The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 116 Forging the pulse hurts (two more)

Just taking a breath and exhaling, Lin Jin immediately felt the effect, and it would be no exaggeration to say that it was immediate. Let's not talk about whether this method of breathing can improve the blood contract level. After breathing, it is very powerful to be calm, stable, eyesight, and brain-conscious. It is also good to practice more on weekdays.

This breathing method also has a name, it is called 'Taiyi Dao Zhenren Breathing Method', and the name alone is very powerful.

Lin Jin was very curious as to where the Beast Museum got these things, but the origin of such a thing as a museum is extremely mysterious. Right now, Lin Jin can't find the answer.

Breathe out three times, and the surrounding aura has been thoroughly stirred.

People's perception ability is a little weak, and they don't notice it, but the beast pets in this room are all disturbed at this time and look around.

Xiaohuo was lying beside Lin Jin, just looked up and continued to doze off.

After cultivating the second chapter of the Beast Refining Qi Art, Xiaohuo was a little drowsy, and whenever he had a chance, he would lie down and doze off.

Lin Jin felt that he was inhaling spiritual energy and exhaling turbid air. He was encouraged to continue to breathe.

This is looting.

Moreover, in order to improve efficiency, Lin Jin also used the pulse-seeking acupuncture technique to puncture several acupoints in himself to increase the power of breathing.

Ten breaths.

In just ten breaths, the spiritual energy in the entire Lingshu Pavilion was 'devoured' by Lin Jin.

Out of spirit.

Nowadays, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is already thin, and there are many here. In other places, I am afraid that there is not even a tenth of it here.

Lin could feel that swallowing the spirit was ineffective.

It is still compared to fishing. The big fish and small fish in this area have been scooped up. No matter how good this swallowing method is, there is no fish to catch.

Lin Jin was helpless and stopped.

The method of swallowing and breathing is very powerful. Perhaps in the ancient times, it was a great cultivation method of immortals, but now, this method has no effect.

The spiritual energy is thin, and the spiritual energy of the entire Reiki Pavilion is not enough for him to breathe ten times, and there is no outside, so it is not a wise choice at this stage to rely on this cultivation technique to improve his strength.

However, even if he only took ten puffs, the effect was very obvious. Lin Jing could feel that his body's strength had improved, but he didn't know how much. It is conceivable that if it was in the ancient times, when the spiritual energy was abundant, with this swallowing and breathing, maybe one night, the blood deed level could be raised to the ninth realm.

If you can't swallow the spirit, then change it.

Forging pulse method.

Lin Jin said before that this exercise is the most suitable, and it is not aimless. This method of forging pulses is to use medicinal pills and pulse-seeking needle tactics to continuously tear and repair the meridians in the body, break and stand up, so as to improve.

If you don't know the pulse-seeking acupuncture technique, there is absolutely no way to practice this technique.

Lin Jin looked up and found that there were more people in the room on the west side, and it was already crowded.

He plans to change places.

With a small fire, he came out and went to the second room on the west side.

Although there are people here, there are also a lot of empty spaces.

After finding a book and holding it in his hand, Lin Jin took out a small silver needle and began to practice pulse training.

In the human body, there are hundreds of acupoints and one hundred and eight major acupoints. The meridians are blood vessels, connecting the five zang-fu organs and various orifices. The method of forging the meridians is to segment and recast the meridians bit by bit.

Time consuming, laborious, and painful.

Lin Jingang tried to re-forge a meridian of Qihai Point, but the result was sweating on his painful forehead, and he almost cried out in pain.

However, once the pulse forging begins, it must be completed, otherwise it will only damage itself.

So even if it hurts again, Lin Jin can only hold on, and he has to use the pulse-seeking acupuncture technique to sew up the meridians.

By the time this meridian was recast, Lin Jin was already in a state of collapse, his face pale and sweating profusely.

He clearly overlooked an important thing.

This pulse training method is not to be the main acupuncture by oneself. Even if it is placed in the ancient immortal Dao period, it still requires others to hold the needles. Just practice it yourself.

After all, under the severe pain, it is not easy to endure, and it is simply a kind of torture to use acupuncture by yourself.

However, the pulse training method in the museum did not write about this, so Lin Jin didn't know at all, he practiced the splits.

Xiaohuo noticed that Lin Jin was in pain and could only wander around anxiously, but couldn't help at all.

At the same time, outside the Lingshu Pavilion.

Chen Sheng stood in the far corner, next to a few of his cronies.

"You see clearly, it was Lin Jin who entered just now?" Chen Sheng asked.

A close friend nodded; "It's true, we've seen him and won't admit it wrong."

Chen Sheng nodded.

He made up rumors before that he wanted Lin Jin and Yang Jie to fight, but for some reason, Yang Jie and their mentor, Ye Yuzhou, went to retreat and practice yesterday.

Actually did not pinch up.

Chen Sheng was annoyed, and he was even more jealous that Yang Jie could be taught by his teacher alone.

He, Chen Sheng, had never gotten this kind of thing once.


But he didn't dare to provoke Yang Jie, and he was in a bad mood, so he planned to find trouble with Lin Jin to vent his anger.

"This Lin Jin doesn't know how high the sky is, and he used to speak rudely to Senior Brother Yang Jie. As Master Ye, we are in the same vein and share weal and woe. How can we let him be bullied by a newcomer, Zhao Pi, you have a lot of ideas, can you think about it? The trick is to trick him, at least to make him humiliated."

Chen Sheng had many tricks and deliberately used rumors to incite the conflict between Lin Jin and Ye Yuzhou's disciples.

In this way, he doesn't need to go out in person, he can muddy the water, and others will think that he is for Brother Yang Jie, for the sake of Master Ye.

Besides, Lin Jin was recommended by Huangfu's name, and Huangfu's line, and their Ye Shi line, have never dealt with them.

That man named Zhao Pi, born with sharp-nosed monkey cheeks, often helps people make plans, and now he laughed: "This is easy, I promise, without spending a single soldier and a family, let him be ashamed and embarrassed."

Chen Sheng believed this.

Among Ye Yuzhou's disciples, Zhao Pi's talent and cultivation are not the highest, and he is only in the second realm of blood pact, but to be resourceful, this Zhao Pi is absolutely unmatched.

"Junior Brother Zhao, I'll leave this matter to you. You know, I met Na Lin Jin before..." Chen Sheng said.

"I understand, Senior Brother Chen, just take a look at it."

After speaking, Zhao Pi, who was full of confidence, walked directly into the Lingshu Pavilion with a few people.

At this moment, Lin Jin was still considering whether to continue to practice the 'pulse training method'.

It wasn't that Lin Jin wasn't hard-hearted, but it was because this pulse training method was too painful to practice.

As for the effect, Lin Jin doesn't know yet. The Qihai meridian he chose is a very important meridian. Now that the meridian has been forged, it is obviously more tenacious, like a road. In the past, he could only walk two carriages side by side, but now he can fully Walking in six carriages, think about it, it must be effective.

Anyway, he hasn't calmed down yet. At this moment, Zhao Pi took someone and found Lin Jin.

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