the meantime to avoid more problems.

After all his presence is already a huge problem for them, if he ever goes outside, a huge problem will occur again.

Sona excuses herself and go back to school with her peerage, while Rias, Akeno and Koneko choose to stay at Xin's house.

Xin accepts them after all the house is big enough and there's a lot of vacant room for them.

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