The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 228: The Skill Is Exquisite

Hearing Tan Xun's words, the hearts of the second ring beast appraisers jumped, and it could be seen that Tan appraiser had a result.

With his hands, Tan Xun took the silver needle, and then used a very skilled technique to pierce several acupoints on the body of the earth dragon beast. Of course, he chose the place close to the waist and abdomen, where it can still be pierced. Other places, outer armor Too thick to pierce at all.

But just after piercing the silver needle, before Tan Xun could take the next step, the silver needles were all bounced out by a force and fell to the ground.

"It's Dragon Qi!" Tan Xun's expression was a little ugly.

Those two ring appraisers looked puzzled and wanted to ask, but Tan Xun took the initiative to ask at this time: "Are you sure, these pills were eaten by the dragon beasts here before?"

While speaking, he pointed to the book in his hand.

"It's absolutely true, we don't dare to hide this at all." There is a second ring appraiser who is sure.

Tan Xun sighed: "It's troublesome."

"Old Tan, what's going on?"

"What, what's the trouble here?"

Several second-ring appraisers realized that something was wrong.

Tan Xun said sternly; "After my diagnosis, this earth dragon beast seemed to be weak before, but in fact there was no disease. Instead, it was full of dragon energy in its body, no accident. It should have eaten some genius treasure before, but it couldn't digest it. Naturally, it is apathetic, as if ill."


Several second ring appraisers were shocked.

This, they really didn't see it, the main symptoms at the time, they really couldn't see it, they just thought it was the lack of qi and blood of the dragon and beast, so they fed a lot of qi-boosting medicinal pills.

The most important thing is that the people in Yu Wangfu didn't say anything.

If according to Tan Xun's words, it was difficult to digest because of eating some kind of natural material and treasure, and then fed those tonics later, wouldn't this add fuel to the fire.

"It's no wonder that the dragon beasts are not even moving now, so, how can this be good?" A second-ring beast appraiser looked horrified.

This matter, according to the current situation, is that their diagnosis was wrong. After all, the dragons and beasts were able to walk in the beginning, but now, they are not moving. This is why they gave people the wrong medicine.

If they really have to be investigated, they are afraid that they will have to take responsibility. If this earth dragon beast has three strengths and two weaknesses because of this, they may not even be able to keep the appraiser qualifications.

All of a sudden, several people's faces turned pale with fright.

"Old Tan, is there a remedy?"

"Yeah, if the dragon beast dies here, I'll wait for the guilt to escape."

Tan Xun also had a solemn expression on his face, and could see that this matter was very difficult to handle, he thought for a moment and said, "If you gave it some laxatives before, there might still be a chance of life, but now that you have taken so many tonics, the If the mountain fire encounters the wind, the fire will naturally burn more and more vigorously, which is a bit difficult to handle. The most troublesome thing is that the dragon and beast in this place do not move, and it is not easy to let it discharge the excess dragon energy in the body. "

The few second-ring appraisers were all anxiously turning around at the moment, and began to think hard.

Have come up with bloodletting therapy.

There are also people who think that they should immediately take some decoctions that disperse fire and relieve energy.

I have to say that these Erhuan appraisers also have some knowledge, and the therapy they proposed was well thought out. Even Tan Xun nodded and agreed.

In his opinion, this is the best treatment available.

Of course, it may take some time, and the effect will be slower, and even, it may cause some damage to the dragon beast, but for now, it can only be done, otherwise the dragon beast will be overdone. And live 'to die'.

Lin Jin watched the whole process, and when he saw Tan Xun and their methods of treatment, he nodded his head. Judging from his knowledge and experience, Tan Xun and the two Erhuan appraisers' treatments were similar. It is normal operation and there is no problem.

However, Lin Jin was also very curious, so he walked over at this time and touched the ground dragon beast.

Tan Xun also saw Lin Jin's actions. He knew that Lin Jin was very skilled, so he didn't stop it, but the expressions of the other Erhuan appraisers changed slightly.

"Old Tan, who is this?"

Only then did Tan Xun react. He was anxious to identify the beast just now when he came in, but he forgot to introduce it.

"This is Lin Jianshi from the Hongye City Appraisal Branch, and also my friend." Tan Xun obviously raised Lin Jin's worth, and a friend was a surprise to the other appraisers.

"Master Lin Jian!"

"Young and promising."

"Long time, long time!"

Several people are polite, and Lin Jin is also polite in return, through Tan Xun's introduction, also know the names of these few.

"I saw Lin Jianshi also probed the dragon and beast just now, do you have any ideas?" A forensic teacher asked, and it could be seen that this person did not deliberately find fault, but was really discussing.

After all, Lin Jin is also a second-ring beast appraiser, and his level is the same as them. At times like this, there is no harm in discussing with his peers more.

Of course, this is also a polite word. He also knows that most of what Lin Jin said is the same as what Mr. Tan said. It is completely polite to ask such a question.

Who would have expected Lin to take it seriously.

He touched the ground dragon beast just now, and the problem he saw in the beast museum was roughly the same as what he had judged before, but it was different.

That's the situation, and it's not actually critical.

Not only is it not in a hurry, but it is also a great opportunity for this land dragon beast. Even Lin Jin can know from the beast inspection results of the beast museum, what kind of heaven this land dragon beast devoured before. Material treasure.

And that thing is indeed extremely precious, and Lin Jin also wants to find out where this big guy got it.

Right now, the Earth Dragon Beast seems to be in a state of energy, and it will die soon. It seems that it will be finished in the next breath, but in fact, this is a special state. Right now is also the critical period of the Earth Dragon Beast. There are many benefits, and even, it is possible to obtain an advanced phase.

Therefore, Lin Jin was telling the truth at this time.

"Several appraisers, Mr. Tan, this dragon and beast looks weak now, but in fact there is no fear of life, now just let it rest, at most one day, it should be able to get up on its own, no need to worry, the only thing to pay attention to is Don't be disturbed, and don't give medicine or bloodletting again."

As soon as these words came out, even Tan Xun was stunned.

The first reaction of the second ring appraisers was that this person was talking nonsense.

Several of them have seen this dragon beast several times, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is foolproof. Why didn't they see that this dragon beast was safe?

Clearly on the verge of death.

This time, the faces of several second-ring appraisers turned ugly, not only because Lin Jin was talking nonsense, but also because the other party's diagnosis would likely kill a high-level beast pet.

For an animal appraiser, this was an unforgivable mistake.

Tan Xun also didn't believe what Lin Jin said, but he still understood Lin Jin's methods after all, so he judged based on Lin Jin's reading books, the other party's animal detection skills might not be worse than his own, how could such a master Misread?

Therefore, Tan Xun did not speak immediately, but stepped forward immediately and re-examined Jian Beast.

This time, he was very careful. After the appraisal, Tan Xun's complexion changed, and he looked at Lin Jin and said, "Lin Jianshi, he really has superb skills, and I was wrong just now."

This sentence is equivalent to affirming Lin Jin's judgment.

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