When Lin Jin returned to the Beast Appraiser Association, Zhao Ying and Lu Xiaoyun had already written down Lu Ba's ideas and methods.

This is the 'homework' that Lin Jin left to them.

After looking at each of them, Lin Jin nodded again and again. Obviously, they were much stronger than at the beginning. At least, they were starting to move in the right direction, but they were still a little conservative. Especially Zhao Ying, who had a solid foundation, just didn't dare to take risks. Lu Xiaoyun Be stronger, but sometimes too imaginative.

"You can be considered to have made progress, so let me write an advanced thinking and method of Lu Ba, you can see it, it should give you some improvement."

After speaking, Lin Jin finished writing the testimonials that had not been completed before, then signed and sealed it, and handed it to the two women.

Speaking of which, they had already racked their brains before, and they had already written down what they could think about and what they couldn't think about, but now, when they looked at the advanced method written by Lin Jin, both women were shocked.

This person is really maddening compared to other people.

Take a look at Lin Jianshi, the ideas written are not only novel, but also not imaginative, but are supported by extremely solid basic theories.

Every step, every possibility, and how to use medicinal pills, spiritual energy stones, and spells to help mobilize to form an advanced phase, the conditions are all clearly written, and they can withstand scrutiny. This book serves as a model for teaching.

"So it's still possible?"

"Lin Jianshi's understanding of the power of yin and yang and the five elements is so profound. This kind of thinking is unheard of."

"There is also pharmacology, which is so important. No wonder when I studied in the animal appraiser school, pharmacology was a compulsory subject, but unfortunately I didn't study it well at that time."

Zhao Ying and Lu Xiaoyun became immersed in their studies, unable to extricate themselves.

Watching the two peerless beauties focus on their studies and learn what they taught, this is a good scene.

At this time, someone outside asked, "Is Lin Jianshi here?"

A person dressed as a craftsman led the animal pet in, holding Lin Jin's number plate in his hand, apparently registering to identify the beast.

"Coming to business!"

Lin Jin immediately sat down and greeted someone to come in.

Because he helped the craftsman old cow to heal his illness and turned the crisis into a safe place, Lin Jin's reputation spread all at once among the craftsmen's circles.

These craftsmen are from ordinary backgrounds, other appraisers are not easy to hang up, and they have to queue up, knowing that Lin Jin appraiser is not as bad as the rumors, not only is not so bad, but also has superb skills and high morals.

In this way, those who need to see animals and seek medical treatment immediately come here.

This is just the first.

Next, many people came to hang Lin Jin's number, which made the hall, which had been quiet before, suddenly become lively. Lin Jin, who has always been very leisurely, is also busy.

Some passers-by who don't know the truth are curious. After all, the 'notoriety' of Lin Jin of the Beast Appraiser Association is already well known by some people who deliberately spread it. If you say something bad, those who have never been to the Beast Appraiser Association Passers-by have also heard of such a 'waste beast appraiser' with a false name.

What's more, it has been regarded as a laughing stock.

Naturally, these people were curious, why Lin Jin, who had been ignored all the time, suddenly came to register, and he was not alone.

This question, to know the reason.

It turned out that it wasn't just the craftsmen who gave Lin Jin the right name. The guests who had seen Lin Jin tasting dishes and rehabilitating Zhang Baili in the Hongyun Building also said that Lin Jin has real talents and practical learning. In addition, yesterday Lin Jin took the initiative. They attacked and searched for a few people with the cheeks to help them diagnose and treat animals. The effect was surprisingly good. Together, these people proved that suddenly, Lin Jin's side has become a hot spot, although the number of registered people has not increased because of this. , but a lot of people came to watch the fun.

When someone Jian Beast left, there were people outside who surrounded him and asked curiously.

Among the crowd, there was a chubby figure, wearing the fish-pattern sleeves of a trainee beast connoisseur, and wandering around the door of Lin Jintang's room for several times, until there were fewer people, then he pushed the door in.

Lin Jin is very happy today.

Although his number plate is not as tight as Wang Ji and Gao Jiang, it is much stronger than before, and even more powerful than some apprentices, such as Jia Qian, Zhang He and others.

This is already a huge improvement.

"That's right, the road has to be taken step by step, and the meal has to be eaten one bite at a time. Don't worry, sooner or later, they will all know what I am capable of." Lin Jin was triumphant.

At the same time, the fat apprentice also walked in.

"I've seen Master Lin Jian!"

When this guy saw Lin Jin, he immediately stepped forward and bowed, with a very simple and honest appearance.

"Who are you?" Lin Jin could tell that the other party was an apprentice from the association, but there were many apprentice appraisers in the association, many of whom he didn't know.

The fat man smiled all over his face: "Lin Jianshi, my name is Han Dong. Not long after I joined the association, I heard that Lin Jianshi has superb skills and excellent moral character, so I want to apply for a trainee under your name."

Lin was overjoyed.

As an official beast appraiser, the number of apprentices under this name is also an important indicator of ability and performance. Before, I was a bachelor, Zhang He 'betrayed', there were not many apprentices, and they all ran away. Although this was the fault of the 'predecessor', it was obviously not a good thing for Lin Jin.

Later, by virtue of their ability, Zhao Ying and Lu Xiaoyun took the initiative to join them, but it was also because of their ability to 'conquer' them. Like this, Han Dong was the first to take the initiative to join.

"Very good, very good, let's go through the formalities!" Lin Jin was very kind, but Han Dong was taken aback: "This, it's so simple? Lin Jianshi doesn't need to test me?"

In the association, like President Wang Ji, and appraisers Gao Jiang, they accept apprentices to study, it is very strict, not only to make an appointment in advance, but also to go through several assessments.

The mastery of various disciplines, including animal identification, animal book knowledge, including the five elements attribute disciplines, and pharmacology, all of which are involved. After all, there are many apprentices in the association, and not everyone can rely on the official animal appraiser name. The next learning, is the need for competition.

Lin Jin waved his hand: "It's not necessary. If you know everything, why should you come to study? Since you're here, I won't care about your foundation."

These words were candid, and they also showed Lin Jin's self-confidence.

Of course, his confidence comes from the Beast Museum.

There is a museum, not to mention the trainee, even the old guy Wang Ji, Lin Jin is also qualified to teach.

Han Dong had already prepared a lot. After all, he was "prepared." He even thought about how to get rid of Lin Jin's suspicion, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

In fact, the other party didn't ask anything other than what his name was.

"Hmph, it's said that Lin Jin is ignorant and incompetent. When I saw him today, it really is. He doesn't pay attention to apprenticeship assessments. Is it related to his rating?"

Han Dong thought to himself, but he wouldn't say it.

Because he was originally a 'spy' recruited by Dong He.

He took the initiative to come to Lin Jin to study, but he was actually arranged by Han Dong to monitor Lin Jin, and Han Dong also knew that this Lin Jin would be no accident and would soon be deprived of his qualifications as a beast appraiser and be swept out of the house.

He just needs to make sure that nothing goes wrong during this time.

After the completion of the matter, Dong He agreed and gave him a chance to sit in the hall. This was a very important step for a trainee, so he came.

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