Next, Qu Wenji began to play the piano, and the beauty of the Western Regions danced immediately.

There is no doubt that the sound of the piano is pleasant and the dance is more beautiful.

At this time, the veil on the face of the beauty of the Western Regions also automatically fell and fluttered away, which immediately triggered the frenzy of many people below.

Looking at it again, this woman from the Western Regions has more slender limbs, deep facial features, a high nose bridge, long chestnut hair, and blue eyes. This kind of beauty is different from the beauty of a woman from Central China like Qu Wenji. It is an exotic style. At least in Lin Jin's view, this beauty from the Western Regions does not mean that she is more beautiful than Qu Wenji, but her style is different.

Of course, as a dancer, the beauty of the Western Regions can definitely be called superb skills, even from Lin Jin's point of view, it is quite remarkable.

But at this moment, the mutation protruded.

A person suddenly flew out from the elegant room next door, and fell to the stage with a thunderous momentum.

No one can stop along the road, and in an instant, the wooden table is broken, and the wine and vegetables are flying around.

To say that there are some people and masters in Fengya Building, but without exception, they were all knocked away by the tall figure. Some of them were unlucky.

"What a cowardly thief." Zuo Wentang scolded, and immediately jumped out to chase.

Lin Jin is also frowning at the moment, the hall below is already in a mess, but Lin Jin remembers clearly that there is not only one person next door.

The next moment, someone walked out from the next door, it was the Mangzhou man who had the aura of a king snake. At this moment, next to the Mangzhou man, there were two guards, and the previous monster was the madman who kidnapped people.

The three Mangzhou people sneered all over their faces, and at the moment they were walking away quickly, and at the moment, no one noticed them.

Lin Jin thought about it for a while, and it's not a good idea to ignore it. Besides, he had already seen that Zuo Wentang was paying particular attention to that Qu Wenji. The color changed, and he ran after him without even saying hello, so Lin Jin definitely couldn't stand by.

Therefore, he stepped down, blocking the way of the three Mangzhou people.

"Three, are you going to leave like this?" Lin Jin was very polite, but the other party's reaction was obviously extremely intense.

The two Mangzhou people dressed as guards took two steps forward, one left and one right, one punched and the other pushed palms. In an instant, the two ordinary people actually seemed to be one, and a huge power erupted. Lin Jin even saw the phantom of a giant Mangzhou elephant, slamming towards him.

Meeting is the killer.

These Mangzhou people are really crazy.

Lin Jin naturally didn't dare to take it lightly. After all, the terrifying aura had already hit him head-on. Lin Jin instantly invoked Xiaohuo's power, left fist and right palm, just the opposite of the opponent's. out.

In a hurry, Lin Jin was also able to make the quickest response. There is no doubt that the combined force of the opponent's two Mangzhou people was extremely powerful. When the fists and palms intersected, it was really like a giant Mangzhou elephant slamming into him. , that is ten thousand jins of power.

Lin Jin immediately flew out backwards, breaking through the screen behind him.

"The man's arm is a car!" The Mangzhou man in the middle sneered and walked away quickly, while his two men looked a little ugly, and hurried to keep up, but it was obvious that it was quite hard.

When they went out, the middle-aged Mangzhou man clearly noticed that something was wrong, and immediately asked with a frown.

"You two, what's wrong?"

"King Nightmare, that person was not simple just now. My two arms can't feel it at the moment, I'm afraid it's..." The two hands looked pained and sweated.

Looking closely, the two of them, one arm was frozen by the cold, and the other arm was charred black, obviously burnt.


The Mangzhou man, known as the Nightmare King, scolded, and then quickened his pace. The two subordinates also gritted their teeth to keep up. They took advantage of the chaos and ran out of the city.

But they didn't know that there was someone behind them.

It was Lin Jin.

Just now Lin Jin was also accidentally knocked out. It was because the opponent's strength was too great, and Lin Jin had never encountered such a combined attack method before, so he suffered a loss.

But really speaking, it is the other party who has lost a lot.

Lin Jin was only shot and flew out, and suffered a little injury, and the two Mangzhou people should not be able to keep their arms, so it was Lin Jin who took advantage.

Ke Lin was upset at the moment.

Quite upset.

I just asked, and I didn't even say a word to the other party to make a killing move. This is when I met myself, and if I were someone else, would I still be able to live?

The bones that will definitely be beaten will be broken and the tendons will be broken, and they will die.

So Lin Jin was very unhappy, not to mention today's affairs, Zuo Wentang was also involved, even if it wasn't, Lin Jin would still take care of this business.

At this moment, Lin Jin used his blindfolding technique and blessed the technique of soaring clouds. Even if the opponent's speed was extremely fast and he had already rushed out of the city, it was absolutely impossible to get rid of himself.

And it can be seen that these Mangzhou people know that there are masters in Hongye City, so they dare not stop there. They obviously planned it. At this speed, the masters in the city couldn't react, and it was too late to intercept it. After all, it has only been a dozen breaths since the accident.

When they left the city, these Mangzhou people were heading west, and Lin Jin could actually stop the three of them in the city.

But Lin Jin didn't do that.

As I said just now, Lin Jin is very upset, so he wants to figure out what the other party is going to do, and then, if he makes a move, no matter what they do, they will all destroy it. Who makes him uncomfortable?

At this moment, the three people were chatting, and Lin Jin used his means to get closer. He walked quickly above the heads of these people, naturally using the technique of cloud rank.

It happened to be obscured by the night, coupled with the blindfold, so the three people below did not notice it at all.

"You two, can you persevere?" Nightmare King asked, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Return to the Nightmare King, we can." How dare the two injured Mangzhou guards say no, the Nightmare King's temperament, they are very clear, if they feel dragged down, they may even abandon them, so even if they can't insist, At this point, you have to stick to it.

"Hmph, there aren't any masters in this Jade Dragon Kingdom, especially in Red Leaf City. I heard that there is only one Ye Yuzhou here, and the others are not enough to see. The kid who blocked the road just now is definitely not Ye Yuzhou, and you guys are actually injured by a nameless person. In the hands of the old generation, after returning, I am afraid that punishment will be indispensable, but this king is happy today, not only can I bring back Di Li, but also a beauty in Central Asia, haha, so you can rest assured, after returning, this king will only reward, not punish you."

Nightmare King is laughing at the moment, obviously in a good mood.

The two guards breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "Congratulations to the Nightmare King for finding a beauty, so, in the Nightmare Queen's harem, there will be a few more beauties."

The Nightmare King was very happy to hear this.

"Haha, that's right, the harem at home should also be built a few more yards. In addition, that Di Li has to be well trained. Before this king wanted to admit her, she dared to escape, and even preferred to come to Central China Continent, Fengyue. If you don’t teach me a lesson this time, I won’t be able to get rid of the hatred in my heart.” When the Nightmare King said that he was unhappy, his face was full of murderous aura. Don't dare to speak, if you say the wrong thing, it will be troublesome if you make the Nightmare King unhappy.

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