The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 414 - Finish Item and a Surprise

"You can call your peerages so that i can explain to you guys how to use these items," Xin said.

"O-Okay, Tsubaki, Saji call all of them here fast," Sona hurry said.

"Okay Prez," Saji and Tsubaki said, then ran to call the others.

Rias looked at the box and asked," So what is this?"

Sona sit beside Xin and siad," Artificial Sacred Gear"

"What!" They were all shocked to see a bunch of Artificial Sacred Gear in front of them, based on the length and size of the box they knew that Xin made it in a different form.

"So that's why you keep fighting Xin even you lose," Rias now understands why Sona keeps persisting with Xin.

She actually asks for an Artificial Sacred Gear and she cries last time because she failed to win against him and she thought that it's too late to ask Xin to make him for her peerages.

After a few minutes, Sona peerage arrives and they all stand up behind Sona.

"You guys finally here, Sona-nee ask me to make Artificial Sacred Gear for you guys and here it is" Xin then opens one small box and they see a black book with a gold vine pattern on its edge.

There's also a cyan color magic circle in the middle of it, he passes it to Reya.

Reya Kusaka is a slim girl with long brown hair that ends in two short braids and matching eyes. She also wears a blue headband.

"This book is called 'Universal Magician Magic book' it contains a bunch of magic inside, it ranges into an attack spell, protection spell, healing spell and buff spell"

Reya opens the book excitedly, she sees a bunch of magic scrolls that are used as the book page, and just like Xin said they are all random.

"And take note you cant pick spell inside of it but you can review what inside of it to familiarize on what ability of it"

Reya asks," Xin-kun, how does this thing work?"

"Simple you need to transfer your demonic power in that book," Xin said, Reya tried to transfer her demonic power and then the book started to float on its own while shining with cyan color.

"That's the Initial Form: Book of Hundred Spell, and you need to wait for 3 seconds and then a random spell will come"

And just like Xin said a piece of the page came out from the book it floats in front of Reya, she looked at it and said," It written heal?"

"If you want to use the spell you only need to tear it and focus your attention to the person that you want to use the spell"

Reya now understands how to use it but there is something bothering him," Xin-kun what will happen if i use all the spells inside of it?"

"Don't worry, all the page inside of that book regenerate back after one hour after you use it, you can also see the guide that i put inside of the box"

Reya then takes the box and starts reading the small note that Xin left inside.

Xin then opens another box, it's a palm-size box that contains a jade color ring if you look closer to the ring inscription with a magic circle and runes.

Xin pass it to Momo, Momo is a young beautiful girl with white hair and blue-green eyes

"This ring called 'Puzzle Ring Shield' and just what its name this is thing can make energy shield around you"

Momo injects her demonic power and then a 6 jade color energy shield appears around him.

"That is the Initial Form: Energy Shield Form, as the ring name the shield around you is a big piece of a puzzle, you can make anything using this"

Momo tries to control it, he combines and makes a large shield in front of him, then she controls it to cover her whole body, to fly straight to her friend, and so on.

All of them now understand why this ring name is like that.

"You can read the guide in the box if you want to know the other property of that Artificial Sacred Gear ~," Xin said.

Momo politely bow and sweetly said," Thank you Xin-kun"

Xin then open the long box and they see a white color katana inside, he passes it to Tomoe.

Tomoe is a beautiful girl with shoulder-length, reddish-brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair features swept bangs and a single strand of hair sticking out from the top.

"This weapon is called ''Sealing Sword for Murderous Beings' and just like its name this sword can seal any type of energy"

Tomoe tries to pull it but she can't use all her power but in the end she can't open it. She helplessly looks at Xin as if begging to teach her to use it.

Xin smiled at her and said," Now try to open it"

Tomoe tries to pull it again and this time she successfully pulls it, they can see a beautiful wave pattern in the blade of the katana and the rune engrave in the body of the blade.

Tomoe asked," Why can't I pull it in the Xin-kun?"

Xin smiled and said," Simple, that sword can only pull in a certain condition, and that is if there someone or anyone has bad intention to you or to your friend"

"And you can see this sword is too powerful so adding this kind of condition can restrain you in using this"

Tomoe now understands the meaning behind the name of the katana, she takes the guide and starts to read it.

Xin then lastly opened the large box and they saw an oversize Knuckle and Shield, it was color light brown with gold color as the high light it also has a gem same as the boos gear while the shield is large enough to cover half of the user body.

Xin passes it to Tsubasa, Tsubasa is a tall girl with blue, shoulder-length hair and matching eyes. She has the basic appearance of a tomboy and has a bishounen face.

"This sacred gear is called ''Purified Yggdrasil Knuckle and Shield' it's made from the hardest metal that you can find in all realms and combine with world tree bark."

Tsubasa tries it and sees that the item is not actually heavy and not only that it's well made she can't feel any restriction while using it.

When she try to punch Saji, Xin hurry stop him," Don't use it recklessly, a normal punch of this can heavy injure Saji so you need to be careful"

Saji was scared silly when he heard that he was almost heavily injured by Tsubasa, Xin passs the guidance that he specially made for him.

He know that accident may happen if this girl do something reckless things

Sona stands and politely bow to Xin," Thank you very much Xin-kun in accepting my request even i still did not complete your condition"

"Well don't worry about it, you still need to win against me if you want to pay me for this Artificial Sacred Gear" Xin said.

"Don't worry, I will find you the next day to challenge you," Sona said.

Xin enclose them using 4 layers of barrier and then takes out his Sacred Gear, all of them confused why he takes out his sacred gear, then Xin opens it on a certain page and takes out something from it.

It was a gold color oversize Cross Spear with an oversize spearhead and an ocean blue color gem in the middle of it.

"Here, this is for you," He passed it to Sona, who was unable to speak because of surprise.

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