Ye Yuzhou knew that his pet pet was shaking quite badly now.

But after all, it is fourth-order, so it will not faint like that useless Tyrannosaurus.

Lin Jin walked over, then walked into the cloud and mist, and touched the cloud-turning Jiao.

Naturally, he also saw a bone-deep scar that was cut open on Yunyun Jiao's body.


Lin Jin thought about it for a while, took out the coiled needle, and immediately sewed the wound on Yunyunjiao.

Through the clouds and mist, even Ye Yuzhou couldn't see what Lin Jin did. When he came out, he realized that the wound on his pet's body had been sewn up.

"Fantastic skills!" Ye Yuzhou almost cried out in shock.

His temperament is calm, but he also knows that the wounds on Yunyun Jiao's body before are difficult to heal, and the Jiaolong's leather armor and tendons are extremely tough and cannot be repaired at all, and can only be cultivated slowly.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious curator sutured the wound in just a few breaths. Such speed and means are truly amazing.

Ye Yuzhou is not stupid, and he bowed to Lin Jin at the moment: "Thank the curator for your help."

Lin Jin waved his hand.

For him, it's the little things.

And he just took some dragon blood.

This thing is a good thing. It can make a 'Jiaolong Blood Pill', and because the Jiaolong is entered, so he helps. Besides, the wound is very serious. If it is not treated, there will be problems.

Lin Jin would not be stingy if he was able to help out, he had been sitting in the hall to inspect and diagnose animals.

Of course, there are also some troubles.

Just like a baby-faced spider, its injury is more serious, and no accident, it was injured by a 'fifth-order' beast, and it needs to be treated and treated, and it can't be done in a while.

Lin Jin went up to the second floor again, and then said, "By the way, what are the names of the three newcomers?"

Now that the three of them were stunned, the old Tyrannosaurus was the first to reply: "My surname is Tian, ​​just call me Lao Tian!"

Mrs. Ghost Infant said secondly: "It can be called the ghost baby of the slave family."

"Old Ye!" Ye Yuzhou bowed his hands.

These three are either replaced by surnames or nicknames, and none of them have real names anyway.

Lin Jin didn't care, he nodded and wrote down: "Everyone, who has any questions?"

The three were silent.

He Qing couldn't stand it any longer, and couldn't help but said: "The curator has great powers, as long as it's about beast pets, he knows everything, whether it's a terminal illness that is mortal, or if he wants to ask for an advanced method, the curator can do it. Solve it, if you can’t seize this opportunity, you will regret it.”

This ad is well done.

Ye Yuzhou thought for a while and was the first to speak.

"The curator, can you really answer all the pet matters?"

He has a wide range of knowledge, so he stands at a higher angle. Because of this, Ye Yuzhou knows, how could anyone in this world dare to make such a package? Said that it can solve all the problems of pets.

He does not believe.

But this curator is indeed a bit powerful, so he planned to give it a try.

Lin Jin smiled: "You will know if you try it."

Ye Yuzhou took a deep breath. He pointed to the Yunyun Jiao behind him, and said, "The curator, can you identify my beast pet and produce a book?"

"What's so difficult about that!" Lin Jin smiled and took out a pen and paper to write.

But after a while, five pages were written and thrown away.

Ye Yuzhou took it over and took a look, as if struck by lightning.

Too detailed.

You must know that Ye Yuzhou has a special status, not to mention being in Hongye City, that is, in the entire Yulong Kingdom, it is also a famous monk mentor. Naturally, he knows many masters of beast appraisers.

For his beast pet 'Fan Yun Jiao', there have been several versions of the book appraisal, and each of them was written by a famous beast appraiser, and some were even written by a three-ring beast appraiser.

Because of this, Ye Yuzhou already knew quite a lot about his pet pet. In his opinion, the curator's book of appraising beasts is at best the level of those three-ring beast appraisers. Go deeper.

But when he saw the book, he realized that he underestimated the 'curator'.

Although the appraisal book has only five pages, the content is several times richer than the appraisal book he has read before.

Bloodline inheritance, attribute theory, these are the master's handwriting, there is no gorgeous language decoration, they are all concise dry goods.

In addition, the pet status is also written in great detail.

Including its own flaws, as well as improvement methods, some injuries and healing methods, are also written in great detail.

The most terrifying thing is that there is still an advanced method.

You must know that his beast pet is already at the fourth rank. Everyone knows that it is as difficult as reaching the fifth rank from the fourth rank. There are thousands of beast pets in the world who can reach the fifth rank. There are definitely very few, at least Several beast appraisers in the Jade Dragon Kingdom are unable to give the advanced method of turning the cloud.

But here, the curator wrote.

Moreover, it was written in great detail. After reading it carefully, Ye Yuzhou found that this method has a solid theory and may really work.

Thinking of this, even though Ye Yuzhou was calm, his fingers trembled with excitement.

He once thought that in his entire life, he would not be able to promote the Yunyun Jiao to the fifth-order, the fifth-order beast pet. For him, even for the entire Jade Dragon Kingdom, it was a hurdle.

An insurmountable hurdle.

But now, the appraisal given by the curator has given him a glimmer of hope.

Although the promotion method given by the curator requires everything that is invaluable and extremely difficult to obtain, it is not worth mentioning compared with the promotion of fifth-order beast pets.

After being excited, Ye Yuzhou put away the appraisal book with great care, and then thought of his disciple Yang Jie.

After thinking for a while, Ye Yuzhou asked again, "Director, if it is another beast pet, can you write a book about it?"

"Either bring the animal pet, or get its hair and blood." After Lin Jin finished speaking, Ye Yuzhou knew that there was no way to ask for advice this time, only next time, he would bring Yang Jie's animal pet, the White Feather Sparrow. Feather asked the curator again.

At this time, Mrs. Ghost Baby couldn't help but take a step forward: "Curator, my baby is injured, can it be healed?"


Lin Jin said directly.

When Mrs. Guiying heard this, she immediately fell to her knees: "I also ask the curator to give me a wonderful healing method."

Lin Jin picked up the pen and wrote the book, thought about it, and said, "Ghost baby, it's not difficult to treat its old wounds, but you have to promise the curator one thing."

Mrs. Guiying hurriedly said: "As long as the curator can heal my baby, I will agree to anything."

Lin Jin waved his hand.

"It's not difficult, from now on, no more killings are allowed. I know that you use the secret method of co-living to maintain the life of the beast pet, so it is fine when it sleeps, but if it wakes up, it will flow back due to the beast's blood, which will make you unbearable. Just like ten thousand ants eating the heart, the blood of the beast will make you lose your mind, revealing the distortion of the beast, and then killing it. I will seal its big hole with a secret technique first, and you will immediately disconnect the secret method of co-birth, this method should not be used again. Use it, otherwise it will take up to a year for you and your pet to die. Within seven days, you can follow what I wrote, collect materials, and wait for the next time you visit the living room to open, and you can cure your pet of the hidden disease."

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