The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 514 The national teacher is a little flustered

This is normal. It would be unhappy for anyone else to be reprimanded like this. What's more, what kind of identity is someone's great national teacher, this is completely losing face.

Impossible to endure.

It's definitely going to happen.

The ingenious one has secretly asked people to rush to inform the extremely prince. If things go bad today, it may even alarm His Majesty the Emperor.

At that point, things can't be sorted out.

If others don't know who is speaking, Lin Jin naturally knows.

Even from the beginning, Lin Jin knew that with Shuxiaolou's temperament, he should not be able to bear such things. He and Shuxiaolou are friends, and if others treat him like this, Shuxiaolou will definitely end.

Of course the reverse is also true.

At this moment, the voice came from the carriage again.

"If I don't come out, what can you do?"

At this time, Sima Qing couldn't hold back the fire.

"Speaking ill of people behind their backs is nothing, get out of here."

In the voice, with some kind of beast power, at this moment, the timid people around are already sitting on the ground.

The power of fifth-order beast pets.

The national teacher of a superior country is indeed no trivial matter.

However, this kind of power, Lin Jin can now easily defuse it. The words that Shuxiaolou said just now are completely adding fuel to the fire. Lin Jin knows that Shuxiaolou is playing with Sima Qing. In this case, why not help himself busy.

At this moment, he deliberately persuaded Sima Qing: "Sima Jianshi, this matter is Lin Jin's fault, forget it, forget it, you have a lot of people, don't pursue it any more, I'll pay you back, okay? "

"Get out of the way!" Sima Qing directly waved his sleeves, sweeping out a wind pressure to force Lin Jin back.

He was really pissed off.

Now this matter has nothing to do with Lin Jin, it is the grudge between him and the man in the carriage.

Lin Jin didn't persuade him, but Sima Qing's anger couldn't be suppressed as soon as the other party opened his mouth.

No one had ever dared to speak to him like this, and he was actually reprimanding him.

Even his senior brother Zhong Zifeng couldn't reprimand him. His status as a five-ring appraiser and a great national teacher gave Sima Qing a sense of superiority. In his eyes, his senior brother was inferior to him.

Today, he doesn't intend to be kind. No matter who dares to speak rudely to him in front of everyone, he must be punished. Even if Emperor Tianxuan knows about it, he will support him without reservation.

"If you don't come out again, then the national teacher will destroy the carriage. Let's see how long you can hide." Sima Qing's body was full of momentum. Although he said so, he actually started doing it at the same time as he spoke.

A phantom of a giant beast appeared behind him. The giant beast seemed to be a monster with multiple snake heads. Obviously, Sima Qing used some of his pet's power.

Just raise your hand and press it, an invisible oppressive force will fall from the sky, not to mention a horse-drawn carriage, even a house can be crushed instantly.

It could be seen that Sima Qing was really angry.

Lin Jin saw it very clearly. Sima Qing was worthy of being a great national teacher. He had a great technique.


However, Lin Jin wouldn't get involved. Since Shuxiaolou took the initiative to provoke Sima Qing, she must have a certain idea of ​​what to do next.

Therefore, Lin Jin was not worried at all.

As for this invisible palm pressure, it is not difficult to resolve it by means of Shuxiaolou.

Sure enough, the palm force was blocked, and there was an invisible dome above the carriage, blocking the incomparably powerful oppressive force.

Under the collision of invisible energy, the air pressure scattered, Sima Qing's clothes swayed, and some others were overturned.

Sima Qing's face changed slightly.

He just shot out of anger, he thought the shot was a bit heavy, and he was afraid that the person in the carriage would be slapped to death by his palm, but the result was far beyond his expectations.

This made Sima Qing's heart jump, and he became cautious.

Because in the whole land of Zhongzhou, there are not many people who can block his move, especially fewer people who use this method to resolve it.

Who is the man in the carriage?

Sima Qing began to murmur in his heart. At this moment, the curtain of the carriage was pulled open from the inside, and then Shuxiaolou walked out of the carriage.

At this moment, Shuxiaolou had a serious look on his face: "The Great National Teacher is so powerful. If I don't get out of the car, you will persecute it. You have a lot of skills."

Sima Qing's first glance at Shuxiaolou was like a punctured ball, and he immediately ran out of gas and wilted.

Even Sima Qing's eyes were round at this moment, and his face was in disbelief.

"Book, book, book..."

Seeing the appearance of Shuxiaolou, Sima Qing's long-cherished memory instantly came to his mind.

There are not many people in this world that he admires.

Zhong Zifeng is one of them. That is his senior brother. He is twenty years older than him. He belongs to the role of both father and brother. He also helps a lot on the road of appraisers.

In addition, it is the teacher of Sima Qing and Zhong Zifeng, who is the previous pavilion owner of Jian Beast Pavilion.

The status of a master is naturally sublime.

In addition to Zhong Zifeng and his teacher, there was another person who had a great influence on Sima Qing.

That's the bookstore.

When Zhong Zifeng was young, Sima Qing was even younger. Probably more than fifty years ago, Sima Qing, who was only a teenager, followed Zhong Zifeng to learn about beasts in the animal-monitoring pavilion.

At that time, their teacher was an old man in his 90s, and he was also a five-ring appraiser with a high status.

Sima Qing once thought that there was no better beast appraiser in this world than his teacher.

Until that day, he met Shuxiaolou.

There was no change in the look of the bookstore at that time from what I saw at the moment. It has been more than 50 years, what it was then and what it is now.

It's amazing.

Sima Qing remembered very clearly that even if his teacher saw this senior Shu, he was respectful and did what he did.

From that time on, Sima Qing knew that this senior Shuxiaolou was a senior who was more powerful than his teacher.

The whereabouts of Senior Shu are secretive, and we can only meet them once in a few years, or even never. Occasionally, when the teacher asks Senior Shu for advice, Sima Qing is also present and hears some teachings.

It can be said to benefit a lot.

Later, when the teacher went to Xian, Sima Qing did not see the senior book again for more than ten years. He thought that the senior should be older, older, and probably passed away. Know that it is not.

When the clock asked Sima Qing's question from the cover, he was silent for a long time before he said: "Even if your grandson and I go to the West, Senior Shu will also exist in the world. Remember, if you meet Senior Shu in the future, you must not lose your courtesy. , remember, remember!"

This sentence frightened Sima Qing.

Although he didn't think so at the time.

But later, when he became a great national teacher and became a five-ring appraiser, Sima Qing also heard about the past of Tianxuan Academy. In the manuscripts of the past dynasties of Tianxuan Academy's pavilion masters, there will be deeds of the predecessors surnamed.

Another point, Sima Qing is very aware of his senior brother Zhong Zifeng's ability.

According to the level of Jian Beast, Zhong Zifeng has long been qualified to be promoted to the fifth ring, even before him Sima Qing, but Zhong Zifeng has never mentioned this matter for decades.

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