The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 316 Flying Dragon Blood Golden Crow Feather

Even if he only looked at it with the cloud and mist method, the bloody scene was still shocking. Even Lin Jin could see clearly through the eyes of the cloud and mist bird. After the 'big catfish' that had eaten the four-clawed dragon beast, He was actually looking at himself with those two dense rows of at least twelve eyeballs of different sizes.

No, it was looking at the bird that was condensed by his spell.

Compared with this big catfish, the bird is like a giant whale and a small shrimp.

Presumably, the other party also felt that this little bird was not even enough to plug his teeth, so he just glanced at it, then swam his huge body, gradually moved away, and burrowed into the first layer of cloudy world.

At this moment, Lin Jin was sweating from fear.

However, at this time, Lin Jin realized that the cloud and mist bird that he had condensed had been stained with a drop of blood at some point, which belonged to the four-clawed dragon beast that was eaten just now.

Guess it was splashed.

Immediately, Lin Jin's thoughts moved, and he activated the magic technique, using the magic power of clouds and mist, to imprison the drop of blood, and then continued to chase the falling golden black feather.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off. Lin Jin controlled the cloud and mist bird, flew over quickly, and after several twists and turns, he finally caught the golden black feather.

Even if it was a cloud bird condensed by magic, Lin Jin could feel the scorching heat of the Golden Crow's feathers through it.

That is the spiritual energy of the most radiant sun, and it is definitely something that the world does not have. At the moment, Lin Jin is in a good mood, so he wants to call the bird back, but at this time, Lin Jin discovered something was wrong.

He found that the cloudy bird couldn't fly down at all.

There seems to be an invisible barrier between the sky and the earth on the first floor, blocking the passage. No matter how the bird flies down, it will be blocked by a five-element thing and cannot continue to descend.

It was as if the place where Lin Jin was at the moment and the Nine Heavens Profound Realm were completely two worlds.

He could only see, not touch.


If you can't touch it, why can you use the magic technique to cast the cloud and mist technique to condense the cloud bird?

Lin Jin calmed down at this time. After all, if he became distracted, if the bird of cloud and mist collapsed, whether it was the blood of the four-clawed dragon beast or the feathers of the Golden Crow, it would all be lost.

The chopsticks were caught in the meat, so Lin Jin could throw it back into the pot. This kind of thing was absolutely impossible.

Lin Jin began to think deeply at this time.

The Nine Heavens Profound Realm was obviously another world, a kind of divine might, at least not the same as the mortal world where Lin Jin was at the moment.

And the reason why I can see it is because I borrowed Xiaohuo Dharma Body before and cast the edict of the Mountain God, which attracted the attention of Jiutian Xuanjie.

In essence, there may be a difference of hundreds of millions of miles between the two.

This inference immediately caused a feeling of powerlessness in Lin Jin's heart. If so, how did the cloudy bird that he condensed with his mana come back with that drop of blood and feathers?

There is no way at all.

Just give up?

Lin Jin was a little unwilling again. You must know that this time he was able to peep into the Nine Heavens Profound Realm, but he might not be able to do so next time. This kind of opportunity should be used once, and once less.

At this time, Lin Jin also turned his mind and thought about countermeasures.

It is definitely impossible to fly hard. Now he is like watching the moon in the water. It seems that the moon and the stars are in the water, but if you expect to fish out some things in the sky from the water, it is definitely impossible.

Unless it is to open a bridge, the cloud bird can naturally fly back.

But the question is, how to get through?

The things here are too mysterious, and they are mysterious and mysterious. At this moment, even if Lin Jin wants to break his head, he can't think of a countermeasure. And over there, maintaining the cloud and mist bird also requires mana.

Even with Xiaohuo's dharma body, if he can't get the bird out of the Nine Heavens Profound Realm, his mana will be exhausted.

Even in Lin Jin's state of mind, he was a little anxious at this time.

Not to mention the blood of the four-clawed dragon beast, it is just the golden black feather, which is definitely something that can't be found and can't be asked for.

Lin Jin tried his best to stabilize his mind. In this rush, he really thought of an idea.

A rather risky idea.

I can't break the barrier myself, but someone must be able to do it. For example, the terrifying beast roar the first time, at that time, the breath was clear, and the barrier between the two worlds must be connected.

This can be a try.

Lin Jin took a deep breath and started his death-defying journey again. Still, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he used the power of the Beasts Museum to escape.

At this time, you can't care about your face.

Besides, who knows you?

When Lin Jin thought of this, he stopped hiding, and saw him stand up, shouting at Jiutian Xuanjie.

This roar was not simple, but it carried the sword intent from the Heavenly Dao Sword Post that he had learned. Lin Jin didn't know whether this method would work or not, but it was the most threatening move he could use.

The sword intent soared into the sky, and it really alarmed the Nine Heavens Profound Realm.

The originally peaceful heaven changed face in an instant, and a coercion of heaven and earth that was the same as at the beginning suddenly fell, almost directly knocking Lin Jin to the ground.

"It's done!"

Lin Jin gritted his teeth and stood firm, but Spiritual Mind maintained the cloud and mist bird all the time, letting it hide in the corner and wait for an opportunity.

A stab.

Lin Jin's clothes were shattered under the enormous pressure.

At the same time, on a path not far from where Lin Jin was, a carriage and a group of people were rushing along in the dark. Looking carefully, there was a word 'dart' written on the carriage.

This is the escort agency delivering the goods.

Generally speaking, the delivery of goods by the escort is in the daytime, and there are very few cases of rushing at night, but there are exceptions. For example, the time limit requested by the entrusting person is too short, and the escort can only travel day and night in order to hurry up.

Another is because the goods being transported are expensive.

This dart team, taking into account both, is not only pressed for time, but also because the goods delivered are too precious.

The thing that was transported was the birthday gift of the richest man in Weicheng to a certain high official in Wangcheng. This Weicheng is the most remote city in the Yulong Kingdom. It is separated by four cities from Wangcheng. Even if the land travels day and night. , but also five days and four nights.

Fortunately, this group of escorts have carriages and horses, and can take turns resting with each other, otherwise the beasts who are on the road and pulling can stand it, and this person can't stand it either.

"Masters, we have already arrived at the territory of Hongye City, and we will arrive at the Royal City in two days. The price paid by the people who entrusted us this time is quite a lot. After this trip, we can take a good rest for a while." Take the lead. The escort was walking at the front at the moment, giving the people behind him a boost.

These escorts sell coolies.

After all, they traveled south and north, slept in the wind and slept in the open air, and the suffering was really unbearable for ordinary people, and among them, there were some people who didn't have animal pets, and even if they did, it wasn't particularly good.

In fact, among these escorts, not everyone can fight, and there are also three, six, nine, etc., there are powerful darts, and there are also martial darts who are specially responsible for safety and fight against enemies when they encounter them.

Most of the people in this group are power darts, and there are only five or six people in the martial arts. The beast pets of the martial arts are naturally the kind of jackals, tigers and leopards who are good at fighting.

"Master Zhang, what are we pulling this time? We still need to work day and night. Let's take a break from time to time. These days, I'm almost tired." A power dart master said at this time.

The person who took the lead smiled: "The rules of the dart shop are not to ask anything. To be honest, I don't know very well, but I heard that it is a high-quality medicinal material. As for what kind of medicinal material, I don't know."

medicinal herbs.

What kind of medicinal herb is worth spending five hundred taels of dart silver?

Those darts secretly said in their hearts, but they don't actually care what the goods are, they will just have the money when the time comes.

But it's really tiring.

Especially when driving the mountain road, it is not enough for the beasts pulling the cart in front. Sometimes, they have to help push the cart, and the mountain road is difficult. When the wind blows, I shiver from the cold.

I guess it was really tired to see a few elderly escorts, and Zhang escort who took the lead thought for a while and said, "We spent the first two days working day and night without delay. Well, then take a break."

Everyone was overjoyed, and they stopped at the fork in the road.

After taking a break, drink water, drink water, eat cake, and take advantage of this precious time to stare for a while. After all, it takes a while to take a break.

someone to chat.

"Master Zhang, you should take this road often, the scenery is really good." A young guard asked.

The young man, full of energy, recovered after resting for a while, and asked curiously at this moment.

"It's more than escort Zhang, most of us take this road often. You have just entered the industry, so the freshness has not passed. If you walk too much, what scenery, who cares about this." An old escort next to you. He took a sip of water and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Haha, I can't say that. Let's just say that here, the front is called Sanlipo. If you look forward, you can still see one... Hey, this, when will there be another mountain?" Master Zhang frowned at this time. Stare ahead.

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