
With a cry, the muscles of the ox also skyrocketed, and the whole ox seemed to be strong.

A few well-informed escorts immediately said: "Here, this is an advanced step. Only second-order beast pets can use the power of attributes. After this, it is enough to just walk two laps to cultivate the land."

"Really advanced?"

"Can't be wrong, can't be wrong!"

There was excitement in the voices of several guards, and the owner of the scalper was also beating faster at this time. He couldn't believe it, because he had no hope at all before.

But at this moment, the rooster really laid eggs in front of him.

Originally, his worldview was shattered all over the ground at this moment, and he couldn't even squeeze it.

The extreme shock was followed by ecstasy.

Advanced beast pets are of great significance in today's world. Not only is it as simple as having a second-order beast pet, but because of the relationship of the blood contract, even his master's physique will be improved.

Some people say that an advanced animal pet can prolong the life of the owner by ten years.

This is not a lie, nor is it nonsense, it is true, in addition to lifespan, it is actually not only lifespan that can help the owner of the blood contract to improve.

There is also strength, the escort clenched his fist, he could feel that his strength had improved a lot.

Thinking of his own scalper being promoted to the second-order, so he doesn't need to travel far and wide to be a bodyguard. It's hard money, not worth it. After returning in the future, with his second-order scalper who can control the earth element, he can't make money. money?

His son will get married in the future, and he will have the confidence to show it.

So, how can you not be happy?

The realm of scalpers is obviously only the first.

Immediately afterwards, the second beast pet also advanced. It was a wolf beast dog, and it was also a beast of inferior blood. It was a cross between a wolf and a dog beast.

This kind of beast is of average strength, but it is more ruthless and loyal enough, so it is the object of many ordinary people's blood pacts. Another point is that this kind of beast is also smart enough to understand what the master asks them to do. It has a dart in it, which is very useful.

But because it is a ferocious beast of inferior blood, it is almost unimaginable to advance. Although it is not like a scalper, almost no one has seen anyone who can advance, but like this wolf beast dog, There is no one in a thousand miles that can advance, and it is possible that not one in a hundred thousand can only advance.

Today, this wolf beast dog has advanced.


This wolf beast dog screamed in the sky, visible to the naked eye, its size increased with a punch, sharp teeth, sharp claws, and the original mottled and bald place, but also regrown fur, really like reborn.

"Metallic wolf beasts are rare!" Lin Jin glanced at the wolf beast dog's steel-like teeth and murmured in his heart.

After this kind of wolf beast dog advanced, the bite force is amazing, even a tree can be bitten off in a few bites, and even some iron tools are no match for the steel teeth in its mouth.

Lin Jin continued to use his current methods, with the pulse-seeking needle art, combined with the magic power of Xiaohuo Dharmakaya, to give these beasts the realm.

In the eyes of others, the supernatural means that are almost mysterious, in the eyes of today's Lin Jin, are just ordinary tricks.

The next step up is also a wolf beast dog, but with different attributes, this wolf beast dog belongs to the wind.

After the realm, the wind whistled all over the body, and the speed was much faster.

Next, the beast pets of these guards are advanced one by one. For these guards, in just a few minutes today, they have seen more beast pets than the previous half of their lives combined in decades. .

In the past, seeing other people's pets advanced, it can only be envious.

After all, these days, unless there is an adventure, if you want the realm of beast pets, you need to compare the background and financial resources. If you have money, you can go to a famous beast appraiser to help improve the strength of the beast pet, and increase the accumulation bit by bit. , and finally advanced.

As most ordinary people, they can only look at others enviously, imagining that one day, they will also be able to see their own beast pets advanced.

Today, it really opened my eyes.

An old horse, this time also advanced.

Majestic water vapor wafted from the horse's body, and its hoofs neighed. It was already very old. At this time, it seemed to be ten years younger. Its strength and spirit were like a foal.

The miracle continues.

Many escorts are already trembling with excitement at this moment. Their disbelief, disdain, and doubt at the beginning to the surprise and ecstasy now may only be a moment.

Just one day and one place.

Of the nine pet pets, at this time, eight have already completed the advanced level, and the only one that has not advanced is the second-order Broken-Tail Mountain Lion of Master Zhang.

It is no longer a problem for a beast appraiser of Lin Jin's level to rise from the first rank to the second rank. Officially, Lin Jin's level of a beast appraiser is the third ring, but in fact, he treats himself as he is. By virtue of being conservative, it should reach the level of four rings.

The four-ring beast appraiser wants to let an ordinary beast pet be promoted from the first rank to the second rank, and it will also not take much effort.

But who knows, the four-ring beast appraiser is really rare, and it only exists in the upper-class country, and the middle-level kingdom like the Jade Dragon Kingdom can only survive the three-ring.

However, even for a four-ring beast appraiser, it is definitely not that easy to raise a second-order beast with absolutely no hope and potential to a third-order in a short period of time.

Possibly, it takes a period of time to cultivate and improve the qualifications and potential for a period of time.

But here in Linji, none of this is needed.

In the Beast Museum, you can find the promotion point of any Beast with great accuracy, and give a targeted promotion method. Even if it seems that there is no possibility of promotion at all, in the Beast Museum, there may be more than one promotion method.

In addition, Lin Jin also mastered the extremely powerful pulse-seeking needle art, as well as the beast dharma body, so it was also easy to advance a second-order beast pet on the spot.

Just when Escort Zhang saw that all other people's pets were advanced, and only his own pets were left, he felt uneasy in his heart.

He didn't hold out hope at first, and he would not be disappointed, but it would be too cruel to burn the flame of hope and put it out again.

This is the mood of the current escort Zhang.

Because the time dragged on a little longer, he thought that it might be difficult for his pet to advance.

"That's right, other escorts' beast pets are all Tier 1. It's definitely easier to be promoted to Tier 2. My mountain lion is originally Tier 2, and it is of course ten times harder to be promoted to Tier 3." Escort Zhang In his heart, he also knew that the third-order beast pet was really powerful.

If nothing else, it is said that in the major cities and counties, some big families and even the masters of the city lord's mansion only have third-order beast pets, and there have been rumors among the people.

A third-order can support a large family.

Even if you were a guest of a large family, you could get hundreds of taels of silver a year, and the days were at least ten times better than now, and the status was the same.

The big family does not dare to show the face of a person who has a third-order beast pet, it must be respectful.

And all of this, now I may be the closest time in my life, and even those things are right in front of me, within reach.

However, this last time, may not be able to pass.

Just when Escort Zhang thought of this, he felt that he might fail, and while he was comforting himself, a cloud of sand burst out from his mountain lion.

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