This time, Yan Neiguan visited in person and dragged Ouyang Apprentice, so Lin Jin also knew what happened before from the old internal official's mouth.

After knowing that Emperor Tianxuan was going to summon him twice yesterday and today, but he didn't even know it, Lin Jin was also anxious.

He immediately turned his head towards Shan'er and Shuxiaolou and said, "Why didn't you tell me about such an important matter?"

Lin Jin was really in a hurry.

What is he doing in Tianxuan Kingdom this time?

Two things, one thing is that the promotion to the fourth ring is the beast appraiser, which has been achieved, and the other thing is to find a way to borrow the Daojun Tianshu in the treasure house of Tianxuan.

This is arguably the most important thing at the moment.

And to borrow the Daojun Tianshu, Emperor Xuanxuan must pass the test. The emperor of the dignified and high-ranking country did not attend the two summons. Anyone would be angry if he changed it.

Lin Jin himself is like this, not to mention others.

But it's useless to regret it now. Besides, Lin Jin also understood the situation at the time, and he really couldn't get away from it, not to mention that he didn't know even if he knew it, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to go the same way.

But now he has time, so he has to make up for it.

"Yan Neiguan, come here, come in, come in and sit." At this moment, Lin Jin realized that if he wanted to borrow the Daojun Heavenly Book, the people in the palace must be friends.

This old internal official is definitely a trusted confidant of Emperor Tianxuan, so he must befriend him.

"No need, no need, Yan is also an emperor's order, and came to invite Lin Jianshi to enter the palace for a talk, but this matter cannot be delayed." Yan Quan laughed, and did not enter the courtyard.

Lin Jin also understood.

After all, it is an errand, and it is really not good if it is delayed.

"If that's the case, then let's go." People don't delay, so does Lin Jin, hurry up, I haven't been successful in summoning twice before, so this time I must hurry.

"I'll go too." Shuxiaolou came out of the room at this time. She was wearing a red dress and her skin was better than snow. Her perfect figure and delicate facial features made her look like a peerless beauty in a painting.

She is indeed a painting spirit who came out of painting.

In the world of Shuxiaolou, there is nothing in this world that she can't do or dare not do. Basically, she belongs to the kind of person who thinks that she will come out.

Just like now, when she heard that Lin Jin was going to enter the palace, she was also curious and wanted to follow along.

Yan Quan was secretly happy when he saw it.

This woman in red is the senior book in the legendary academy, so even Mr. Zhong must be respectful, and even His Majesty the Emperor is extremely afraid of existence.

After all, Yan Quan is an old man in the palace, so he knows some legends about Shuxiaolou, some legends, which he heard when he first entered the palace decades ago.

At that time, he was only a teenager, and more than 60 years passed in a flash.

Hey, I can't look back on the past.

Yan Quan also felt a trace of melancholy in his heart.

It must be the best for Senior Shu to go together. This is also what His Majesty the Emperor expects. After all, at the beginning, he wanted to invite Lin Jin to go, but he actually came for Senior Shu.

Yan Quan knew the emperor's thoughts. The great national teacher Sima Qian was reprimanded by Senior Shu at the last banquet, so he went back to face the wall honestly, but the great national teacher also had a lot of things to do, and this was equivalent to throwing all the shit out of it.

This is not in line with the interests of Tianxuan.

The national teacher Sima Qing also knew this very well, but he didn't dare to come out, unless Senior Shu spoke up and asked him to come out.

That's why His Majesty the Emperor will find a way to ask Senior Shu to talk about this matter, hoping to be accommodating.

But you can't directly ask the seniors. His Majesty the emperor has done this before, not only this generation, but the previous emperors and even the ancestors have done the same thing.

But the problem was that Senior Shu ignored him at all. Over time, the emperors of all dynasties stopped inviting Senior Shu directly, because the emperor's face is also a face, and no one can bear this invitation if he is old. The most helpless thing is that he still can't get angry.

And this time, Senior Shu would actually attend an external banquet, which was indeed greatly beyond the emperor's expectations. If it was because of Lin Jin, then he would invite Senior Shu to come over.

So now Yan Quan is very happy.

As a result, the next moment, I heard Lin Jin say: "Don't go, this time to see His Majesty the Emperor, there must be a lot of rules, you don't like it, why are you going? And I'll be back soon."

When Yan Quan heard this, his face darkened.

He really wanted to speak, but he was afraid of self-defeating, and his forehead was sweating all of a sudden.

"Forget it, I'm not going." Shuxiaolou's words made Yan's whole body tremble.

Did you hear that right?

Lin said a word, and Senior Shu actually changed his mind.

This is too exaggerated.

At that moment, Yan Quan really wanted to refute Lin Jin, and then invited Senior Shu to enter the palace, but the words made him swallow it back abruptly.

This cannot be said.

But this time is not a visit in vain, and it is not a return without success.

This time, Yan Quan has confirmed one thing, and that is the relationship between Lin Jin and Senior Shu. The legendary existence of Senior Shu is all about his preferences. To put it bluntly, he just lets his temper.

The great national teacher Sima Qing, as well as the academy's current chief executive, Zhong Zifeng, both of them could only be respectful to Senior Shu, and did not dare to ask Senior Shu to do anything, and it was impossible for Senior Shu to listen to them.

But don't you think it's strange, why did Senior Shu listen to the words of this young Master Lin Jin?

Could it be that this Lin Jin was born to restrain his predecessors?

Yan Quan didn't dare to say this, but he knew that it didn't matter if Senior Shu went or not. With Senior Shu's temperament, it might not be a good thing to see His Majesty the Emperor. In the eyes of people, it is nothing at all, and if you really want to refute your emperor's face, there will be no hesitation.

But Lin Jin is a normal person.

When the time comes, let Lin Jin persuade Senior Shu to release the Great National Teacher. It must be very possible.

Yan Quan pondered carefully in his heart, but on the surface it was not revealed at all. This city mansion must be as deep as the bottom of the lake.

"Then Master Lin, let's go." After Yan Quan thanked Master Ouyang, he took Lin Jin away.

This is Lin Jin's second visit to Tianxuan Palace.

But this time, I want to meet Emperor Tianxuan. You must know that this is the emperor of a superior country. His status, power and influence are definitely not comparable to the emperor of the Yulong Kingdom.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have this holy opportunity.

Even if there were, he would definitely be nervous and scared, but Lin Jin had seen the world, and there were not many scenes that would make him nervous.

At this moment, Lin Jin was still about a hundred paces away from the main hall in front of him. There was a white jade stone platform, and the surrounding area was very empty, and the stone slabs in front of the square were all engraved with reliefs of various beasts. The so-called layman is watching the lively and the expert is watching the doorway. Lin Jin knew that this relief was famous after a slight scan.

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