The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 71 - Chop-Chop Fruit

When the pirates saw this scene, they were dumped their deputy captain knockout with the same attack.

"Together, we can take him down!" Cabaji finally opened his mouth and said to remaining crew: "Otherwise, we will all be punished when Captain Buggy comes out!".

After a minute all them are knockout with large bump in the head.

Inside of the captain room Buggy heard a loud noise so he went out to see what happens.

He was shocked that all of his crew is unconscious with a large bump in the head,Buggy see that kid that he just attack with his buggy ball.

Buggy said,"Kid what did you do to my pirate crew?"

Xin happy said,"Your the captain of this pirate right?"

Buggy nod."Yes"

Xin continued,"The Red nose Pirate,Buggy the clown?"

Buggy proudly said,"That right kid you know that this one is a famous pirate captain"

Xin said,"Then you have a lot of treasure?"

Buggy puzzle said,"Ye we have a lot of treasure here we just finish rob a town and merchant ship"

Xin smile,"Good"

Then Xin shout,""Robbery! Men on the left, women on the right! We only look for valuables and not your lives! Better wisen up!"

Buggy stun in what he heard this is the first time he heard a rubbery like this and he even rob a pirate.

After listening to him, Buggy narrowed his eyes in disbelief: "You… you dare to rob the great Captain Buggy!?"

Xin shook his head and said, "I can't see what's great about your big red nose"

Buggy angry and said: "Don't call me red nose!"

Buggy pulled out many daggers from his waist. These daggers were sandwiched between his fingers. Buggy crossed his hands in front of his c.h.e.s.t and looked at Xin angry and said,"If that's the case, then you will stay here. I'll hang you up and let you taste another special Buggy shell!"

Buggy rushed toward Xin with his knives.

He smash Buggy with his staff, and staff in his hands crossed Buggy's waist.

Buggy's body suddenly split into two halves and slammed into the ground.

After Buggy's body split into two sections,Xin poke Buggy with his staff and said, "Don't pretend to be dead, I know you're fine!"

Buggy surprise and half of his body float in mid-air, "How do you know that?"

Xin laughed and said,"Chop-Chop Fruit Right?"

Buggy thought about it, laughed awkwardly

Xin said,"Let's end this"

Then he raised his staff and smack Buggy's head.


Buggy knock out cold.

Seeing that Buggy forgot that his upper body still not disconnected he got a bright idea.

Xin take a sword then chop Buggy's body then he take othere part of buggy in to a large sack and combine the body to become small buggy captain seeing his work of art Xin feel pride,in past he only see this when Buggy defeated by Luffy.

Then Xin tie small buggy like dumpling then tie them like fish bait in his staff.

For the other part of Buggy body Xin take the anchor and tie it with the sack.

After he was done he slap all buggy pirate to awake them.

After a while all of them awake they see that they captain is tie on the end of Xin staff like a fish bait.

Mohji nervous said,"Kid what are you doing to captain Buggy do you want to die?"

Cabaji face pale,"Do you want to become mortal enemy of the Buggy pirate?"

Xin laugh at them then he lower his staff in the water and drop the bait (small buggy) in to the sea.

Suddenly small buggy awake,"Help!Help! I'm drowning!"

Then Xin take him out of the water.

Xin stare at Buggy and smile,"Great Captain Buggy you're awake you almost drown there"

Buggy angry said,"Kid what did you do to me?! Where's the other part of my body?!"

Xin lift the large sack tied in anchor and said,"It's here"

Buggy nervous said,"Kid what are you doing with that?"

Xin smiled and said,"Its robbery time!"

Xin shout,""Robbery! Men on the left, women on the right! We only look for valuables and not your lives! Better wisen up!"

The buggy crew dumpleded in what they heard robber rob a pirate this is hilarious if other heard this,But seeing Xin is serious they know that this is not a joke.

Buggy move like a caterpillar that was about to go out in his cocoon but the rope is to tight.

Buggy angry said,"Kid you can kill me but you can't crush my pride as a pirate"

Xin smile at him and grab the sack contain part of Buggy body.

Buggy sudden feel nervous,"Kid!' What are you doing"

While his crew trembling with fear.



Xin throw it into the water.

Xin then said,"Now can i start my work?"

Buggy ugly smile,"Kid even you do that you cant still crush my pride"

Xin then smile at her then stare his crew,Seeing this Buggy and his crew gulp there saliva in fear.

Xin throw a bucket of blood into the water then slowly drop Buggy into the water.

Then he smiled at Buggy crew,"Is anyone who want to be next to your captain?"

All of them shake their head.

Then Xin smile at them and said,"Robbery! Men on the left, animal on the right! I'm only looking for valuables and not your lives! Better wisen up or i will make all of you a fish bait!"

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