What kind of disciple-level ranking first, pretending to be forced and pretending, do you really think that you are stupid?

Obviously, Yang Jie was in the cultivator association, and no one dared to talk to him like this. When others saw him, who was not honest and respectful, and now Yang Jie was stunned in person.

Then, his face sank after reacting, and he raised his hand and swept it.

A gust of wind is coming.

This is to fly Lin Jinfan aside.

Lin Jin felt the pressure. He was obviously inferior to Yang Jie in terms of the types of techniques. After all, one was a professional beast appraiser, and the other was the number one disciple in the cultivator association.

Therefore, Lin Jin could only resist this hurricane.

Fortunately, although the wind pressure was fierce, he resisted it.

Seeing this, Yang Jie over there, without saying a word, stepped forward with a finger, Lin Jin had no choice but to use his aura finger.

This is one of the few attacking techniques that Lin Jin has mastered.

The two fingers face each other, and the spiritual energy collides.

Yang Jie is condescending, and his own strength is also more than that of Lin Jin. This finger is powerful enough to cause injury.

In fact, Lin Jin was already injured in this collision.

After all, the other party is the first in the disciple level of the cultivator association, and he is also the kind of unquestionable number one. Lin Jin is not afraid of beast pets, but he is far from the main body confrontation.

If it wasn't for the moment of injury, Lin Jin used his coiled needle to push Yang Jie back, and he would have lost this time.

In the same way, Yang Jie is very powerful, but he also immediately hit the Pansi Needle, which is the main attack in Shanglin Jinxunmai True Art.

This made Yang Jie extremely terrified.

He has always been domineering in the cultivator association, and he always said that when he met other disciples on the road, others must give way to him, which also made him develop the habit of domineering.

As a result, they met Lin Jin today. Both of them were violent. They didn't agree with each other and acted directly.

Lin Jin pressed his arm sore and numb and surging blood, and continued to step up.

Man, be tough when it's time to be tough.

Anyway, today is a fight with you, if you don't accept it, you will fight again.

Over there, Yang Jie was also gritting his teeth, and he didn't mean to let go. In fact, he was also panicking. After all, he didn't know what was going on, and half of his arms were unconscious. .

When the next one goes up, the other goes down, they are about to collide.

But just when they were about to touch each other, the two of them turned sideways with a 'tacit understanding', just sticking to each other and passing by.

Obviously, both of them are 'hard support'. In fact, no one wants to do anything. In other words, they are tough on the outside and panic on the inside, and they each give in a step.

No one looked back, Lin Jin stepped up, Yang Jie stepped down quickly.

Yang Jie walked to the second floor, his body swayed, and he almost stumbled. He found that not only half of his arm, but even his right leg was a little numb.

What the hell is this way?

Let alone the surprise in his heart. At that time, he only felt pain in the armpit, as if being stabbed by something.

Reached out and touched it, but found nothing.

Naturally, he didn't know that Lin Jin's coiling needle had already been withdrawn when he stabbed him. The coiling needle could do whatever he wanted, and most importantly, it was too treacherous and unpredictable.

As he walked out of the Hanging Stone Pagoda, Yang Jie was already sweating on his forehead.

When the passing disciples saw Yang Jie, they all saluted and moved away, otherwise they would be disturbed.

It took half an hour for Yang Jie to step away again, but he was already extremely jealous of the man just now. After thinking about going back, he must check, when did such a fierce person appear in the cultivator association.

Lin Jin on the third floor was not feeling well either. The other party's Reiki fingering level was far higher than his. After all, Lin Jin used Reiki Fingers before, and he was mostly used to diagnose animals, and he had almost no actual combat experience.

This time today, Lin Jin understood the reason why he would be beaten if he fell behind, and in order to win the number one disciple in the future, he had to cross the mountain of Yang Jie.

After taking a Qi Gathering Pill and taking acupuncture to treat the injury at the same time, Lin Jin was thinking about one thing in his heart.

Previously, the coiling needle was only used to detect beasts. This time, it was really used in actual combat.

At that time, on the day of the big competition, I will have to rely on this door to have a chance of winning.

As for whether it will be said to be a hidden weapon, this Lin doesn't care.

The means of monks, including hidden weapon techniques. Don't be afraid of being seen.

After recovering for a while, Lin Jin was already fine.

Today's confrontation with Yang Jie was also unexpected, and it was an accidental feud.

But the end was over, Lin Jin didn't plan to make friends with the other party, not to mention that after half a month, the disciple competition was going to be a competition after all. No matter how he looked at this Yang Jie, he was his main competitor.

After recovering well, Lin Jin continued to test his aura.

In the testing room on the third floor, there are three groups of thirty-six spiritual hanging stones in total. Lin Jin went in and performed the hanging stone technique. In an instant, twenty-nine spiritual hanging stones floated up.

This is already Lin Jin's current limit.

Lin tried his best to float another one, but in the end he gave up and couldn't do it.

The amount of twenty-nine stone spiritual energy was already quite terrifying, and Lin Jin himself was quite satisfied, which was five stone more than Lu Yunhe.

Moreover, there is still a few days before the Disciple Competition, and Lin Jin still has time to improve.

Looking at the time, Lin Jin decided to go back to the Veterinary Appraisal Association to first complete the identification, diagnosis and treatment of the registered animal pets. According to his current speed, thirty-five numbers a day, if you are serious, you can solve all the problems in less than half a day. .

Back in the hall, Lin Jin saw an additional plaque and asked what was going on?

Zhao Ying stepped forward and said, "Someone sent it early in the morning, and there is a letter."

Lin Jin took a look and understood.

It was sent by Chen Wenlin.

The other party really didn't intend to give up like this, but why did you go earlier?

Lin Jin didn't take it seriously. As for the plaque, since it has been sent, I will leave it. However, if you want to shake Lin Jin's opinion of the Chen family, don't even think about it.

Start the normal identification of veterinary animals.

Numbers began to be released outside, and people came one after another.

In the current animal appraiser association, Lin Jin's account source is undoubtedly the most in demand, and many people come early in the morning, just to grab Lin Jin's account.

Lin Jin doesn't rely entirely on the Beast Museum for animal identification and diagnosis. There are so many useful animal identification codes in the museum, and he also wants to learn and practice.

After all, the Beast Museum is mysterious, and maybe at some point in the future, it will also be very sudden.

Lin Jin knew the principle of being prepared. In case there was no animal museum in the future, he could also rely on his own ability to identify and diagnose animals.

However, all the pets that come here must be entered into the museum.

As soon as Lin Jin saw the beasts, it was easy to be silent, not knowing the passage of time, and among the beast pets that came today, several of them were rare beasts.

Just after Lin Jin identified a rare beast and entered it into the museum, the next moment, the bell in the museum rang loudly, shaking the world.

Lin Jin was stunned for a moment, and only after looking at it, he realized that the rare beasts that he had entered in the Beast Museum had reached the number of fifty at some point.

In this way, a cultivation technique falls.

Take a closer look, it really is the second chapter of the Beast Qi Refining Art.

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