The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 441 - Preparation for Rating Game

After the girls eat they all find Xin who is just making something new again in the backyard, he is making a device that looks like a punching machine.

"Oh? You guys are here, let me explain your weapon first so that you will have knowledge about what you are currently holding," Xin said while finishing the tuneup of his new machine.

"Here can you tell me the use of this," Xenovia passed the silver buckler in her hand.

Xin uses 'Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes' to check the item.

Titan's Buckler ( Exclusive item for Cancer Crystal Key Holder )

A small shield made from the carapace of Celestial Crabs that live in the deep sea of the ocean realm, this crab is said to have some blood of Titans from ancient times, they are all super strong and super durable.

This small shield can change into a large shield to defend or an oversized mechanical knuckle


Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Defense

Titan's Grip ( Knuckle Mode )

Bulwark ( Shield Mode )


Xin then starts to explain to her the use of the buckler, this buckler is good for offense and defense, the giant shield mode can use exclusive skill 'Bulwark' ability to reduce 80% of damage from any kind of attack.

While the knuckle mode has the ability to use 'Titan's Grip' ability to use any kind of melee weapon type as a one-hand weapon, meaning she can wield any two-hand weapon as one hand weapon without any problem.

Xenovia is happy knowing that she can defend now using the new weapon that she has, not only that she can now easily wield Durandal using a single hand, the only thing she is thinking right now is that she doesn't know how to use two big swords at the same time.

Next is Ravel, who got a red longbow from her celestial key.

Star Chaser Bow ( Exclusive item for Sagittarius Crystal Key Holder )

Forge from the actual star nucleus from a distant planet, it has the power to make any kind of arrow based on what kind of ability the user has, ability to enhance all user capabilities to the maximum capacity of the user body.


Energy Enhanced

Elemental Change

Enhanced Senses

Guided Arrow


After seeing the ability of the bow, Xin then starts to explain how to use the bow, 'Star Chaser Bow' is easy to use even if you don't know how to use it.

The first thing is that the bow can easily hit anyone because of the 'Guided Arrow' ability, so even if you don't have any skill using it you will still hit the enemy.

And even if you shot arrow continuously the energy consumption is small so you can frenzy fire it anywhere if you have a bunch of enemies ahead, and lastly is the 'Elemental Change' just the ability name, the user can change the property of your arrow.

"What is the use of 'Elemental Change'?" Ravel asks.

"Simple, you have fire ability that can burn an enemy, that means the property of your fire arrow is burn damage, but what if you can't burn your enemy? Then you can use the 'Elemental Change' to change the property of your arrow"

"Change to Ice Arrow to slow your enemy, or Wind Arrow so that they can't reach the arrow or water arrow for the enemy fire element," Xin said while showing a different kind of arrow at them.

"This 'Element Change' is a versatile ability, and you are the only one who can decide the right arrow that you are going to use." Xin then passes the bow back to Ravel so that she can study it to herself.

Next item is Rossweisse's piece of hair ornament.

Thunder Horn ' Hair Ornament' ( Exclusive item for Taurus Crystal Key Holder )

Made from legendary metal Space Thunder Stone from the world of thunder and lighting, it has the ability to make user freely use thunder and lightning as her/his arsenal


Enhanced Casting Time

Enhanced Energy

Enhanced Magic Power

Thunder and Lighting Manipulation

Thunder and Lighting Property Change

Xin tells all the ability of the hair clip, he did not explain how to use it because Rossweisse is pretty smart to know that this piece of ornament is to overpower.

The most overpower ability of this is the 'Thunder and Lighting Property Change' a single ability that can change the thunder and lighting that the user can use to any kind of thunder and lightning in the world.

For example Baraqiel Holy Lightning, Black Thunder, Gods Thunder, and so on.

The last item that Xin checks is Asia's 'Book of Maiden', an oversized book that constantly floats around him. Only Xin and Asia can hold it while other books avoid anyone who tries to touch it.

Book of Maiden ( Exclusive item for Virgo Crystal Key Holder )

A mysterious book from the god of love Freya, it was made from 1,000 pieces of love letters that imbed the wish and love of the writer on it.


Enhanced Energy

Enhanced Magic

Spell Collector

Spell Amplify

Power of Love

Looking at the description Xin feel that he never see the real world, he did not expect that this book is made from a thousand love letters.

Except for description, this book is a piece of an overpowered item just from 'Spell Collector' the ability to store any kind of spell and 'Power of Love' a super support type ability.

This ability has simple use and that is to enhance the effect of your assist type ability to that person to 500%, meaning if Asia uses a small healing spell to Xin, the effect of the healing spell is 5x the effect of the actual healing spell.

But the requirement of 'Power of Love' is too strict, Asia need to write the name of the person that she dearly in the book and the 'Book of Maiden' will rate how much you love that person.

"Why not try it," Xin asks, he start to get extremely curious about this item.

Asia nodded, then she wrote all of Xin and her friend. The result is all of them can get a 2x assist amplifier.

While Xin's name is slightly different, Xin's name is shining in pink color and has a bunch of descriptions below his name that Asia only can read.

Xin gazed into it and happily said," Hahahaha I broke the record i have 50x assist amplified!!"

The girls all gaze at Asia with a teasing look, while Asia is trying to hide her face while the book tries to cover her.

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