And the most excited at this time is naturally Shi Wenjun himself.

After all, this just advanced is her beast pet.

As the largest family in Hongye City, there are naturally third-order beast pets in the Shi family, but as the head of the family, the beast pets are only second-order. Although the people who support her in the family have not said anything, Shi Wenjun himself is still under a lot of pressure. .

At this moment, Bailu advanced to the third rank, and Shi Wenjun immediately felt what it meant to be proud.

What excites Shi Wenjun the most is that Tier 3 is just the beginning.

What Lin Jin promised was to be promoted to Tier 4 within a month. Looking at it now, the possibility of achieving it is very high. Once her pet is promoted to Tier 4, it will be the biggest turning point for the Shi family since the establishment of the family.

From then on, the Shi family will inevitably soar.

At this moment, Shi Wenjun's fingers trembled with excitement. She clenched her fists as best she could to suppress this gaffe.

"Okay, you just advanced, it will take some time for you to get used to it. It could have made you advance to the fourth level earlier, but it should be more stable." Lin Jin patted Bailu at this time. The head, the latter is an intimate attachment.

Lin Jin said to Shi Wenjun at this time: "Patriarch Shi, I am very satisfied with this house. I will move here today, can you see it?"

"Uh, yes, of course, President Lin, I will arrange someone to help." Shi Wenjun reacted and hurriedly said, even if she suppressed the excitement, she was showing it at this moment. At this time, she is more like It was a little girl who got a new toy, showing a unique excitement.

Lin Jin nodded, this move is a big project, and he must not be able to do it on his side. Even if there is a chance for them to help, it will be very difficult, and it is naturally good to have someone to help.

Hearing that Lin Jin was going to move on the same day, Ye Yuzhou over there immediately stepped forward: "President Lin, this move is a big deal. I happen to be fine, so I'll come and help."

Luo Beihe responded quickly: "Mr. Yuzhou wants to help, let's help too."

In this way, Lin Jin moved his house, and many senior mentors from the largest family in Hongye City and the cultivator association came to help.

Lin Jin smiled, but did not refuse.

It's no harm to have more friends, and he also chooses people to make friends. Even if Luo Beihe has a stronger temperament, he is definitely a person worthy of deep friendship.

At the beginning, when she first went to the cultivator association, she took the initiative to help herself, not to mention Mr. Huangfu, a good teacher and friend who recommended her to join the association.

Therefore, if people want to send favors, Lin Jin takes it all according to the order, and he will definitely return it in the future.

This is courtesy.

As for helping these few beasts, there is no rush at all, because on the way, Lin has already known everything that he should know.

With someone to help, things can be done quickly, even for extremely tedious things like moving.

When they heard that they were going to move to a new house, Shang'er and Xiao Wu were also very excited, especially when they saw the new house, they really liked it. Lin Jin was the party involved. The corpse is afraid that the coffin cannot be seen by outsiders, otherwise, it will easily lead to misunderstanding.

Before it got dark, the move was actually finished. The size was small and fragmented, and some things were immediately discarded. Moreover, there were so many people helping, so that the move could be completed so quickly.

After moving to a new house, Lin Jin took the initiative to treat guests to dinner in the large courtyard of the new house. The Shi family called a cook, purchased dishes and meat, and managed several tables of meals as quickly as possible.

In the middle, Ye Yuzhou said goodbye and left.

Lin Jin was not surprised when he left, because tonight was the day when the living room was opened, and Ye Yuzhou wanted to go back to prepare.

On the other hand, Lin Jin now has the ability to control when to open the door, so he is not in a hurry. He sends the last guest away. Only then does Lin Jin let Shang'er and the others close the door. After explaining a few words, Lin Jin goes to the backyard.

That's right, this house has three yards plus a garden, so Lin Jin listed the backyard as his own private domain, arranged for the shadow wolf to guard the gate, and did not allow anyone to step in.

"Comfortable!" Looking at the large yard, the neat study and bedroom, Lin Jin only felt comfortable. There was a small pond in this yard, and there were fish swimming in it.

Very cozy and comfortable.

Lin Jin walked around at will, then let out his breath, opened the door of the living room and walked in.

In the living room, the atmosphere at the moment is a bit strange.

Ye Yuzhou was the last to come in, but after he came in, he immediately saw the problem, that is, there was a newcomer in the living room.

He Qing, Hei Ya, Jiang Ziqi, Lao Tian, ​​and Gui Ying, the five of them were looking at the other two people with playful expressions on their faces, when they saw Ye Yuzhou coming in, Lao Tian immediately greeted them: "Lao Ye, this way, come here. "

The last time I visited the living room, everyone made a mistake and helped Laotian's pet to advance to the fourth rank. Laotian is now different from what it used to be. This person, with strength, has the confidence to speak and do things.

"Lao Ye is here!" Black Crow also greeted.

Ye Yuzhou smiled, walked over, and looked at the two people over there, a man and a woman, who probably didn't know each other, and were vigilant.

Let's talk about the man first. This man is full of alertness, but his clothes are quite luxurious. At first glance, he is not an ordinary person. The accessories on his body are also mainly gold and jade.

In terms of imposing manner, this man is also quite extraordinary. There are animal shadows surging on his body, obviously he has practiced the Beastmaster Scroll and has reached the realm of human and animal unity.

The other woman was young, but she was extremely dignified, but her clothes were simple, a bit like a woman from an ordinary family, but her indifference in the face of danger showed her extraordinaryness.

There was no animal pet beside her, and there was no animal shadow surging on her body, so she looked ordinary.

Others are watching her, and she is watching others.

Ye Yuzhou could understand the mentality of these two people at the moment. When he first came here, why was this not the case, he was puzzled and surprised, and even felt uneasy in his heart.

But that's okay, just take it slow.

"Another one, hum!" The man number 11 said at this time. He looked around and said coldly, "Who brought me here? Fourth, is it you? Or second brother? ?"

Ye Yuzhou was stunned after hearing this, then glanced at Hei Crow, who was helpless: "We briefly talked to him, but he didn't believe it at all, so he didn't bother to answer."

Here, Hei Ya, Jiang Ziqi and Gui Ying are not the masters who like to talk.

He Qing and Lao Tian can talk, but now is not the time to communicate.

Ye Yuzhou smiled: "When the curator comes, they will understand."

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