The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 514 - Individual Training

"Here take this, it will help you to strengthen your body and to prevent getting hurt," Xin passed a black training uniform to them.

The girls take it and slowly walk to the changing room that Xin made for them, after a few minutes, the girls go back slower this time.

"What kind of training uniform is this Xin? It's so heavy," Momousagi asked.

"The training uniform is heavy of course, not only that it will help you, girls, to prevent having excess muscle"

"The training is hard of course you will expect to gain more muscle but i realized that having more muscle in a girls body is not looks good that's why i made this kind of uniform"

"This uniform will help you to enhance every fiber of your body without having excess muscle, you a still develop a good proportion body with immense strength without just a lean and perfect body"

"Your good Xin, Hina is happy," Hina said. Even though Hina is a muscle head, she is still scared of having excess muscle in her body. Those who are in the right mind want to have a body full of muscle.

"Ok you guys start your training, i add a timer so you can track your training time," Xin said.

The girls then start to walk to their own respective areas.


Ain, look at the gigantic metal ball that is swinging slowly, she is still standing at the edge of the training Area and she is starting to have a big problem.

She can't walk in the middle, her body is too heavy, she is sure that metal ball swinging will hit her if she tries to walk inside.

"Try to use what you learn, the training starts when you step inside of that area," Xin's voice rang far.

Ain nervous gulp and slowly walk inside, she first looks around and after the iron ball passes her she bravely steps inside.

She then sees a metal ball about to hit her so she hurries to use Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist to parry it.

She slowly raises her smooth like flowing water and touches the metal ball then she uses the force coming from her feet and slightly pushes it out of the way.

Then she steps again and see two balls coming this time, just like what she did from the first ball, she use a smooth and fluid motion to push the metal ball in opposite direction

She did it until she finally arrived in the middle, but there's a huge problem, she uses too much stamina just walking in the middle.

And now she is having a problem because the metal ball is coming in a different direction at a different speed.


"Water Stream Encampment"

Ain uses a breathing technique that allows her to remove all his subconscious restrictions, this technique is not easy to use because it will cause her more stamina but she doesn't have any choice.

She needs to do this even if her stamina depletes at a fast rate.

Ain then waves her hand, as if she is forming a circle domain, every time a metal ball contacts that invincible domain Ain uses Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist to parry or to push.

Seh occasionally smashes the metal ball but she can't still destroy it, Xin special made the metaball harder to prevent Rain from destroying it.


In Hina's area, she grabs a bunch of weight bracers and puts them in her hands and feet then starts to run in place. She dont know why, even though she uses all her strength to run out from her place, she is still in the same place.

As if the floor is moving with her at the same time, even if she rolls, dodges to the left or does a zigzag run, she is still in the same place.

Of course a bunch of projectiles are flying everywhere, Hina doesn't know if Xin made deliberate it because she needs to dodge 2 to 3 projectiles continuously.

Not only that, she actually discovers that the projectile hurt a lot if you got hit, Hido expects that she will get a bunch of bruises all over her body after this training.

"Hina, did you forget your Devil Fruit Ability?" Xin shouted.

Hina thought that Xin was right, why did she forget to use her devil fruit ability to armor herself, but after a few minutes, she became depressed again.

She discovers another problem, her stamina consumes faster while using Devil Fruit and doing intense training, if she continues this she will fail to finish her training program.

At the end after thinking Hina decides to grind her teeth and accept her fate, the fate of being hit until the very end of training hour.


Momousagi is also having a big problem, The Arm Pulling Machine is too hard to use, she can only pull 5 to 7 inch before the rubber band stops her arm from advancing.

She dont know why she accepts this kind of perverted training, not only does she need to resist the gravity training, she also needs to use her arm strength to do a stab continuously.

"Use your full strength when you stab, don't stop, continue to do it," Xin advises.

Momousagi nodded and threw a bunch of stabs, but all of it did not even hit the target, even her arms did not even fully stretch because of the rubber band.

But she discovered something, her stab is getting closer and closer to the target, but well, she still can't hit the target because the range that she needs to take is an arm's length.

And not only that, her arm is already shaking because of the excess use of strength.

"Why not try to use the strength of your h.i.p.s and feet, try to channel all your strength from below to your arms?" Xin said.

Momousagi nodded, she then stepped back and exhaled, then she stepped forward, squeezed her feet to hold firmly in the ground, twist her h.i.p.s to the muscle on her back and stab using all her strength.

Momousagi's face suddenly becomes bright seeing that she fully stretches her arms, even if she misses the target she is still happy, she now knows how to do this properly.


As for Stella, Xin doesn't need to give advice to her, she is well trained by Garp, she knows how to dodge and use misdirection when attacking the enemy.

But it's not easy to hit a fast-moving object that Xin made, hitting it is impossible for her for now, but for the future we don't know, but Xin is confident that Stella will eventually hit it.

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