The painstaking efforts to refine the medicinal pills and obtain the Fire Spirit Crystal finally paid off, and it was the best kind. Lin Jin can now wake up happily when he sleeps.

When the pet reaches the second rank, it can use the power of attributes, and when it reaches the third rank, it can change its body shape.

This is a huge leap. It is said that if it is upgraded to the fourth level, there will be even more powerful magical powers.

But what about the fourth rank, I don't want it now, Xiaohuo's ability to rise to the second rank this time has already made Lin Jin very satisfied, and it is a miracle.

Perfect advanced, really extraordinary.

Lin Jin made up his mind. In the future, if you want to advance to a pet, it must be a perfect advance, and you must eat the marrow to know the taste, because after this perfect advance, the potential value of Xiaohuo jumped from 1 before to 3.

If it spreads out, it will definitely scare a group of people to death.

This beast pet, the most difficult thing to improve is the potential, which is equivalent to washing the marrow valve body of the beast pet, but how many beast appraisers can do this kind of thing?

At least in this red leaf city, no one can do it.

The beast pet advanced, and it was raised two levels at once, which gave Lin Jin all of a sudden confidence.

Tier 3 beast pets can walk sideways in this red leaf city.

Xiaohuo, who has returned to his normal size, is still more powerful than before. The wolf hair that is like silk and satin has a layer of fire spirit, and he cannot be seen as a third-order beast pet without increasing his size.

the next day.

Association of Beast Connoisseurs.

In Lin Jin's animal appraising room, Zhao Ying and Lu Xiaoyun came early to clean, wipe the table, and make tea. As apprentice appraisers, they learned from their tutors. Naturally, they had to do these little things.

"Why isn't Lin Jianshi here yet?" Lu Xiaoyun asked.

"It should be soon." Zhao Ying replied.

Lu Xiaoyun looked at the remote and dilapidated house, and was filled with righteous indignation: "Lin Jianshi is highly skilled and knowledgeable. Even I can't stand the way the association treats him."

Zhao Ying smiled and said confidently: "It's gold, it will shine sooner or later. We didn't know about Lin Jianshi's character and skills before, but now that we know it, we can't just sit back and ignore it. Although Lin Jianshi doesn't care about these slanders, but We can't let anyone bully, those gossips, we have to fight back."

"That's right, but when I mention this, I get angry. I met some people on the way here and told them that they not only didn't believe it, but also said that I was deceived. No matter how much I defended them, they didn't believe it." Ups and downs, obviously angry enough.

"It won't happen overnight, as long as we have confidence in Lin Jianshi." Zhao Ying saw Lin Jin's figure at this time, and immediately greeted him.

"Lin Jianshi!" The two women said in unison, Lin Jin nodded and assumed the attitude of a formal tutor. After all, he was also a trainee now, and he had to show the style of a tutor.

Xiaohuo followed behind, and immediately, Zhao Ying's pangolin and Lu Xiaoyun's red fox sensed it. The two beast pets were like a formidable enemy, especially the red fox, whose hair stood upright.

Lin Jin slapped Xiaohuo's head with a slap, and this guy accepted his domineering aura.

Seeing Xiaohuo, Zhao Ying and Lu Xiaoyun were both surprised.

Seeing him overnight, Xiao Huo is simply reborn, definitely an advanced appearance.

"As expected of Lin Jianshi!" The two women were already used to it at this moment. After two days of hard work, as far as they knew, Lin Jin had already advanced three beast pets.

If they knew that Xiaohuo was advancing continuously and jumping to the third level, they would not be so calm.

Lin Jin looked at the tidy room, the clean table top, and the tea brewed on it, how could he say a cool word in his heart.

But the three of them waited for a long time, but no one came.

Lin Jin was a little embarrassed. He was used to it, but no one came to see the veterinarian for medical treatment. How could he teach the two girls?

After thinking about it, Lin Jin picked up a pen and copied some information about pangolins and red foxes in the museum, each of which covered more than ten pages.

Zhao Ying and Lu Xiaoyun didn't know what Lin Jin was doing at first, so they stood by and watched, but the more they looked, the more surprised they became. By the end, they were already immersed in it.


Lin Jin put down the pen and said, "Since you are apprentices under my name, then I will give them all the money. These two books are the books I wrote for your beast pets, you two take them to read. Well, you can also pass it on to each other and study it hard."

The two women hurriedly took it, like a treasure.

Although I just glanced at it briefly, I was already shocked by the above content, because not only the source of the blood of the beast pet, but also the blood branch of the ancestors, and the information about the beast pet is extremely detailed. I have never seen a similar book, and the others are not worth mentioning at all.

The most terrifying thing is that for different beast pets, it is possible to write down specific flaws and weaknesses and the corresponding remedy methods. In addition, the method with the highest gold content is the advanced method.

When Zhao Ying and Lu Xiaoyun saw this, they couldn't help but glance at each other, and they were shocked.

In addition to shock, is excited.

They followed Lin Jin to learn this matter, and they did it right. In the discipline of beast identification, how to designate the advanced method is the most valuable and the most difficult. Not every formal beast appraiser has studied it, even if It is a formal beast appraiser who has made great achievements, and he is like a baby. Even when he writes appraisal books, he only writes the results, not the analysis process, and he will not easily teach the apprentices.

The appraisal that Lin Jin gave to them is not only about writing advanced methods, but also how to get them, including research from the bloodline of beast pets, his own observation and diagnosis, attribute testing, and various knowledge. All complement each other, and the final result is reasonable and credible.

Not a little bit of secrecy.

So seeing this, both of them were shaking with excitement, and while they were grateful, they were also eager to learn.

Lin Jin glanced at them, shook his head, and secretly said that he hadn't copied all the contents of the museum, but only copied two achievements to let them do this. If he really copied them, he was really afraid of scaring them.

Take it slow, Lin Jin knows the truth of the long flow, and they can't understand it all at once. After all, the contents of the museum are too mysterious and unfathomable.

After drinking a sip of tea, he moved his body for a while, looked at the still deserted door, and shook his head.

It is definitely not the way to go on like this. As a formal beast appraiser, it is listed in the hall, but no one cares. It is not only shameful, but also affects the score.

"If no one comes, I'll take the initiative to attack!" Lin Jin made up his mind, how can a living person suffocate their urine?

Zhao Ying and Lu Xiaoyun were immersed in the book of beasts and couldn't extricate themselves. Lin Jin didn't bother them. He got up by himself and walked out with Xiaohuo.

Lin Jin was deserted here, but the whole association was very lively.

There is an endless stream of people who come to seek animal appraisal and medical treatment for animal pets. As usual, the brands of President Wang Ji and Gao Jiang have been sold out.

Gao Jiang appraiser, as an official beast appraiser, is second only to the chairman Wang Ji in the association.

The hall he was in was spacious and bright, with all the screens and potted plants missing, which was many times better than Lin Jin's hall.

"Although your animal pet has the same attributes, its potential is average. Although I can help it improve, it is still limited. For the sake of long-term planning, I suggest you change your animal pet."

Gao Jiang picked up the pen to write down the book of beasts, and the man opposite was a little hesitant, obviously reluctant to bear his beast pet.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiang was displeased, and the apprentice next to him was already impatient: "Master Gao Jian has said it very clearly, why don't you understand it? You are a pet with average potential. In other words, it is It is hopeless to advance, if you are willing to guard this waste beast pet, no one will stop you."

The man hesitated even more, looking at the toucan in his arms, undecided.

"You have to think about it, go back and think about it, don't delay other people's beast identification, and if you decide, you can also come to our beast appraiser association to buy beast pets, I dare not say anything else, the beast pets we sell are all pure blood and potential. A huge treasure." The apprentice started chasing people.

The client could only nod his head, get up to thank him, and go out.

But he was just a few steps away when he was stopped.

"This old man, seeing your frowning frown, is it because of the animal pet in your arms?"

The man was in a bad mood. He turned his head and saw that he was wearing an animal-patterned sleeve that was blocking him. He was obviously also an official animal appraiser.

The beast appraiser who stopped people was naturally Lin Jin.

He just came over and bumped into this person, so he asked, but he didn't expect it to be really rewarding.

"Hey, this toucan has been with me for a few years. It's like a family member for a long time. How can I throw it away because it's hopeless to advance." The man briefly talked about what happened and finally sighed.

Lin Jin reached out and touched the toucan, and then said, "The potential is poor, but it's a bit wrong to say that there is no hope of advancement. Come, come, come with me, I will help you see, and I promise to make it advance in three days. ."

The man was overjoyed and followed Lin Jin away.

Unexpectedly, Zhang He, who happened to pass by, saw all this. The other party rolled his eyes and walked into Gao Jiang's hall to tell the story.

Gao Jiang's face was ugly, and Lin Jin's move was obviously a 'provocation' to him.


The stone table was cracked by Gao Jiang's palm.

"Talin is nothing but dare to question the appraisal result of this appraiser!"

In the new week, ask for recommended tickets, collections, and rewards!

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