When he asked this sentence, Gu Mengzhong felt very uneasy in his heart. He was afraid, afraid of hearing a helpless answer.

After all, he has heard too many such answers.

Lin Jin smiled: "As a beast pet, of course there is a way to domesticate the blood pact, but..."

Halfway through, he stopped talking.

As soon as Gu Mengzhong heard there was a way, he couldn't hold back, and said eagerly, "What is the way, tell me."

What Lin Jin wants to say is, you can't let me do it for nothing, no matter if it's money or something, you have to express that, after all, we are not relatives, so we can't help you domesticate the blood contract for free.

But the anxious Gu Mengzhong didn't understand the meaning at all.

In other words, Gu Mengzhong was used to it. He was always begged by others on weekdays. Even if it was Jian Beast, as long as he visited any famous teacher, the other party would be very happy to help him, and he would not charge a penny. But Lin Jin is obviously an anomaly. No matter what master of calligraphy and painting you are, you have to give money to let people recognize beasts.

In the end, there was no other way, Lin Jin could only spread his hands: "The association has regulations, you can't take private work outside. If you want to know how to domesticate the blood contract, that's fine. You can come to the association in the afternoon to register."

Lin Jin said with a calm face, after all, this is a normal request, but Gu Mengzhong was stunned for a while, then blushed, and finally understood.

To put it bluntly, people have no friendship with you. It is already a favor to help you catch the beast pet that is about to escape, and it is also possible to let people check the beast for free. If you ask about the method of domesticating the blood contract, it is indeed a bit too much.

Although Gu Mengzhong was impatient and wanted to know the solution urgently, he was a person of status after all, so he thought about it and said, "This afternoon, I still have things to do, and tomorrow, I will definitely go to the Hongye City Beast Appraiser Association to hang you on Lin Jian. Master's name, I hope Master Lin Jian will give me advice on the blood contract method."

Lin Jin secretly said, how can this person be so stupid, asking you to register is just a statement, if you give me a few hundred meanings, I will do it for you.

But he couldn't say it, he could only nod his head.

"Then this ink beast..." Lin Jin stretched out his hand and patted the condensed bulge that looked like a head, and then placed the group of ink beasts on the table.

The ink beast didn't run, but honestly condensed into a pool, and kept squirming.

Seeing this scene, Gu Mengzhong was shocked again, and he said directly: "I don't have a container, and I can't control it myself, so I will store it with Lin Jianshi first, and then return it to me after the beast is detected tomorrow."

Lin Jin was also straightforward, nodded and said yes.

At this time, Chef Liao came out with a few plates of stir fry, but seeing Lin Jin and Gu Mengzhong chatting happily, he was stunned for a moment, and muttered, "I just ignored each other just now, and we started chatting after a while?"

"The dishes are here!"

Lin Jin's nose was sharp, and he could smell the fragrance from a long distance. After talking for a long time, he was hungry.

The dishes are served, three meat and two vegetarians, all are treasures.

Liao Gu wanted to hear Lin Jin's comments. Where would Lin Jin comment? He could only talk about the materials of meat dishes. This museum has content, but that's it. Instead, it seems that he is inscrutable, especially Liao Gu. It was quite surprising, even, he could learn something from it.

Gu Mengzhong also lost the previous estrangement. The three of them chatted very happily. There is a saying that they were strangers with a glass of wine, and they became confidants during the banquet. After a meal, the three of them became friends.

Naturally, Liao Gu is unparalleled in his cooking skills; Gu Mengzhong respects the way of calligraphy and painting; as for the beasts, Lin tried his best to eat a meal, and he was convinced by what Liao Gu and Gu Mengzhong said, and he was even more in his heart. I have a little respect for the younger generation Lin Jin.

Without him, the master is the teacher, and the learned should be respected.

Now that he was familiar with it, Lin Jin thought for a while and told Gu Mengzhong: "Generally speaking, if you want to tame this black ink beast, it is not enough to just raise it slowly, especially this rare species with high potential and strong combat power, but there are also The weakness is that the intellect is very poor, and the general domestication methods are useless for it."

Gu Mengzhong is not stupid, his eyes lit up immediately: "No wonder it was useless to tame it before, is it because it has to be suppressed with force?"

Lin nodded.

"How to do that?" Gu Mengzhong asked again.

Lin Jin said: "This is more troublesome, I wonder if Master Gu can get the blood, hair and other things of the fourth-order fire attribute beast pet?"

Gu Mengzhong frowned: "It can be, but it will take a long time."

Lin Jin shook his head: "This matter can't be delayed, forget it, I'll find a solution for this, or tomorrow, you come to the association to find me, it should be almost the same, this needs to be prepared overnight, otherwise I will help you do it now."

As soon as Gu Mengzhong heard it, he knew that Lin had other ways to do it. Naturally, he was overjoyed. He had waited for so long, and it would be fine to wait another day.

This time, Lin Jin's attitude improved even more.

Sometimes, people can see the difference at a glance, and they say that Jia Qian and Zhang He, who were sent by the association to entertain them, have a respectful attitude, but they have no ability. Talk ill of people, especially that Jang Hyuk.

Thinking of this, Gu Mengzhong glanced at Lin Jin and secretly looked at Lin Jin again. He was not shocked by honor and disgrace, and was not afraid of rumors. In this squeezed environment, he still did not forget his original intention and kept improving. It looks like it can make big things happen. This time, if he can really help himself tame the bloody ink beast, he will also help Lin to do his best.

He didn't say this to his face, but he made up his mind.

If it is said that Gu Mengzhong became friends because of Lin Jin's usefulness, then Liao Gu is simply appreciative.

In his words, it was the right eye.

After eating and drinking, Gu Mengzhong thought for a while, and painted two paintings on the spot, one for Liao Gu and the other for Lin Jin.

Lin Jin wanted to be polite, but Liao Gu said, "Meng Zhong's paintings are priceless outside, and they can be sold for thousands of taels, even thousands of taels are not a problem."

Hearing this, Lin Jin quickly accepted the painting.

After saying goodbye to each other like this, Lin Jin returned to the Beast Appraiser Association. There was still one afternoon left. He had to sit in his hall for a consultation, and maybe someone would call him in the afternoon.

In the hall, Zhao Ying and Lu Xiaoyun sat on the side and studied the book of beast appraisement that Lin Jin gave them.

Xiaohuo is still practicing, but from the outside, he is lying on the ground and sleeping.

The big clear water turtle was also quite honest and didn't move. Tang An went over to check it and nodded. This big tortoise actually has very powerful bloodlines and great potential, but Zu Can didn't know how to activate the bloodlines of this big turtle. Yes, it is also this big tortoise with rough skin and thick flesh and a strong physique, otherwise it would have been poisoned long ago.

Seeing Lin Jin coming over, the big turtle stretched out his head and rubbed Lin Jin's hand to show his intimacy.

"Okay, you big guy, just stay with me for a few more days. I'll hold Rhubarb over another day, and you can get to know each other and make friends."

Lin Jin didn't care whether the big turtle of clear water could understand or not, so he nagged.

After he finished speaking, he thought of something, and when he took it out of his arms, he actually took out a wine gourd. The wine gourd was naturally not wine, but Gu Mengzhong's ink beast.

After putting the gourd in the cabinet, he took out the paintings donated by Gu Mengzhong and put them on the table. Lin Jin planned to go to the market another day to ask who received the paintings.

Of course, I didn't want to sell it, I just wanted to make sure that the painting was really that valuable.

After drinking a sip of tea, Lin Jin began to wait for someone to come to the door.

However, the situation did not improve in any way, except that he had the cheek to take the initiative to pull in a few guests before, and basically no one cared about his number.

When Lin Jin was dozing off in the afternoon, it suddenly became lively outside. It seemed that someone was yelling, and the voice was from far to near. At this moment, the door of Lin Jin's room was kicked open, the door panel was directly shattered, and the last person was aggressive. rushed in.

"Who is Lin Jin? Get out and dare to lie to my sister. If I don't teach him a lesson today, will I really think our Lu family is easy to bully?"

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