Lin Jin's acupuncture technique can be regarded as unfathomable, and none of the people present could clearly see how Lin Jin performed acupuncture.

Zhao Ying, Lu Xiaoyun, and Han Dong stuck their heads and stared, not wanting to miss a little detail.

At this time, Lu Yunhe couldn't help but praise: "Brother Lin's acupuncture technique is really mysterious and has the style of a master."

Lin Jin concentrated on acupuncture.

Obviously, neither Zhao Ying nor Lu Yunhe could see the mystery of their own pulse-seeking acupuncture.

Lu Ba, the lion, is a rare beast with hidden bloodline. Right now, Lin Jin intends to use acupuncture, medicinal pills, and spiritual seals to activate Lu Ba's hidden bloodline, and use the power of his bloodline awakening to attack the enemy. order.

This is also an advanced method in the Beast Museum.

Of course, any advanced method is not 100% successful, more or less, there is a certain chance of failure.

After half an hour.

A tyrannical aura erupted from Lu Ba's body, and there was a cyclone flowing around him, and he already had an advanced appearance.

Lu Yunhe took a few steps forward excitedly. He was holding a teacup in his hand, and because he was nervous, he squeezed it with a crackle.

It is absolutely rare for this beast pet to advance to the third rank. After all, as far as Hongye City is concerned, the third rank beast pet is too few, and only a few masters have it.

At this moment, Lin Ji frowned.

Lu Ba activated his bloodline, and his aura increased sharply. According to normal circumstances, he should be able to reach the advanced stage, and then cross that barrier in one fell swoop and break through to the third order.

But now, Lu Ba's aura actually showed signs of weakening.

"Is it the limit?"

Lin Jin could see the problem. Lu Ba has hidden bloodline, but his hidden bloodline is too rare. Even if he activates the power of bloodline, it is very difficult to advance.

Even with the help of Lin Jin, the success rate was increased to 80%.

But there is still a 20% chance of failure.

Now, Lu Ba was unlucky, and happened to meet the situation of 20%.

Its advancement obviously cannot continue.

The momentum has weakened. Even though Lu Ba has worked hard, he is still a little weak. Lu Yunhe could also see clearly that through the power of the blood pact, he could feel Lu Ba's unwillingness and efforts.

"Broken!" Lu Yunhe turned around anxiously at this moment.

If you can’t get in at the door, it will be even more difficult to advance next time. This is a consensus. To advance a beast pet is to go against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Once you fail, you will fail in the future. The possibility of it will increase exponentially, and some people even say that if the beast pet fails to advance once, it will not succeed in the future.

These are all living cases. Many beast pets have fallen into decline after failing to advance, and they have no chance to die.

One can imagine how anxious Lu Yunhe is now.

With a click, the teacup in his hand had been crushed unconsciously.

Lu Xiaoyun saw her brother's emotions and stepped forward and said, "The advancement is not over yet."

Lu Yunhe was taken aback.

Lu Ba is already powerless, is there still a chance?

Once this momentum is exhausted, it is almost impossible to regain strength. Lu Yunhe has seen too many real cases in the cultivator association. Many brothers and sisters have failed at the critical moment of animal pet advancement. As a result, There is just no way to advance.

"Master Lin, he must have a way." Lu Xiaoyun firmly believed.

Lu Yunhe glanced at Lin Jin, and sure enough, Lin Jin didn't give up because Lu Ba's momentum weakened, and even from Lin Jin's face, there was no trace of failure or frustration.

"I'm too impatient." Lu Yunhe took a deep breath, this time he stabilized his mind and did not show other emotions.

Over there, Lu Ba's aura began to decline sharply, and he was about to fail.

"It looks like it's hard for you to advance just by hiding your bloodline." Lin Jin was still in a hurry. In the advance method of the Beast Museum, there are remedies for failure.

So of course he wasn't in a hurry.

With a flick of his finger, a silver needle flew over, pierced Lu Ba's flesh and entered the meridian.

This is the coil needle.

Lin Jin is now quite proficient in the use of coiling needles. This coiling needle is not only useful for identifying animal pets, attacking and killing powerful enemies, but also helping to clear the meridians.

This needle went straight down the Lu Ba meridian and traveled to the heart.

Pulse-seeking acupuncture is divided into outer acupuncture and inner acupuncture. In most cases, the outer acupuncture method is used, and this method is also used by many people at present. , is in the inner needle method.

The five internal organs of the heart and lungs are the largest 'orifice points'.

It's just that Lin Jin didn't know enough about the pulse-seeking acupuncture technique before, nor was his proficiency level, so he never used the inner acupuncture technique.

Today, Lu Ba encountered a bottleneck in his advancement. He was afraid that he would not be able to make a breakthrough on his own, so Lin Jin could only use the inner needle method to help him.

Under Lin Jin's control, the coil needle directly pierced a point in Lu Ba's heart.

In an instant, Lu Ba let out a roar.

Except for Xiao Huo who was immersed in the second chapter of the Fierce Beast Qi Refining Art, the beast pets present were all shocked.

Da Huang jumped down from the roof and looked curiously at Lu Ba, whose momentum was soaring again. Shadow Wolf also looked out from the animal pen. As for Zhao Ying, Lu Xiaoyun and Han Dong's pets, they all showed awe and a little restless. .

After using the internal acupuncture method, Lin Jin was afraid that he would not be safe, and also passed on the contents of the first chapter of Lu Ba's few beasts' Qi-refining tactics, which were all instant beast pet training formulas.

At this moment, Lu Ba's spiritual wisdom opened wide, and he bent down like a small fire, and the aura that was originally exuded began to shrink, absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy.

Ka Ka Ka!

Lu Ba's skin and flesh began to fall off, and the strong wind was like a knife, constantly cutting his own flesh and bones. Seeing this scene, Lu Yunhe was so nervous that he forgot to breathe.

The chopped flesh began to melt, and new flesh immediately grew. During this process, Lu Ba's body soared.

It's not a big circle, it's a lot bigger.

In fact, almost all of Lin Jin's yard was occupied by Lu Ba.

If it looks up and is higher than the roof, it is just a lion's paw, the size of a grinding disc.

Beast pet, the second-order uses the spiritual power of attributes, and the third-order can change the size and size.

Lu Ba's body has skyrocketed, which has already explained the problem.

"It's really advanced!" Lu Yunhe was so excited that he couldn't help himself, the hairs all over his body stood up, his fists were clenched, and his whole body was trembling. It seemed that only in this way could he suppress his urge to shout.

You know, not long ago, he thought that this time advancement would fail, and even began to accept the result.

But now, happiness comes too suddenly.

The third-order Lu Ba is also extremely ferocious, and his body type is full of oppression, but just when Lu Ba felt the incomparably powerful strength, he was overjoyed, and when he was about to make a loud roar, a low roar beside him made it fall into an ice cave. .

Xiaohuo, who had been silent all this time, opened his eyes and let out a low growl at Lu Ba.

Obviously, Lu Ba advanced, stirred the spiritual energy of the five elements around him, and disturbed Xiaohuo's second chapter of the Beast's Qi Refining Art, which made him very unhappy.

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