This tiger paw looks gray and even a little rotten, but it is not soft, on the contrary, it is extremely rigid.

In Lin Jin's view, this stiffness is already comparable to gold and iron.

Even more than that.

In addition to this, there is a trace of death energy wrapped around the tiger paw. In order to suppress the death energy, a special talisman was pasted on the tiger paw, which looked very strange.

Lin Jin reached out and touched it, and there was an immediate reaction in the museum.

"Zombie tiger beast, Tier 4!"

"Flesh and blood are sacrifices, transformed by death energy, immortal and immortal!"


Looking at the introduction in the Beast Museum and the blurred zombie tiger beast, Lin Jin frowned.

This thing is evil.

The body of the tiger beast is huge, but it is nothing special. What is really dreadful is the dead ashes that entangles all over the body. It seems that any creature that approaches will be affected by its corrosion.

In addition, Lin Jin looked familiar.

He finally remembered that the hand he stretched out from the third wooden door that he pushed open in the living room looked very similar to this zombie tiger beast.

Not the appearance, but the aura of death.

"Zombie beast...zombie..." Lin Jin muttered to himself, at this time he probably knew what was inside the third wooden door.

While Lin Jin was thinking about the zombie tiger claw in his hand, he didn't notice that Zhong Zifeng had reached the fourth floor.

"teacher LIN!"

Zhong Zifeng laughed and said, Lin Jin heard the voice and hurriedly withdrew from the museum, and then saluted Zhong Zifeng: "Mr. Zhong!"

"Don't be so polite." Zhong Zifeng also returned a salute.

At this time, he saw the tiger claw in Lin Jin's hand, and said, "Mr. Lin is studying this zombie beast?"

As soon as Lin Jin heard it, he secretly thought that Mr. Zhong seemed to be quite familiar with this thing, so he might as well ask for some advice.

Thinking of this, Lin Jin nodded nonsense: "I recently learned about the existence of this zombie beast from some ancient books, so I came up to take a look, but it seems that there are very few books about this kind of strange beast in Jian Beast Pavilion."

"Not much!" Zhong Zifeng nodded: "The main reason is that zombie beasts are extremely rare, and dragon beasts in the world are rare, but compared with this zombie beast, they are still many. It is also because zombie beasts are not formed naturally, but artificially created. The refining process is vicious and very difficult, but once it is refined, its terrifying place can leapfrog and kill other beasts, and wherever it has passed, disasters are rampant, and it is extremely overbearing."

Looking at Zhong's self-appointed appearance, it seems that he has seen the power of zombie beasts.

Lin Jin immediately asked for details, and Zhong Zifeng waved his hand hurriedly: "It's not me, speaking of this tiger claw, it was brought back by Senior Shu when he went out to practice. She also told me about the situation of the zombie beast. I'm ashamed, I haven't really seen a zombie beast."

The bookstore?

Lin Jin suddenly thought of something, hurriedly apologized and left in a hurry.

"Shu Xiaolou, yes, how could I forget her."

Lin Jin muttered to himself at this time, visiting the living room, he did not dare to forcefully open the third wooden door to check the evil inside, mainly because he was weak and had no help.

He can wait for the next time he visits the living room to open, but the problem is that the visitors in the living room are currently the most powerful. Zhao Jingyan is currently the most powerful. Among the pets, it is also superior. In addition to Zhao Jingyan, Mrs. Ghost Baby, Hei Ya, Ye Yuzhou, Lao Tian is also one, but he is also a tyrannical beast pet.

From Lin Jin's point of view, except for Zhao Jingyan, no one else can help in this matter, because according to Lin Jin's judgment, the contents in the third wooden door are more powerful than the tiger claw body he found in the Animal Mirror Pavilion. To be much more powerful.

If you want to participate in this level of battle, you must have a fifth-order beast pet, or have the same strength as a fifth-order beast.

Among the visitors, only Zhao Jingyan reached the standard.

The problem is that Lin Jin doesn't want to wait another seven days. He feels that this matter is very urgent. Although there is no substantive basis for his intuition, at this time, Lin Jin still chooses to trust his intuition.

Before Zhao Jingyan could wait, Lin Jin had another choice.

Find the bookstore.

She is different from everyone. She has the divine power of Qiankun Mo and can travel through all realms. Logically speaking, even if she does not have the wooden sign to visit the living room, she should be able to enter through Qiankun Mo, provided she helps her.

For example, bring in her portrait.

Lin Jin felt that she could do it. If she had Shuxiaolou to help her, her strength would be much higher than that of Zhao Jingyan in the Phoenix Palace. Naturally, Lin Jin was more confident.

Besides, according to Zhong Zifeng, the zombie tiger claws in the Jianwu Pavilion of the academy were brought back by Shuxiaolou, so she is also experienced, so finding her is definitely the best choice.

Hurrying back to Peach Blossom Residence in a hurry, Lin Jin asked if Shuxiaolou was awake when he saw Shan'er.

Seeing Shou'er shaking his head.

Lin Jin couldn't help but feel anxious. He ran into the bedroom to see that Shuxiaolou was still sleeping. It had been several days, why didn't he wake up?

When I was fine before, I didn't feel that, now that there is something wrong, Lin Jin is rather anxious.

But Lin Jin is also very clear that she can't disturb Shuxiaolou at this time. She obviously has some kind of great opportunity.

So have to wait.

Lin Jin began to look for things to do. He instructed his students to study, and he was meticulous. As long as they were willing to learn, Lin Jin basically taught them all.

The disciples of other gentlemen in the academy are very envious of this matter, and those who chose to join Lin Jin's sect were also very fortunate. During this period of studying with Lin Jin, they have grown tremendously. In addition, some knowledge and skills they have learned They are all unique, and other teachers can't learn them.

Therefore, every time they teach, these students attach great importance to the teacher, and they have more and more respect for the teacher Lin Jin.

Not to mention them, as long as it is Lin Jin's public class, basically every time it can cause everyone's seat occupation, even the corridor door is full of people.

Although the other teachers in the academy didn't say anything about this matter, they all held back their energy.


It's not because they have any bad views and firsts towards Lin Jin. This is purely an academic competition. Everyone is a Sihuan appraiser, and their qualifications are even older. A newcomer, Lin Jin, actually beat them academically. Most people are under the pressure, how can this be tolerated?

But in a short time, they have nothing to do.

Do you want to prevent other academics or students under your own academy, and not allow them to listen to Lin Jin's public lectures?

They can't do such a cheap thing.

However, it is not completely impossible. At the end of this month, there will be a regular academy discussion, and the formal academy teachers will participate. 'Arrogant' arrogance.

Lin Jin didn't know that he had now become a 'public enemy' in the eyes of other teachers, and everyone was holding back their strength, waiting to poke at his prestige in the Hall of Lun Dao.

Now Lin Jin is just waiting for Shuxiaolou to wake up.

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