The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 545 - Kizaru's Weakness

"Ama no Murakumo"

Kizaru forms a long, very sharp sword out of light and solidifies it, and said," Boy….. get ready because i'm going to take you seriously now,"

"Come!," Xin excitedly said.

Kizaru starts to materialize to light elements and appear beside Xin.

Seeing the light sword coming at him horizontally, Xin tries to grab it but Kizaru suddenly stops, Xin bow and a beam of light passes over his head.

Xin grips his hand tightly and punches Kizaru in his c.h.e.s.t while Kizaru tries to materialize to dodge, Xin's fist passes true to his body.

"Ohh….. your reflex is superb too," Kizaru appeared behind Xin while trying to Kick Xin behind.

Xin hurriedly rolled in front to dodge Kizaru's super light kick.


Xin rolls to the left side to dodge but another beam of light flies straight to him, he raises his hand and catches it using his b.a.r.e hand.

"Your Armament is really troublesome, the same as your speed, you can actually catch my light beam," Kizaru said.

"Not really," Xin said.

"But I think we can make this more interesting, what do you think of Admiral Kizaru?"

"What kind of interesting thing are you talking about?" Kizaru asked.

I, who am the wielder of Chaos,

i'm the Heavenly Child who preserves the principles of Justice

I despise at the despair, and I give hope to everyone

I shall become the reincarnation of Chaos

And I shall bring you away from depths of your misery

Xin creates a Chaotic ball and Reiatsu in his hand and pushes it inside of his body.

"Heavenly Chaotic Armament"

Black aura starts to come out from Xin's body, his hair changes into black and his armament Haki disappear from his feet and arms.

"Let's start~," Xin said.

"Speed Clones"

Xin creates 15 clones just using his intense speed, all of them look alike while standing in front of Kizaru.

"Let see how fast you really are," Xin

Kizaru look at the clone he created, he can detect who is real and who's fake, but the problem is he feel that every single one of these clones is real.


Kizaru chooses to attack all of them at the same time, he shoots multiple light beams on each Xin's clone.

15 clones suddenly move, each one of the clones grab the incoming light beam and crush it using their hand.

Kizaru feels troubled, this kid is like a magician, there's a bunch of tricks in his hand that no one knows, every time he moves makes everyone awe.

Kizaru then felt someone holding his shoulder.

"You daydreaming Admiral," Xin who appeared behind him said.

"You can hold me but what can you do?" Kizaru asked.

Xin grinned at him, then kicked his back, throwing him straight to his clones.

"Naive, you can catch me I can easily escape," Kizaru said while starting to materialize.

"Got you ~" 2 clones of Xin grabs Kizaru who is about to escape.

The two clones throw punches in Kizaru's slides, another Clone appear, and kick Kizaru up in the air where two more clones are waiting for him.

Seeing the two clones waiting for him, Kiazru gathers a light beam in both arms and tries to take them down but another clone appears beside him and grabs his hand.

The other two smash Kizaru straight to the ground while 4 more clones give multiple kicks around his body.

Kizaru who is about to transform into light feels that someone grabs him again, he angry look and sees 6 clones are now grabbing him.

He tries to transform into a light but he fails as if something cancels his ability.

"Got you again, Admiral Kizaru, do you know your weakness?"

"Your Pika Pika no Mi is powerful but there's a big weakness of it"

"First is that you can only travel straight when you use your devil fruit to attack and escape, it's easy to get when i watch you closely"

"Second is it takes time to transform into a light, it so slow that i still have time to catch you before you complete transforming into a light"

"And lastly is, your attack is pretty normal, you don't know martial art or even swordsmanship even you can create a light sword, so grabbing you like this can make your devil fruit stop working"

"You're right, doing this can stop half of my ability but not my ability to make light beams," Kizaru said.

"Do you forget, your beam is pretty useless against me? Holding you down here can make you easily target?"

Kizaru suddenly realizes that he is right if his light beam is useless while his escape method is already sealed, what can he do now?

"Ara, ara~ in trouble right now, I did not expect that I would need to use Rokushiki that I hated to train in the past," Kizaru helplessly sighs.

But it's too late, he did not train Rokushiki and relied upon his devil fruit until now, if not this kid shows his biggest flaw he still did not know that his ability is pretty weak.

Kizaru thought,' I didn't expect that I'm going to join Aokiji and Akainu training Rokushiki again,'

Last time he laugh at both of them when they training Rokushiki he thought that they both stupid to train again but know, he feel embarrassed about his behavior.

"Okay kid, I lose, can you let me go now," Kizaru said.

Xin clone starts to disappear and politely said," Thank you for your time Admiral,"

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