The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 818 - Reality

"I see, so you can only see something that happens on that time you're there," Aizen said.

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing, I just remove something that stops the wound from coming out."

Gin looks at his injuries, he then realizes," So I'm not really healed, you use your Zanpakuto ability to let me believe that I'm already healed."

"That's right, your past battle injures is covered by my Kyōka Suigetsu,"

"The special ability of Kyōka Suigetsu is Kanzen Saimin 'Complete Hypnosis'. It controls the five senses to the point where it can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, feel, and smell to be an enemy's. The initiation condition for the hypnosis is for the enemy to see Kyōka Suigetsu at the exact moment it is released. After seeing it just once, this person will completely succ.u.mb to the hypnosis every time it is released, regardless of how long ago they saw it, as the Visored remain affected even after 110 years."

"And the wounds acc.u.mulated within the years work on me already enough to kill you Gin."

Gun cough blood, he knows that he is not lying, the wound in his body right now is really enough to kill him, a 100+ years worth of wound and some illness surely is deadly.

Tama look at him and said," Your body is full of the wound, beside that huge cut wound, you have 29 broken bones, your two legs are twisted beyond recognition, your internal organ is crush like a biscuit, and the huge hole in your left stock also made your condition worst -desu."

"H-How did you know?"

"I see it, my eyes can see everything, not like master unique eyes, my eyes can see everything, there's a darkness inside of you so I can clearly see what is inside of you."

( Darkness means that some gap inside of his body lies lungs, stomach, esophagus, even inside of the bone fracture, Tama can see it clearly. ]

"Let me help you first," Tama leaned down and stabbed Gin in a different part of his body, Hin bewildered he thought that she was going to end his miserable life but to his surprise, he suddenly felt nothing.

"Done, I perform 99 stab, and 30 slices to remove all your injury, I also remove your internal organs," Tma said.

"Wait I forgot to remove the wound in your c.h.e.s.t," Tama then slash down her dagger and then, a miracle happens, the large cut in his wound disappears like magic.

"W-What did you do?"

"Save you, I will remove all the things that will make your life harder, I will ask Pochi later to give back all of it because I can't give it back after I remove it."

Gin checks his body, and just like what she said, his internal organ is missing, but for some reason, his body is working normally as if that internal organ is just normal hair.

"You said that you can remove color, then that means you can erase even a living being?"

"No, I can't do that, Soul isn't categorized as Color, so i can't remove a living being, but not the thing that sticks to a Soul like legs, blood, ears, and another part, i can't kill them but i can remove something from them."

"What about Zanpakuto, is that also categorized as SOul?"

"Yes, they are, but the sword you use is just a container of the spirit, so even if I remove it that does not mean that the soul inside is already dead."

Gin then looked at Pochi," What about her? You said she can bring what you take from me back."

"Pochi is different, her ability is fundamentally different than me, it's not creation but restoration,"


"Look what will happen to your friend, i think it's time for Pochi to move."

Gin then looks at Pochi and Tosan, it seems that Tosen overpowers Pochi by using sound waves but the girl looks fine except for standing while doing nothing.

"Are you done?" Pochi asked.

"Yes I'm done, and i did not expect you to be so foolish letting me repeatedly attack you."

"Don't worry, your attack is too weak."

"Then take this last attack."

"Los Nueve Aspectos"

Tōsen draws lime-green circles in the air with his claws, causing a massive burst of sound-based, concussive force to reverberate out with crushing power.


Like a bomb that detonates, the sound wave acc.u.mulates inside of Pochi suddenly explode inside out crushing every cell of Pochi

Her body starts to tremble, cracks start to appear in her white flawless skin, while golden blood starts to sip out from it.

"Kekekekeke!! You foolish thing, you can win but you actually hold back, now die with your foolishness."

"I'm also done," Pochi then commands.


The sun then shines brightly to where Pochi is standing, the crack and the vibration inside of her suddenly disappear while her body starts to restore in its original condition.

She then points at Tosen.


"W-What are you doing!" Tosen started to get nervous, he felt that something was starting to vanish inside of his body.

Slowly, his body starts to melt like butter, he tries to run but it's useless, the sunray is much faster than him and the thing inside of him is already melted to nothing.

Tosen slums in the gouda, looking at his original body, his hands, feet, even the Zampakuto in the ground return to normal.

He looked at Pochi and an angry shout." What did you do to me!"

"Can't you see? The shine is brighter when using what original is yours -nanodesu." Pochi said.

Tosen taken back to what she said, she look at her and see the bright sun on the sky, the clear blue sky, and snap out realise something.

".... So... i'm not blind at all.... The thing covering my eyes is not my own disability, but my own self…."

Pochi smiled happily," Restoration Complete"

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