"Thank you, Mr. Lin, thank you, Mr. Lin!" Qingzhu hurriedly thanked him at this time, Lin Jin smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, let's go."

Qingzhu bowed and bowed, then retreated with his companions, and kept going out of the yard. The seven people speeded up their pace unconsciously, and they were no longer sleepy. Even if they were traveling overnight, they had to leave here as soon as possible.

Besides, the Beiling duo and the remaining two villains are all grateful to Lin Jin. Lin Jin's impression of these villains is not very good, but after all, it is a life, and after this In one experience, these four people were all injured, and the beast pets were also completely damaged. There must be some insights and changes.

Of course, if you don't know how to repent and do a lot of evil, sooner or later you will end up in a dead end.

Lin Jin is now officially entering the practice. After condensing the Yin-Yang Dharma Body with Xiaohuo, his own perception has also improved a lot. Although the magical powers are not necessarily much greater, his mood is much higher.

After everyone left, only Lin Jin and the female demon were left in the yard.

"Mr. Lin, Yuzhen has not killed innocent people since she became successful in her cultivation a hundred years ago. Originally, this time, even if I wanted to do something, I would only kill these wicked people who are entangled with ill-will. Ordinary mortals, Yuzhen is I won't be able to do it, I'll ask Mr. Lin to learn about this."

At this time, the female demon Hu Yuzhen opened her mouth and said something, as if she was defending herself, and at the same time, she seemed to be establishing a good impression on Lin Jin.

Lin Jin was naturally a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that this female demon has achieved success and has powerful methods. There is no need to be so polite or even so respectful to herself. She may not be willing to sell herself a face just now. Lin Jin is still afraid that this female demon will suddenly attack, but she did not expect her to be so low. Attitude, Lin tried his best to think, he and the other party never knew each other before.

Sure enough, the next sentence, the banshee said: "Sir, you are very skilled, and you can actually condense the body for the blood pact beast pet. Yuzhen has encountered a bottleneck in her practice, and it has been difficult to break through these years. In the next step, the only way to break through is to condense the Dharma body, but I have been searching for many years and can’t find a way to do it. It is a blessing for Yuzhen to meet Mr. today, and please feel that it is not easy for me and other monsters to cultivate, and give me some guidance.”

After that, it's another salute.

I see.

Lin Jin understood why the female demon reacted like that after coming in just now. It turned out to be seeing Xiaohuo's dharma body. In all fairness, he thought in a different position. If he had been cultivating for a long time and got stuck on a bottleneck, he suddenly found a way to break through. Chances are, it must be so respectful.

Knowing this, Lin Jin felt relieved.

I am afraid that I will be diligent for nothing, and I have to be wary everywhere. Now that I know the reason, I don't need much space. After all, I already know what the other party is asking for.

To talk about this method of condensing the body, Lin Jin has experienced it once, and naturally he knows some methods, but the method has not been passed down lightly since ancient times, not to mention, the other party is a monster he just met.

The formation of this monster is much more difficult than that of ordinary monsters. The opponent's training years are probably only a lot more than Laolong, and they must have been instructed by some experts. Otherwise, it is impossible to cultivate to this level.

To beware, still beware.

But don't make it clear. After all, it's impossible for him to crush this monster now. Lin Jin has already seen that this is a tigress, and it has become a 'demon' tigress. It's definitely not a good thing to provoke her. .

It's better not to break the balance.

"If you want me to give some pointers, can you allow Lin to take a pulse to explore acupoints?" Lin Jin smiled and pointed to the two-ringed animal sleeves on his arm.

This shows that he is a beast appraiser.

Hu Yuzhen reacted, she didn't hesitate at all, she stretched out her arms and came to Lin Jin.

To say that this tigress's transformation technique is quite remarkable, even Lin Jin, if you don't look carefully, you can't see the clue, just say that her arms are smooth and slender, more delicate and delicate than ordinary women.

Looking at Hu Yuzhen's grinning face, she knew that she did this on purpose. Lin Jin smiled. He was a beast appraiser, and he didn't even care about the beauty of the country, and the tigress Hu Yuzhen was obviously inferior, so how could he? Make his heart move?

Extending his finger to detect the pulse, Lin Jin immediately entered the other party's information into the Beast Museum.

"Good guy, it's really a monster at the peak of the fifth-order."

Lin Jin secretly said in his heart.

This monster is also the first time to enter the beast museum. The scale of the entire beast museum seems to be larger than before.

Taking a closer look, there is actually an extra hall called the 'Slaying Demon Hall'.

However, this extra place was empty and empty. Lin Jin couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, so he could only ignore it for the time being.

Look at this monster's information again.

"The fifth-order peak tiger demon, obsessed with becoming a demon, four hundred and ninety-one years old."

"The desolate tiger, swallows jade and conceives spirits, controls the black wind, and devours living beings."

"I have practiced the Blood Jade Demon King's Art, the Art of Fighting the Wind, and I am proficient in the art of ghosts."

"Obstinence becomes a demon, and the road to advancement has been sealed. Except for cultivating a Dharma body, there is no possibility of advancement..."

"The method of slaying demons is..."

In the museum, there is a lot of content about this monster. Lin Jin read it carefully, but after seeing the obsession to become a demon and the method of slaying the demon, Lin Jin suddenly realized.

No wonder the Beast Museum will have an extra hall of slaying demons. It turns out that it has this kind of use.

After Lin Jin had thought about it, it was quite troublesome to look at the method of slaying demons, but after slaying demons, there must be benefits, and Lin Jin really wanted to try it.

Originally, he didn't intend to point out the right method, but at this time, he changed his mind.

"Mr. Lin, can you identify any results?" Hu Yuzhen couldn't help but ask after seeing Lin Jin's silence for a long time.

Speaking of which, she was also on guard.

The beast appraiser in front of him is obviously only the second ring, but he can condense the law body, which means that the other party may not be the real second ring beast appraiser. Generally, the second ring beast appraiser will condense the law body, and it is impossible to bring so many beasts. and monsters.

Hu Yuzhen can see the details of the white ape at a glance. In her eyes, the white ape is at most a little monster, but even a little monster is rare in this world, let alone following the human race. The one in the coffin is not simple, but what makes her the most dreaded is the fire wolf beast with the legal body.

It was her dream thing.

Looking at Xiaohuo, Hu Yuzhen's eyes also showed a trace of blackness, jealous, jealous, and longing.

With such eyes, Lin Jin could see clearly.

This is the devil!

Before, Lin Jin didn't know what a demon was, let alone him, just ask how many talented people in the world can answer?

But Lin Jin is someone who owns the Beast Museum after all. He didn't know about demons before, but now he has a deep understanding of them. The so-called demons, to put it bluntly, are obsessions.

Most of the obsessions in the world, whether good or evil at first, will eventually lead to evil. Whether human or demon, as long as there is obsession, it is possible to become a demon.

Hu Yuzhen was originally just a monster, and she was successful in cultivation. She fell into a bottleneck and began to pursue the way of the Dharma body, but she couldn't do it, so she fell into the devil because of obsession.

In a nutshell, that's it.

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