The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 297 Exceptional promotion

Naturally, the trainee brought by Tan Lin knew Lin Jin. When she saw Lin Jin coming, she hurriedly saluted.

"Master Lin Jian."

"What about the president?"

"The president is in the back hall, I will report."

Lin Jin waved his hand: "I don't need me, I'll just find her myself, you guys are busy."

Those apprentices can just think about it, after all, they all know that Lin Jin and the president are very familiar, and they used to do this often.

So, Lin Jin went straight to the inner hall.

At this time, Tan Lin frowned, looking at a letter in her hand.

The letter is a letter from the family just sent today. It was written by his father Tan Xun. The content above is to hope that Tan Lin will be transferred back to the Wangcheng Beast Appraiser Association as soon as possible to participate in a very important 'selection'.

The specific situation, Tan Lin naturally knows that it is the recruitment selection of the high-level country 'Tianxuan' Appraisal College. In the Central Continent, the Tianxuan Great Country is the strongest existence. Naturally, its domestic Appraisal College is also the same. He is also the strongest in the Central Continent. Tan Lin's father also studied at the Appraisal College of Tianxuan Kingdom in his early years.

Generally speaking, the college recruits students from the first ring and the second ring, but because there are too many people in Central China who want to study, it is extremely difficult to enter the college, and the admission standards are extremely harsh.

Last year, Tan Lin wanted to go, but failed, but this time, Tan Xun told her that she had experience in running a branch, and the chance of passing was much higher.

Tan Lin naturally wanted to go, but someone from Hongye City had to take over.

At this stage, who will take over?

Is it still necessary to send people from the Wangcheng General Assembly?

Tan Lin actually has her candidate, that is Lin Jin, but Lin Jin hasn't come back yet, but on her side, she has to leave tomorrow at the latest, so she can't afford to delay.

Just when Tan Lin was worried, Lin Jin came in.

The first time she saw Lin Jin, Tan Lin thought she was dazzled. Why did this person appear just after thinking of this person?

Tan Lin naturally didn't know about Lin Jin's stay in Wangcheng. She only knew that Lin Jin went to Wangcheng to run errands, but she didn't expect to come back for so long, and her father Tan Xun's letter mentioned Lin Jin, but it was only ten days. The first two have met before, and they don't know after that.

As for the strange things that happened in Wangcheng, Tan Xun didn't say anything in the letter, so Tan Lin actually didn't know anything.

But it was a good thing that Lin Jin came back. When she saw Lin Jin, she immediately got up and welcomed him in.

"President Tan Lin, I'm sorry..." Lin Jin looked apologetic. This time he had been gone for a long time, and he thought it caused some trouble for Tan Lin.

So don't care about anything else, and apologize first, it's definitely fine.

But Tan Lin didn't care about this at all. She asked Lin Jin to do it well, and said directly: "Lin Jianshi, you're back, I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Ah, where are you going?" Lin Jin didn't react for a while.

After all, what Tan Lin said was endless.

"Listen to me carefully." Tan Lin also knew that she was in a hurry, so she repeated the matter before and after, this time Lin Jing knew what was going on.

In the circle of beast appraisers, who does not know Tianxuan Academy, which is the best beast appraiser academy in the Central Continent, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a holy place.

It is said that the worst teachers in the academy are all three-ring beast appraisers. There are many four-ring beast appraisers, even five-ring beast appraisers.

It is no exaggeration to call such a place the Holy Land of Beast Appraisers.

"President Tan Lin, congratulations." Lin Jin said so, this is indeed something to congratulate, that is Tianxuan Academy, being able to enter and study in it is of course the top priority. It is much better than being the president of a branch here. .

"That's why I need to find someone to take over." Tan Lin looked at Lin Jin and said.

Lin Jin's heart skipped a beat, but he probably guessed that Tan Lin was looking for herself in such a hurry, it must be for this matter.

Now Lin Jin's skills have improved a lot. Even if he doesn't rely on the Beast Museum, he is definitely worthy of the level of the second ring beast appraiser, and even higher, he can reach the level of the third ring. .

In this way, there is absolutely no problem in being the president of a small town branch.

As for age, it's not a problem anymore. Tan Lin is not a few years older than him. She is still a woman. She can do it, and she has no problem.

Therefore, Lin Jin didn't shirk, so he just suffered.

Tan Lin smiled: "You are confident, but in all fairness, Lin Jianshi, your ability is indeed better than mine, and it is because of this that I will recommend you."

Tan Lin's words are not modest. She knows how Lin Jin's ability to detect and diagnose animals is. The reason why she was successfully admitted to Tianxuan Academy this time may have to be attributed to Lin Jin.

It's also that she has been studying Lin Jin's Jianshu recently. Sometimes, she will discuss techniques with Lin Jin. As the saying goes, if you play chess with masters, their own chess skills will also improve. This is the same for Jian beasts. Follow Lin Jin. After a long time, her level and vision have naturally improved a lot, so she will pass it smoothly this time.

Maybe because she was about to leave, she didn't chat with Lin Jin for a long time. In the next time, she and Lin Jinchang chatted for an afternoon, and Lin Jin also talked as much as possible about beasts. Of course, this Tan Lin was also very curious about a trip to Wangcheng once, and Lin Jin said something by pick and choose.

But just in the afternoon, someone outside said that someone from the City Lord's Mansion was coming.

Tan Lin was a little upset and ignored it.

But the people outside shouted: "It's the Lord of the City coming in person."

This time, you must have a look.

"This City Lord Bai rarely comes here. Could it be that something happened this time?" Tan Lin looked puzzled, and Lin Jin smiled. He is calmer now. Anyway, Tan Lin is still the president. What's the matter? She also came out.

So Lin Jin didn't move his butt, and Tan Lin knew that the other party didn't plan to go out, so she went out by herself.

But as soon as Lin Jin took a sip of this cup of tea, Tan Lin brought the city lord Bai Zhenkong in.

"Lin Jianshi, City Lord Bai is here to find you." Tan Lin looked strange.

Lin Jin hurriedly put down the teacup in his hand and came out to greet him.

As the lord of a city, in Hongye City, Bai Zhenkong has the highest status, and it is not an important matter. He really will not come forward in person.

But today's matter is very important. It is the will of the emperor of the Jade Dragon Kingdom personally. Bai Zhenkong must take this matter seriously and do the errand seriously.

Seeing Lin Jin at this moment, Bai Zhenkong was never polite.

"Master Lin Jian, I heard that you just returned from Wangcheng, and I came here, didn't I disturb you?"

What this said was surprising.

Bai Zhenkong was not like this before, he was full of authority, at least he was holding an air, but at this moment, he was not airing and smiling.

Lin Jin hurriedly bowed his hands and bowed: "If the City Lord Bai is talking about something, how can it be considered a disturbance if the City Lord comes to me."

Bai Zhenkong laughed, but didn't say much about it, but took out one thing.

Holy decree.

"Master Lin Jian, this is written by His Majesty the Emperor, and I will pass it on on my behalf."

After speaking, he cleared his throat and read it seriously.

The Jade Dragon Kingdom doesn't kneel down very much, so even if it's an imperial decree, you don't need to kneel to receive it, you just need to bow and salute.

And the content of this imperial edict is also bells and whistles, but the central meaning is easy to understand.

Lin Jin understood.

In general, he has merit, so the emperor has the privilege to make an exception to the promotion of the beast appraiser, showing the mighty grace of the emperor.

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