The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 73 - The Red Eye! White Hair! Robber!

After half an hour Xin get all valuable items in Buggy pirate,He did not kill any of them and he released Buggy he only plan is to scare them then rob them.

Seeing the 4 box of treasure c.h.e.s.t the he get in Buggy pirate he feel that robbing pirate is a good job.


Ding ! You Complete Sub-Quest:Treasure Hunting

Ding ! You receive +100,000 exp

Ding ! You receive random ingredient Blue Blood Corn (Buru Buraddo Kon) 1x

Ding ! You Complete Sub-Quest:Loan

Ding ! You receive +100,000 Exp

Ding ! You receive Official receipt

Ding ! You level up!

Ding ! You level up!

Ding! You already level 23



Race:Human 42%/God 58%


Exp: 005000/150000

Blue Blood Corn (Buru Buraddo Kon)

Giant breed of rare corn that was eaten by Gourmet Nobility as a snack long ago, hence the reason for its name "Blue Blood". According to Jiro it is one of the few rare Gourmet World ingredients to be grown successfully in the Human World.


Capture Level:32

Height:1m (up to 50m)

Weight:2 tons

Cooking Procedure:

When cooking the corn for popcorn, the kernel must be roasted to a very high temperature. If the timing is off by even one second, the kernel burns and the taste is ruined. Cooking the kernel is a very meticulous and delicate task and takes a day and a half to fully prepare.

If popped, there is enough popcorn for a hundred people. The popcorn itself is quite large, more like cotton candy size than actual popcorn, with a fragrant odor of roasted croquettes.


The consistency is smooth and easily travels down the throat. It is so delicious that most people swallow unconsciously upon putting it into their mouths. It is delicious enough to satisfy a beast originating from Gourmet World. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about BB corn is its incredible appetite-stimulating effect; rather than getting full, eating it causes people to feel even hungrier which gives the effect of making other foods even tastier. It is primarily because of this appetite-increasing effect


Seeing the reward of system give him Xin feel happy because in the one piece world you can only eat good meat and vegetables are scarce.

Xin get the BB Corn out of his inventory,when he grabbed it he fell that the ship sink because of the weight of the giant corn.

He stared at the giant corn he know that this is a good piece of ingredients but he only know to cook popcorn for this and if he wants to get a colonel he need to work hard because it was not easy to get it.

Then he place it back on his inventory he feel elated he cant help to find more pirate to rob and get random ingredients from system.

After 2 weeks a legend Born in East Blue the first of them is "The Strongest Man Training Method" and the other is the "The Red Eye White Hair Robber"

The Strongest Man Training Method this story spread in whole east blue,the story contain how a normal man get stronger within 3 years,some say that it was only a fantasy story and some say that they see one train for two month and become strong.

And the other is the infamous "Red Eye White Hair Robber" it say that this robber only rob pirate he never kill anyone in a pirate group but if the pirate group try to fight he knockout them with his long stick,if a pirate heard a catchphrase like this"Robbery! Men on the left, women on the right! I only look for valuables and not your lives! Better wisen up!"

They know that the "The Red Eye White Hair Robber" is near and they need to surrender all their treasure.

After two weak Xin almost rob all the pirate in East Blue he acc.u.mulate large batch of ingredient,gold and experience.



Race:Human 42%/God 58%


Exp: 0046500/1500000


Treasure Box 40x

Gold Bar 80x

Beli 10,000,000

Revitalizing Kitchen Knife 1x

Dimensional Gate Card 1x

Flying Nimbus X1

Asauchi (Shallow Hit) 6x

Shuriken 2x

Blue Blood Corn (Buru Buraddo Kon) 4x

Mist Shitake Mushrooms 1 sack

Enamel Cabbage 1 sack

Motor Onion 1 sack

Dodurian Bomb 1 pcs

Meat Tree 1x

Chocolatomato 1 sack

Cherringo 1 sack

Calorie Banana 12 pcs

Ham and Eggrass Plant 1x

Golden Rice 5 sack

Mellow Cola 10 bottle

Oasis Melon 4 pcs

Doham Spring Sake 4 pot

King Vinegar 3 pot

Puffer Whale 5 pcs

Regal Mammoth 10kg


After two weeks Xin landed in Sabaody Archipelago it was a fun and trilling adventure but he need to prepare to the next quest that he need to do


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