The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 42 - Hellish Training Begins

After that incident Vice Admiral Crane talk to Xin about relationship,love,married.

He learned so much that he suddenly feel embarrassed in what he do,so he talks both Hian and Ain they agree that if Xin mature enough and can carry responsibility he will married both of them

As Momousagi she was still scheming on how make Xin promise to marry her.


In the next day Xin wakeup by the noise of Mr,Doodle,then he started his daily routine he do 100 pushups,100 sit-ups and 100 squats after that he makes breakfast for people in the house and prepare lunch box for his friends.After taking breakfast he ran 10km before going to school he did not forget to add Reiatsu to his daily training.

He adds pressure in his body to maximize his training even normal 10km run make him tired.

While he was learning in history class he use this time to rest his tired body,after that he run in training field to meet Zephyr.

Seeing Xin is early Zephyr can't help but appreciate his discipline.

Zephyr said,"The training i will give to you is simple you will carry the weight that you usually use and run 50 l.a.p.s in the training field while you are running i will throw a piece of rock from time to time your mission is simple"

He smile evil at him and said,"You just need to avoid the things that i will throw understand?"

Xin nod but he can't help but ask,"Teacher, what's the use of avoiding rock that you will throw?"

Zephyr smile at him,"It help you train your natural instinct,help you to improve your flexibility and agility while sharpen your mind"

Xin amaze,"In simple throwing ti can help me in all of that aspect?"

Zephyr patient explain to him,"It's not that simple when I throw rock on you you need first to think fast then you will use your natural agility and flexibility when you avoid after you get use in avoiding my throw you will natural hone your instinct,by this type of training not only you will use your mind and body you need to sense your surroundings understand?"

Xin nod

Then he waved a Xin,"Go get some training weights and start running i will not going to remind you if i'm going to start throwing things ok!"

Xin shout,"Yes teacher"

Then he ran and get weights.

Xin with 1 ton of weight start running he was not running fast because he needs to be vigilant in incoming attack then he hears a sound.




And he got hit in his head because continue training every part of his body is tough,but still it hurts a lot Xin cant help to touch the lump on his head.


Xin thought,'It was part of the training"

So he starts running again when he hears a sound his first reaction is to cover his head.



And he was wrong the stone hit his ribs.


He can't help but to deeply inhale then he stare his teacher,he suddenly face became pale when he see that his teacher is grinding while giving gesture "Run for your Life"

Seeing this Xin start running fast



Hearing the incoming rock he speedup


The rock hit the field and explode to piece he touch he was safe but …


He was hit in the head again he suddenly thought,"My teacher is cunning he knows that i will speedup that's why he threw two stone and is the dicot and other is waiting for me to advance"

He was still thinking we he heard another sound in the air.




This time it he can hear three in coming projectile

Xin grip the weights in his back and speed up


And a rock smash in the field,after that Xin jump to try if he can avoid it



And he almost hit in the ribs again when he was about to celebrate he sees an incoming rock he wants to dodge but he forgot he was in mid air so…..


He was hit by it

Xin can only grit his teeth and keep running while he was running Zephyr keping throwing rocks at him sometimes he can dodge 1st or 2nd projectile but he can't dodge the 3rd and 4th so he was constantly be hit.

Smoker and Drake whos running with weight can't help but to shock in type of Xin training,they thought that there training is already intense but seeing Xin training method they feel that what they are doing is like a child play.

While Hina and Ain seeing Xin jumping,rolling in the field they cant help but too proud to there future husband.After that they determine that they need much effort in there own training.

After 3 hours of training Zephyr said,"You can stop now thats enough"

Xin very tired but still standing his sweat is pouring like rain in his body his jacket is waterproof so its not wet but it was full of dirt because he continued rolling on the ground and being hit.

Zephyr smile and said,"This is the first day of your training we will do this until you dodge all the thing i will throw you can rest because you have a special trainer coming to train you"

Hina and Ain already finish their training so they want to help Xin but

Xin smile and said,"Don't worry about me i'm fine after a little rest"

Ain worry look at him and said,"But your face is full of black mark and there lots of lump in the head.

Hina nod

Xin patient explain to them,"Do you know that reiatsu can help heal fast and beside i have fast natural healing ability it will heal in a couple of minutes.

Ain and Hina nod

Xin know that they are just concerned about him so he understands their feelings.

Xin walk and wave at them,"Let's go and eat i know that both of you are already hungry so i make some refreshment and pastry today.

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