The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 135 Don't worry, let me come

The man on the opposite side is called Ding Hong. He is the second ring beast appraiser of the Green River City Animal Appraiser Association. His status is not low. Only under the chairman Xu Anqiao, he is said to be the first genius of the Green River City Animal Appraiser Association. He has extensive knowledge and superb skills.

Seeing Tan Lin nodding, Ding Hong immediately sneered in his heart.

This time, they are here to show their prestige in Hongye City. In previous years, they did the same thing. Wang Jin was a waste, so they could only honestly admit their counsel. This time when Tan Lin came to power, they would not let Hongye City rise.

The reason is very simple. Green River City is too close to Red Leaf City. Back then, Green River City had eight official beast appraisers qualifications, but they used some means to 'take away' the quota of Red Leaf City, leaving only two pitiful official places in Red Leaf City. .

If the Red Leaf City is restored to four places, then it will always consider taking back the two places in the Green River City to balance it out. This naturally makes the people of the Green River City Association dissatisfied, and it is also for this reason that this time the group's 'kick hall' is formed. '.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

Ding Hong came prepared, and he said directly: "Every appraiser in Hongye City, have you read the "Gu Shan Jing Beast Appreciation"?"

The Drum Mountain Beast Observation Classic is an extremely rare and rare masterpiece of beast detection. It is very profound. Generally, beast experts do not have the opportunity to read it, and even if they read it, they may not be able to comprehend many of the techniques.

These are some techniques that need to rely on the guidance of famous teachers, and at the same time they have a very high understanding, and they have to work hard to master some techniques.

When Gao Jiang heard this, his face changed.

Apparently, he had heard of it, but had not read it.

Few people can relate to this kind of work, a one-ring beast appraiser like him.

Lin Jin's expression remained the same, and he hadn't read it.

Only Tan Lin has studied it, but she herself knows that her research on "Gu Shan Jian Beast Sutra" is still superficial, and she has not studied in depth.

But now, she naturally can't admit it.

"The Book of Detecting Beasts in Gushan is a famous book on beast-detecting written by Mr. Gu Shan 120 years ago. It has been widely circulated, and of course I have read it." Tan Lin said.

Ding Hong smiled secretly, just in case you haven't read it, just read it.

At the moment, he said seriously: "The appraisers of the Hongye City Association are really knowledgeable, Ding is not talented, and he has studied this book of beast appraisers, but unfortunately my understanding is not good. Appraiser, today I just want to ask some of the above animal appraising techniques, and also ask the three appraisers to give more advice."

Gao Jiang moved his body uncomfortably, which was a sign of his nervousness.

Lin Jin didn't move like a mountain, he didn't say a word.

Tan Lin was at a loss, but she could only hold on.

Ding Hong over there shook his head at this time and said: "There is such a technique in the eleventh chapter of the "Gushan Detecting Beasts", which is called the method of 'watching the leaves and knowing the autumn'. The method of appraising beasts is also a way for beast appraisers to improve themselves. However, I am stupid and don’t understand this technique thoroughly enough. I would like to ask the three appraisers in Hongye City. Looking at the patterns, the blood of animals is a hundred different, and the five elements are hidden in it... The meaning and detailed explanation of these words, I wonder who can help me answer my doubts?"

Ding Hong looked at Gao Jiang, who avoided looking directly.

Ding Hong sneered, and then glanced at Lin Jin. Lin Jin had never read the "Gu Shan Jian Beast Classic" at all. At this time, he was looking for this classic in the Beast Museum, so he ignored Ding Hong.

This made Ding Hong even more proud, and then looked at Tan Lin.

Tan Lin knows that Ding Hong's question is too deep and too biased. This kind of beast identification method is already very high-end. Ordinary beast appraisers have never seen it, not to mention explaining it.

So she didn't blame Gao Jiang and Lin Jin for not being able to answer.

At this time, as the president, she must be on top.

Otherwise, the Hongye City Beast Appraiser Association will collapse and be ridiculed.

Although Tan Lin has not studied the "Gu Shan Jian Beast Sutra" in depth, she does know a few things. At this moment, she tries her best to explain it, and she can handle it.

Just a little bit laborious.

Ding Hong can see this kind of labor.

He plans to put another big move to see if your Red Leaf City Association will accept it.

So he nodded and said: "President Tan is very knowledgeable, Ding Hong admires it, but no matter how much theory, it is not as good as practice. A few days ago, a friend of mine sent me a scale and asked me if I could see what kind of scale it was. Ferocious beasts, don't be afraid of everyone laughing at me, this is really hard for me, although I have racked my brains to write a book, but I consciously can't come up with it, so it's better than this, President Tan, Master Lin, Master Gao, If the three of them can look at the scales and know the beast, and also write an appraisal book, Ding Hong will definitely admire it."

When Ding Hong said this, the two newcomers Zhang Ze and Mo Huan also arrived at the entrance of the beast appraising hall, but a beast appraiser from Green River City stopped them and asked them to watch.

Here Ding Hong has already started general.

Accept or not?

If you don't accept the move, you will be defeated without a fight, and if the news spreads, the Hongye City Beast Appraiser Association will inevitably become a laughing stock in the circle of beast appraisers.

Tan Lin, the only one who has some knowledge of "Gu Shan Jian Beast Sutra", she is not confident now. She can say a thing or two about a little theory, but if she really uses this method to start practice, or even write a book, then completely different.

She can't do it.

You can do it reluctantly, but it will inevitably be full of loopholes, and it will be more troublesome at that time.

Now she froze all of a sudden, no promise, no promise.

As for Gao Jiang, he had lowered his head for a long time. Like an ostrich, he almost hid his head in his crotch.

Tan Lin clenched her silver teeth tightly and her fingers were red. She knew that even if she couldn't do it, she would have to end the game, otherwise she wouldn't even have the courage to judge the beast in the end, which would be a shame.

Besides, she is still capable, at least able to write a good appraisal book.

I just hope that it will be as perfect as possible, and that the other party will not pick out some loopholes and faults.

Thinking of this, Tan Lin was about to get up.

As a result, she was just getting ready, but someone pressed her shoulders and sat back on the chair.

Tan Lin was stunned.

He turned his head to look at Lin Jin who had already stood up.

It was Lin Jin who pressed her back.

"President, this trivial matter doesn't need you to go out in person, I'll just go and have a look." Lin Jin said lightly.

Tan Lin was in a hurry.

He whispered, "Lin Jin, this is not a joke, you..."

"Don't worry!" Lin Jin's eyes were straight, his aura was completely different, and he stunned Tan Lin all of a sudden.

Then Lin Jin walked over and cupped his hands at Ding Hong: "Master Ding Jian, let me take a look at your scales."

Ding Hong originally thought that Tan Lin would end up, but he didn't expect Lin Jin to kill him halfway.

so much better.

Even Tan Lin can't do it. You Lin Jin have just been admitted to the Second Ring Beast Appraiser, do you really think you are amazing?

After a while, I will wait for you to write an appraisal book, and then I will criticize you as a complete body.

Ding Hong smiled and took out the scale.

This scale is actually the size of a palm, and it is full of toughness, like a piece of steel, and its weight is not small.

"Lin Jianshi, you have a good appraisal, I am waiting to read your appraisal book." Ding Hong handed the scales to Lin Jin with a look of 'expectation'.

Lin Jin took the scales, and in an instant, the results of the identification were found in the Beast Museum.

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