"Lin Jin, look at what you've done, you actually called a flawed, unpotential wolf beast a top-grade beast pet, and deceived people to sign a blood contract. You still have a little bit of professional ethics and honor as a beast appraiser. Do you feel it? Either you are bad, you do it on purpose, or you are stupid, your skills are not good, you can't see it, I really don't know how you got admitted to an official beast appraiser."

Inside the room, a man with a moustache was reprimanding the person in front of him who was lying on the table. The former's voice was loud and spit flying, while the latter was silent, lying on his stomach.

"At first glance, I knew that I didn't know where to go to steal chickens and dogs last night. Let me tell you that the customer has already complained to me. According to the rules, I will deduct your salary for this month. In addition, for your evaluation, I will It will also be reported to the association truthfully, and what to do next, you can decide for yourself."

After speaking, the mustache was full of anger, waved his sleeves, and strode away.

The group of apprentice animal appraisers who were watching the lively outside hurriedly dispersed, until the mustache was gone, and a few people discussed in a low voice.

"President Wang Ji is really angry this time, and I blame Lin Jin for not being able to live up to his expectations..."

"Shh, keep your voice down, he is an official beast appraiser after all, you are guilty of what you said."

"Che, a worthless trash, I would be afraid of him? He'd better be disqualified, so that we can have a chance to rise."

"Even if you're in the top position, it's not your turn..."

As an official beast appraiser of the beast appraiser branch in Hongye City, Lin Jin is indeed very miserable right now. It is said that this lounge is the most remote, not even a window, and even the place where the apprentice beast appraisers stay. Not as good. Not only was his salary deducted, but he was also exhausted. In the past few days, Lin Jin has been working overtime, sorting out pet books, and taking care of the dozens of pet pets in the branch's animal pen. He has never even slept.

At this time, a trainee beast appraiser walked over cautiously.

"Master Lin Jian, will... The president told you to leave immediately and go to Changping Town to Jian Beast!"

The apprentice animal appraiser who spoke was a very shy girl who seemed to be sixteen or seventeen years old. Even though Lin Jin was being targeted by the president very badly, he was still the official beast appraiser of the Hongye City Beast Appraiser Association. One, definitely don't dare to neglect.

Seeing that Lin Jin didn't respond, the girl dared to shake a few times, and finally, Lin Jin, who was almost dead, raised his head staggeringly.

"Where is this?"

Lin Jin narrowed his eyes and asked in a daze.

He only remembered that he drank before and fell asleep when he got home. He felt that he had slept for a while before being woken up by someone.

Everything in front of him is very unfamiliar.

This is not his bedroom, there is no computer, there is no old-fashioned electric fan hanging on the ceiling that he is familiar with, it is just a rather dark room, and there is a pretty girl in ancient costume standing in front.

"Master Lin Jian?" Zhao Ying called again: "This time I went to the countryside to Jian Beast, the president said, let me go with you, and the president also said that if we want to leave as soon as possible, we must arrive before dark Changping Town, otherwise, will... be punished for dereliction of duty."

Zhao Ying was actually reluctant to do this errand, but as a trainee animal appraiser who just came to the association, she had no choice. She had to do whatever the above arranged.

Now everyone knows that the beast master Lin Jinjian is "out of breath", everyone is afraid to avoid it, and if he gets it, he will definitely be unlucky, but she can't do it, she is relatively shy, and she has no foundation at all. This kind of unfortunate thing will end It's no surprise to her.

The 'Teacher Lin' on the opposite side still looked like he had just woken up with dementia.

"Mr. Lin? Teacher Lin!"

In the last sentence, Zhao Ying's voice raised an octave, and only then did she call back the wandering Lin Jin.

He saw Lin Jin's expression of stunned expression, first in shock, then in thought, and finally with a wry smile.

"You go outside and wait for a while, I'll be right there."

After Lin Jin gave an order, Zhao Ying hesitated for a while, then walked out with her head down.

At this moment, Lin Jin was left alone in the room.

"I didn't expect that I would encounter such an exciting thing through time travel." Lin Jin had a wonderful expression and muttered to himself. After a drink, he actually drank this world, which really surprised him.

Just now, he suddenly received a lot of memories of the original owner, and he knew a lot of things before he knew his current situation.

"Others have traveled through, and there are many adventures. It's not a famous teacher, a high-level apprentice, or a son of an aristocratic family. The worst, there is also an old grandfather who points out the country in the ring. I don't seem to have anything."

Through memory, Lin Jin knew how unlucky his predecessor was. He was targeted and suppressed by his immediate superiors and lived a poor life. He also helped people identify animal pets a few days ago, and recommended a wolf beast with hidden diseases and flaws to a person for consultation. As a guest, it turned out to be a slap in the face. You must know that in this world, almost everyone will sign a blood contract for beast pets, and most people can only have one beast pet in their lifetime, so if there is a problem with this beast, it will be The 'irreversible' consequences may ruin a person's future. It is also because the pressure of this incident is too great, coupled with the deliberate targeting of the boss, this predecessor did not rest for several days in a row, and his mental strength was haggard, so he died suddenly.

Therefore, I have the opportunity to cross over.

Lin Jin touched his body and tried it, but it seemed that he couldn't put it back on.

"That's it!"

As the saying goes, let’s take it easy, or think about how to solve the current predicament, and it’s business to think about it.

The place where he is is the Beast Appraiser Branch of Hongye City. There is a branch president who is in charge of all affairs, that is, the mustache man who reprimanded him before, called Wang Ji. Below the branch president, there are two resident official beast appraisers, and he is one of them.

In addition to the president and the two official beast appraisers, there are many apprentice appraisers here, just like the little girl Zhao Ying who is waiting outside.

It can be said that there are distinct levels from top to bottom.

At this moment, Lin Jin seemed to kick something under his feet. Looking down, it was a young wolf beast with gray fur with some red lines, but because it was too thin, it looked no different from a local dog.

Lin Jin knew that this was his 'beast pet', Xiao Huo.

At this moment, this wolf beast, which is similar to the earth dog, is lying under the table. It may have been hungry for several days. Not only is it skinny, but it also looks like it will die at any time.

Lin Jin shook his head, mixed into such a miserable appearance, his predecessor is no longer there, but the wolf beast type of beast itself only eats meat and has a large appetite, so it is not easy to feed, to put it bluntly, there is no certain family background. , will eat you into a pauper in a few days. In his predecessor, he was so hungry that his heart was close to his back, let alone beast pets. It was normal to be hungry like this.

In this world, beast pets are the standard for everyone, and some even choose beast pets from children, sign a blood contract, and practice together. The kind of beast pets that grow up with their owners, the fit is higher, and in the future will be stronger.

Blood pact pets can be used in all aspects in this world, some are good at fighting, some are good at guarding, and some have strong endurance, suitable for transporting goods, some can fly, and some can travel to sea, river and lake...

"Little Fire!" Lin Jin shouted, the little wolf beast under his feet seemed to move, just as Lin Jin thought the other party would get up, the guy just twisted his body and continued to sleep soundly.

"Depend on!"

Lin Jin scolded him, it's okay for others to look down on him, but his own animal pet dared to treat him like this.

At the same time, Lin Jin only felt as if a thunderstorm exploded in his mind, crackling, and in an instant, the mind was filled with brilliance, and the light group surging, Lin Jin seemed to hear the roar of all beasts in a trance. It is deafening, and it seems to have insects and birds singing, which is exciting.

The light flashed in his mind, the clouds drifted away, and a white jade hall appeared. In front of the hall stood a stone tablet with the five characters of 'Beast Museum' written on it.

In addition to being surprised, Lin Jin turned his thoughts and entered the hall. He saw that the place was vast and deep, with layers of halo, near bright and far dark, and then the space changed. In the blink of an eye, a showcase appeared in front of Lin Jin. Inside was a specimen of a wolf beast, which looked exactly like Xiao Huo. On the stone tablet next to it, Engraved with dense text.

"First-order beast pet: Xiaohuo; fire wolf beast; juvenile body; blood contract owner: Lin Jin!"

"Hunger state."

"Attribute: Fire; Potential value 1, Potential value is too low, there is room for increase, there are thirty-six ways to increase Potential Value, respectively..."

"Status: Serious wounds, three hidden wounds, respectively...; Twelve treatment methods, respectively..."


Lin Jin was stunned. First, it was this beast museum. He didn't know where it came from, but there was such detailed information about Xiaohuo. Second, he was a pet, too 'garbage', not only flawed, It's scary that the potential value is still low, and it's a sick child. I don't understand how this guy has survived until now.

After studying for a while, Lin Jin was only shocked.

The Beast Museum thoroughly analyzes Xiaohuo, and even the bloodline of the other party can be seen by wolf parents and wolf mothers. In this world where beast pets are respected, it has a great effect, one can imagine.

Lin Jin was excited.

He has the memory of his predecessor, and he naturally knows how useful this beast museum is. It seems that he came across this time, not empty-handed, but also with some good things.

With this beast museum, are you afraid that you won't be able to make a name for yourself in this world where beast pets are respected?

Thinking of the joy, Lin Jin laughed, but outsiders looked at him like crazy.

"As a formal beast appraiser, you are already mixed up like this, and you can still laugh, Lin Jin, Lin Jin, you are really willing to fall."

At this time, a voice with contempt and disdain pulled Lin Jin's thoughts out of the Beast Museum.

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