It took Chen Yuanyuan a long time to recover.

"Lin Jin, how dare you treat me like this!"

She was gnashing her teeth.

Ordinary people will definitely reflect when encountering such a thing, but there is such a person in this world, who doesn't know how to reflect, only thinks that everyone should revolve around her, and the fault is always someone else, definitely not herself.

The person who used to be obedient to her and admired her suddenly one day dared to ignore her and even dared to resist her, which made her dizzy.

"Miss, the mighty general fainted!"

A servant of the Chen family stepped forward to check the beast pet, and saw that the mane jackal had rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, and his four legs twitched from time to time.

"I'm not blind!" Chen Yuanyuan called her beast pet 'Mighty General', just to see the power of the beast pet. Who would have thought that she would faint all of a sudden, she didn't know what was going on.

"Lin Jin, you dare to ignore me today, and you're embarrassing me so much, wait, this is not over." Chen Yuanyuan angrily kicked the mighty general, and the poor mighty general not only fainted , and was beaten for nothing.


Coming out of another medicine store, Lin Jin bought the materials for refining the 'Qi Gathering Pill'.

Speaking of Qi Gathering Pill, there is no record in the current books, the pill recipe has long been lost, but Lin Jin can find the corresponding pill recipe and refining from the many ways to strengthen the physique of beast pets in the Beast Museum method.

As for how to get some benefits from the Beast Museum, Lin Jin already has some experience. He said that the 'Six Yang Beast Soul Pill' refined before does not exist in this world, but because it is a small fire The things you need in the perfect advanced method, so there will be corresponding details in the museum.

That is to say, through this method, Lin Jin can obtain benefits that go far beyond the power to deter beasts and the art of refining the energy of beasts. There are a lot of medicinal herbs that can be discovered.

With the materials, Lin Jin didn't bother to buy the Dan furnace, so he could just ask Lu Yunhe to borrow it.

When we got home, several craftsmen were working in full swing. The house that had been burned down was also re-framed, and it was estimated that it would be repaired in a few days.

The new house was bigger and the materials used were better. When the foreman saw Lin Jin, he immediately ran over to say hello.

"Master Lin Jian, you are here!"

The foreman is a local, quite honest.

There are workers' pets that are carrying wood, some are mules, some are horses, these pets are practical, and the foreman's pet is a big monkey.

It is more efficient than people to climb high and low, and install mortise and tenon at high places.

Lin Jin took a brief look at it and was quite satisfied. He was very happy to have settled today's wages.

At this time, the old cow who was consigning stones suddenly lay on the ground and couldn't get up. Several craftsmen were anxious and went up to check, but no matter how they kicked, the old cow didn't get up, just stared and panted. rough.

"Liu Laosan, what's the matter with your pet? No matter how you get it, you have to pull the stone away. It's all blocked on the road." The foreman was anxious.

The place where the old cow was lying happened to be the center of a road. If it was blocked, it would be difficult for the traffic and horses to pass, but it would cause trouble.

The craftsman named Liu Laosan was also anxious: "I don't know what's going on. I haven't encountered such a situation before, and now it doesn't get up no matter what."

"Are you sick?"

"It's possible, what should I do now, so many stones, I can't move them all at once."

At this time, there were already carriages blocked behind, and there were a lot of neighbors watching the fun.

Lin Jin walked over.

Since this happened, let's take a look. Anyway, as long as it's a matter of beast pets, Lin Jin has absolute confidence that he can solve it.

"I'll take a look." Lin Jin pushed the crowd away and walked inside.

Most of the people around knew Lin Jin and knew that he was a beast appraiser, but because Lin Jin had a bad opinion, no one would look for him to appraise beasts even if he was a neighbor.

The same goes for those craftsmen, who obviously have no confidence in Lin Jin. From this point of view, the lethality of rumors can be seen, especially for ordinary people, they are almost convinced of these rumors, especially Jian The beast accident, in their opinion, is that Lin Jin's skills are not good.

"Why don't you go and see a veterinarian?"

Seeing this situation, Lin Jin smiled bitterly.

However, he didn't care about the eyes and distrust of these people. He first glanced at the old cow. The cow was huge, with rough skin and thick flesh. It was obviously a long-term fatigue. The cowhide was full of cracks.

There are cracks in the horns, the hoofs are also the same, and the eyes are bleeding. At the moment, he is staring at the bull's eyes, only breathing out but not breathing in. He must have suddenly suffered an emergency, but what makes Lin Jin a little embarrassed is that with his ability, he did not rely on the Beasts Museum. I really can't see what the emergency is, and there is no way to deal with it.

Lin Jin was a little overwhelmed on this point, not to mention him, even Wang Ji came here, and he would definitely be blinded for a while when he encountered such a sudden emergency.

The situation is a little urgent now. Seeing that the old cow is dying, Lin Jin didn't delay any longer, and immediately reached out and touched the old cow's head.

In an instant, there were specimens of Lao Niu and a stone tablet of information in the Beast Museum.

"First-order beast pet, land-travelling cattle, soil attribute, potential value of 1."

"Current state, emergency, damaged brain veins, dying state, the treatment steps are as follows..."

Similar to Lin Jin's previous judgment, this old cow really had a sudden emergency, and it was a fatal emergency. It is no exaggeration to say that, let alone Wang Ji, even a three-ring beast appraiser would have nothing to do in this situation.

But even in such a critical situation, there is still a way of treatment in the museum.

Lin Jin glanced at it quickly, knowing what he knew, following the detailed steps of the treatment method in the museum, condensing the aura finger and poking the 'Lingguan Point' on the old cow's head like lightning.

Reiki refers to a simple and small technique. The predecessor was a formal beast appraiser, and it is not a waste to know this basic technique. Therefore, Lin Jin can easily perform it by inheriting his memory.

With the blessing of spiritual energy, the fire spirit of beast pets is as sharp as a blade. With this finger, a small hole was opened in the head of the old cow, and blood spurted out immediately.

The people around were startled.

"Master Lin Jian, what are you doing?"

The owner of this old cow was even more anxious, with red eyes, and planned to come forward to reason, but fortunately someone stopped him by the side.

Lin Jin didn't have time to pay attention to other people. This old cow is in critical condition and cannot be delayed. The next treatment steps need to be concentrated, so when Lin Jin's thoughts move, Xiaohuo will be by his side, so as not to be disturbed by other people who don't know the truth.

The blood of the old cow was bleeding, but Lin Jin didn't hide, and his clothes were stained a little, but he didn't care.

That finger just now, the position of the point is just right, the reason why it is so accurate is because the specific acupoints are marked on the old cow specimen condensed in the beast museum.

It is equivalent to comparing with the real object. If this can be wrong, it will be strange.

Afterwards, Lin Jin pointed acupoints all over Lao Niu's body.

It's strange to say, just a few simple strokes, the old cow's breath is actually calm, the situation is obviously not that critical, and even the old cow's tail starts to wag, but he can't stand up yet.


Lin Jin shook off the blood on his hands, got up and plucked a leaf from the tree next to him, and asked someone to take some grass ashes. He also took out the herbs like grass leaves from the herbs he had bought from the medicine store, and chewed them into pieces. Apply on the wound of the old cow's head, apply grass ash at the same time, stick the leaves on it, and you're done.

"Don't let it work today, rest for two days, it should be fine." Lin Jin turned his head and said, and then slapped the bull's head, something that made everyone stunned.

The old cow actually mooed, wagged its tail, shook its head, stood up, and walked towards its master.


It was clear to everyone just now that this old cow was only breathing out but not taking in, and he was almost finished playing, how could he stand up by himself in just a moment.

Although everyone didn't know how to treat pet pets, their eyes were not blind and their brains were bright, so they couldn't tell that it was Lin Jin who saved this old cow who had a sudden emergency.

The most excited is the owner of the cow. This craftsman is just an ordinary family. Lao Niu is a very important property to him. When he starts work on weekdays, he relies on Lao Niu to haul things. For a few years, I have had a relationship, and it is no different from my family.

Just now, he was excited to come forward and reason, but thinking about it now, thanks to someone stopping him, he might have disturbed Master Lin Jian. Now look at Master Lin Jian again, in order to save his pet old cow, even if others reprimand him, he doesn't take it to heart. At this moment, his hands and clothes are stained with blood. This kind of mind and character is impressive.

"Master Lin Jian, I, I..." The more the craftsman thought, the more ashamed he became. Now he stepped forward and knelt down on the ground. Lin Jian lifted him up with a smile, and said, "I learned to study veterinary animals, and I encountered this kind of animal. In this case, how can one see death without help?"

"Well said!" The foreman took the lead in applauding. Today, he had seen it with his own eyes. They had only heard that Lin Jin was ignorant and ignorant. Accident, so everyone is also spreading rumors. What I saw today, those rumors are simply farts.

This kind of doctor's benevolence, this kind of mind and skills, if anyone believes those rumors again, there is a problem with their brains.

In the face of facts, rumors are self-defeating.

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