Lin Jin quickly retracted his gaze and looked at He Qing again.

"Apology, came empty-handed?" Lin Jin asked.

He Qing reacted, stuck out her tongue, and took out a few packets of snacks from her back.

"Master Gongli made it. The craftsmanship is very good. I love to eat it. I took a few samples this time. If Lin Jianshi likes it, I will bring some more next time."

While talking, He Qing put the dessert on the table.

In fact, from the time he entered the house, Lin Jin could smell the aroma of dim sum.

Xiaohuo smelled it earlier. Naturally, Lin Jin's nose was far worse than Xiaohuo, but recently Lin Jin found that his sense of smell seemed to be much more sensitive than before.

It's like the smell of this snack, wrapped in paper, which is generally difficult for people to smell, but when he opened the door, he smelled it.

Speaking of which, in the last month, not only the sense of smell has improved, but things like eyesight have also been much better than before. Why this is so, Lin Jin doesn't know, but clear five senses is a good thing after all.

Lin Jin laughed and opened the paper bag. The desserts inside were indeed extremely delicate. The things in the palace are exquisite. One is exquisite and the other is taste. Pick up one and take a bite. Really enjoyed it.

Speaking of which, the meal that Mr. Tan invited at noon was not bad, but Lin Jin had digested a lot of it while strolling all the way. He was really hungry at the moment, so let's have some snacks.

Xiao Huo and Bai Ape smelled the smell with anticipation on their faces.

Lin Jin took one each and gave them to these two greedy goods.

He Qing said at this time: "Lin Jianshi, my sister's situation..."

Lin Jin choked on eating, grabbed the teapot on the table, there was actually tea in it, but it wasn't very hot, but he took a sip and ate it smoothly.

"The situation of the sixth princess, as I said before, is still the same sentence. Although the curse of the beast soul is very powerful and overbearing, it is not a troublesome matter. It can be eradicated in three or two days." Lin Jin is confident about this. Full.

He Qing nodded: "I don't doubt this. You are the curator's apprentice after all. I admire the curator's ability the most. That is, my sister's side may not be too cooperative..."

He Qing hesitated.

Lin Jin asked carefully before she told the truth.

Of course, these words were confidential to her, and they were said in a low voice.

"The Jade Dragon Curse? Is it related to the fortune of the country?"

What Lin Jin listened to was also inexplicable. He had personally identified the power of the curse. He was domineering and overbearing. He completely regarded He Yu as a host and kept sucking her vitality.

This is completely a curse, what does it have to do with the fortune of the country?

Lin Jin just thought it was absurd.

You must know that Lin Jin has been baptized by the explosion of knowledge in modern society. He knows many theories that are very forewords. the result of.

Lin Jin was naturally disdainful in his heart, and asked directly, "She also believes your sister? Well, she must believe it, otherwise, it wouldn't be like that today. I didn't expect her to be so pedantic."

He Qing looked excited when she found her bosom friend: "Yes, yes, I feel the same way. Although I have known this royal family secret since I was a child, I don't believe it at all."

"But my sister is very stubborn, if she doesn't cooperate, it's really troublesome, so I have discussed with Uncle Lu. Tomorrow, we will give her medicine in the meal first, so that she can sleep well, and then Lin Jianshi, you can help her thoroughly. Expelling the power of the curse, it will be useless for her to wake up when she wakes up, anyway, the raw rice is cooked."

He Qing smiled sinisterly.

Lin Jin was also stunned when he heard it. He Qing never thought that He Qing could think of such a method. The most important thing was that Lu Bin was actually making a fool of herself with her.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this method is not impossible. Although Lin Jin didn't have much contact with the sixth princess, He Yu, as He Qing said, the other party's temperament is indeed extremely stubborn. If she really doesn't want to come to the treatment, it is not easy to use force, and the drug is dizzy. is the best way.

Therefore, Lin Jin didn't say a word, it was acquiescence.

This matter was discussed as a result, and Lin Jin also planned to solve the curse with all his strength tomorrow. Although it may take some effort, it will be done once and for all.

At this time, He Qing didn't say that he wanted to leave, but leaned over and whispered: "Lin Jianshi, you are the curator's disciple, you must know the curator very well, tell me what kind of a curator he is. people."

Seeing her serious and curious look, Lin Jin suspected that her main purpose of coming here was to explore the secrets of the curator. As for her sister's affairs, she might just come to casually say something.

Originally, Lin Jin didn't want to discuss this topic, so he could refuse directly, but after thinking about it, many people already knew about the existence of the curator's identity. In this case, it would be better to manage it well and at least give it to himself. Build a strong 'backer'.

Lin Jin thought about it for a while, and then told some things about himself in Hongye City, especially about the conflict with the Snake Kingdom, Lin Jin also talked about it.

He Qing had heard Ye Yuzhou and Black Crow say this in the living room before, but what Lin Jin said was from the point of view of the 'curator'.

So there is more of a freshness.

Even if it was a story he already knew, telling it again, He Qing was fascinated by it.

"So, Ye Yuzhou in Hongye City is Lao Ye." He Qing was very excited about this matter.

Not knowing what she was thinking, Lin Jin was too excited to guess.

He looked at the sky, and before he knew it, a day was about to pass, and it was already sunset at this moment.

"I said Seventh Princess, shouldn't you go back?" Lin Jin said at the time, and He Qing also realized that the sky was already at this time.

"Yeah, you have to go back before it gets dark, otherwise, you will definitely be found." Although He Qing was still unsure, she still got up.

And the whole process, her four-winged butterfly dragon is very honest, one is the temperament of this butterfly dragon, and the other is that it must be careful in front of Lin Jin.

It's not that the butterfly dragon can perceive that Lin Jin and the curator are the same person, and secondly, on Lin Jin, it senses the coercive atmosphere of the curator, although it is far less intense than in the visiting living room, but even It is only 10%, and it can be suppressed.

Lin Jin sent He Qing to the door.

"Then let's make an agreement. Tomorrow, Uncle Lu will come to take you into the palace, and we will follow the plan." After He Qing finished speaking, she waved her hand, and then performed a technique. Butterfly on the back.

The next moment, a mass of powder emerged from Dielong's body, which turned out to be mixed with the surrounding scenery, almost invisible.

Lin Jin is not surprised, this is an ability of the four-winged butterfly dragon. At this moment, the butterfly dragon is fourth-order, so it is not unusual to be able to use it.

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