The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 243 Fighting Supernatural Powers

"Good trick!" Lin Jin saw the truth, and his heart froze. Seeing that the other party was about to catch Xiao Huo, he immediately pointed the needle.

This time, all of Lin Jin's condensed coiled needles flew out, half of them stabbing at the opponent's dragon claws, and the other half directly at the old dragon's body.

The needle trick is very strange and difficult to get anywhere, but the old dragon's cultivation base is extremely high, and when he opens his mouth, a cold wind whistles out, blowing most of the flying needles, but a small part of it pierces the hole in the old dragon's body.

The scary thing about coiling needles is that there are so many of them, and Lin Jin has refined hundreds of them.

Lin Jin immediately saw the situation of this old dragon in the Beast Museum.

"Good guy!" Lin Jin was also taken aback when he saw this old dragon in the Beast Museum.

At the moment in the Beast Museum, a long green dragon floating in the air is a real dragon.

Looking at the properties, it is also quite remarkable.

"Jade Dragon, Fifth-Order Monster Beast, Water, Wind Dual Attributes, Primary God Position, Incense Offering, 420 years old!"

"Status: Weak, disease-ridden, dragon soul missing."

"There are three methods of treatment, they are..."

"Proficient in the magical powers of wind, rain, frost and frost, the art of transformation, and the nine transformations of the dragon!"


Lin Jin was stunned when he saw it. This was really a fifth-order monster, but it was also different from ordinary monsters. It was a monster that enjoyed incense offerings, and it wasn't bad if it was a god.

And looking at the current state of the Dragon God, Lin Jin finally knew why the other party was entangled with He Yu. This old dragon has lived for more than 400 years, and his condition is already very unbearable. Not to mention the weakness and illness, the lack of dragon soul is a bit severe. Just based on the detailed explanation in the Beast Museum, the other party should have used some kind of technique to store the separated dragon soul somewhere to support the body and prolong its life.

Unsurprisingly, the curse of the beast soul in the sixth princess He Yu's body is a trace of the dragon soul separated by this dragon god.

I don't even know the specific technique, so I can only peep some from the detailed explanation of the Beast Museum, but in general, the problem should not be big.

No wonder this old dragon wanted to get involved in this matter, it turned out to be closely related to his life.

According to He Qing, four generations of royal women from the Jade Dragon royal family had died under the curse of this beast soul before. From this point of view, this old dragon could be called a serious sin.

The thoughts on Lin Jin's side were only fleeting, and the old dragon over there was also startled when he felt the silver needle penetrate into his body. He knew that this was Lin Jin's supernatural means, and immediately let out a dragon whistle, his muscles tense.

Vaguely, you can see dragon scales appearing on his skin.

Not only that, but a tyrannical agitation of internal energy, just in the blink of an eye, the silver needles pierced into the body were forced out of the body one after another.

good means.

Lin Jin's coiling needle also suffered heavy losses this time, but in the face of an enemy of this realm, this kind of loss is normal.

The method just now was to force back the opponent's dragon claws and liberate Xiaohuo, which can be said to be half a catty, but in fact, Lin Jin knew very well that his side was at a disadvantage.

There is only one person, and he almost caught Xiaohuo just now. Once Xiaohuo is a fourth-order beast under control, don't fight, there is no possibility of winning.

At this moment, the white ape also became bigger and jumped up.

Lin Jin sighed and pinched a magic formula, and he saw the wind fly out like white silk, wrapping around the white ape.

This is a blast technique, which can increase the speed of beasts.

The white ape was already brave, but at this moment, the speed was even faster.

However, he saw Lao Long smiled slightly, stretched out one hand, and unexpectedly caught the blow of the white ape. It seemed that he was able to handle it with ease, and then he pushed the white ape back suddenly. The white ape was so huge that half of the courtyard was destroyed .

Lin Jin can't take care of those now. Right now, fighting with this old dragon is about his life. The other party is obviously not at ease, so he can only do his best at the moment.

"Fire spirit possessed!"

Lin Jin is now also using all the means, directly blessing the fire spirit on Xiaohuo.

In an instant, the flames on Xiao Huo's body soared and flew over, and wherever it passed, everything burned. In fact, as soon as the fire spirit possession came out, Lin Jin's house was burned down.

At the moment, Lin can be sure that this old dragon has sealed the place with magic, otherwise, a fire spirit possessed, can shake the entire royal city.

Xiaohuo joined the battle group, and the old dragon was obviously struggling.

But the other party is fifth-order after all, although weak, but the strength is there, even if Xiao Huo and Bai Yuan make a full shot, they can only barely resist one or two.

It seems that after a long time, it is still not the opponent of this old dragon.

Lin Jin was anxious in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm as usual.

No one expected that on the third day he came to Wangcheng, he encountered such a thing. This old dragon was obviously relying on his cultivation and planned to kill him quietly.

The situation is critical.

Moreover, this old guy said that he wanted to force out the master behind him, but he closed the surrounding area, which may also be a kind of temptation.

If this layer of prohibition is broken, the old dragon will have an understanding of the enemy's cultivation base. If he can't break it, he will be in danger today.

Obviously, this old dragon has already figured out his own situation. From what the other party said just now, the other party knows that there is an unwarranted master behind him.

But he knew his own affairs, and Lin Jin knew very well that the master behind him was completely fabricated by himself, and it was impossible to expect someone to rescue him at this time.

No one will come to save him, and no one can save him.

In this royal city, even Lu Bin's strength is actually not that great. What's more, Lu Bin can't come to rescue now, and others can't count on it.

Even if it comes, it won't come in handy.

After all, they are facing fifth-order monsters, and they still have the power of incense fire. According to the beast museum, this kind of monsters with incense and fire is even more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, Lin Jin had no way out.

Behind it is the abyss.

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind and frost.

Lin Jin hurriedly took a look, only to find out that the old dragon was casting spells. In an instant, the temperature in the dilapidated courtyard changed dramatically. The surrounding area that was originally scorched by the flames of the small fire also came immediately. It made a big turn, and in the blink of an eye, heavy snow fell.

It was the first time that Lin Jin had seen this kind of spell.

The cold wind blew through, the sky was full of ice and snow, and there was a chill all over the body. It seemed that when the cold wind blew, the bones began to freeze, and the limbs were stiff and numb.

Knowing that the situation was critical now, Lin Jin hurriedly bit the tip of his tongue to refresh himself. Right now, in terms of techniques, he is far behind this old dragon, and Xiaohuo and Bai Yuan can only barely resist, obviously the failure has been exposed.

But it is absolutely impossible to make Lin Jin wait to die.

"The Five Realms of Blood Contract!"

At this critical juncture, Lin Jin only felt that the confinement in his body seemed to be broken by a layer, and he actually broke through to the five realms of blood pact between life and death.

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