Anyway, in the past few hundred years, as far as Lin knows, Liangzhou is still the same Liangzhou it used to be, and it has not changed in the slightest.

There is no doubt that something went wrong in Daojun's arrangement. At least this matter is that Daojun can't stand upright. It happened that Lin Jin came, but it is possible to find out why Liangzhou is still so desolate after leaving the four seas. , so sinister.

The location mentioned in the book of heaven is only an outline, it is said to be a Wuzhang Mountain in Liangzhou.

At this moment, Lin Jin saw that there was a small village below, and his heart moved, and the clouds fell.

He was going to ask.

The surrounding area is like a desert, with only a few oasis, and this village was built in this small oasis, which seems to be a few years old.

There are not many houses, at most seven or eight, and the scale is extremely small.

After Lin Jin walked in, he didn't see anyone. Most of the ground was sand and gravel, with occasional grass, but most of them were dry. The houses were mostly wood, mixed with mud and hay.

At this time, an old man came out in front, saw Lin Jin, his eyes lit up, and he walked over.

The old man looked to be in his sixties, but he was very thin, his hair was messy, and his clothes had not been washed for a long time. .

It can be seen from this old man that the people of Liangzhou have a hard life.

Lin Jin cupped his hands, but the old man had already walked in, skillfully took out a knife, and put it on Lin Jin's neck.

"The fat sheep are here!"

The old man with a slight local accent in Liangzhou sounds a bit like singing folk songs. The next moment, from the dilapidated house and the grass, a dozen men immediately emerged. They were different in height, short, fat and thin, but The clothes are shabby, like beggars.

But these people are obviously not beggars. Will beggars come rushing over with all kinds of knives and axes?

In addition to these people, there are also a few bony dogs and beasts, all of which look like local breeds, with big heads and mouths full of fangs, which are a little deterrent.

In a moment, Lin Jin was surrounded by this group of people.

At this time, there were at least three sharp knives on his neck, his stomach, and his lower back were also held against it with contemptible daggers. Several dogs and beasts leaned over to sniff.

When this happens, most people are absolutely terrified.

Lin Jindao was fine, he had a successful cultivation base, and he had always had a layer of five-element divine armor that was hard to see against his skin. It was impossible for an ordinary person's sword to hurt him.

Now this scene is interesting, Lin Jin didn't move, he looked at the dozen or so men who looked fierce and vicious, and asked, "Look at your outfits and hideous looks, if you guessed correctly, are you all right? Thieves, robbers, robbers?"

At this time, a man with a full face and a beard on the other side said loudly: "What nonsense, you are unlucky today, and you actually broke into our Niujia Village. If you know each other, you will leave all the gold and silver on your body. otherwise……"

Before he could finish speaking, a person beside him said dumbly: "The boss, I don't think this person is carrying a suitcase, I'm afraid he has no money!"

"Am I blind?" The boss was unhappy, reprimanded his subordinates, and then stared at Lin Jin and said, "Looking at your well-dressed, you must be a son of a rich family, you write a letter back and ask your family to bring two hundred... No, five hundred taels of silver, I'll let you go back after you pay, if you don't have any money, then I'm sorry, I can only slaughter you and stew you, but we haven't seen meat and fish for a while."

After speaking, he laughed, and the other men laughed wildly.


Lin Jin also smiled.

And the laughter was louder, this time, the big boss was obviously taken aback for a moment, and they all stopped their laughter.

The next moment, Lin Jin stretched out his hand and grabbed one of the opponent's axe.

The old man with the axe on the opposite side had his eyes straight.

"Brothers, the idea is tough, let the dog go!" The boss also responded very quickly, shouting loudly, and someone took out a whistle and blew it.

This is what controls those dogs and beasts. Generally, when the dog whistle is blown, the dogs and beasts will immediately bite the enemy.

But this time, no matter how much they blew it, the dogs and beasts were all lying on their backs with their heads down, as if they were pressed to the ground by a big hand.

"I don't believe it anymore!" The big boss picked up the axe in his hand and chopped it.


The northwest wind was blowing and it was a little cold.

Under the flying sand, there were some broken axes and steel knives on the ground, some of which had been twisted so that they could not be seen.

The big boss and the dozen or so men squatted on the ground tremblingly at this time, holding their heads in their hands. This posture was taught by the uncle, and they dared not not listen. After being beaten to the ground just now, the big boss and the others found out in humiliation that this time they were kicked on the iron plate.

Fortunately, they didn't kill people, they just asked them to squat with their heads up and answer questions.

For example, where is this place, what boundary does it belong to in Liangzhou, and for example, have you heard of Wuzhang Mountain?

The big boss has something to answer, and he doesn't dare to hide it a little bit.

They were really intimidated.

It is no exaggeration to say that if I hadn't drank water for a long time and couldn't urinate, I'd be peeing my pants by now.

They are also afraid of death.

In the boundary of Liangzhou, it is not easy to live, so no one who can survive wants to die.

Wuzhang Mountain is a famous place in Liangzhou, not because of the beautiful scenery there, but because it is the old nest of the Water God Cult. The land of Liangzhou is extremely short of water. It is precisely because the Water God Cult is in charge of the largest water source in Liangzhou. If you want to drink water, you have to find the Water God Sect, whether it is some small countries in Liangzhou, or a bunch of poor people like the big bosses, it is the same.

Lin Jin laughed secretly when he heard that the head of the family and the others used "poor people" to refer to themselves.

This group of people is thick-skinned. Just now, they had a vicious look on their faces, calling themselves fierce bandits and thieves. Now that they kicked the iron plate, they said they were poor people.

But then again, Lin Jin didn't plan to do anything to them.

These people are ordinary people, who do not know any magic skills, not even martial arts.

Even those dogs are the most common.

With Lin's current ability, there is really no need to embarrass these ordinary people. Besides, these people's lives are really hard.

As for Wuzhang Mountain and the Water God Sect, Lin Jin was thinking about it in his heart.

Is there any mention of the Water God Cult in the Daojun's Book of Heaven? In other words, the Water God Cult only appeared after the fall of the Daojun. If you ask the master and others, you can almost confirm this guess. That is to say, the Water God Cult was born. That's what happened for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years is not a short time. Looking at it now, at least in this area of ​​Liangzhou, the Water God Sect is definitely a well-deserved overlord. According to what they said, the Water God Sect controls the water source, and most of the people in Liangzhou have to rely on it. They live with a breath of air, and just from this, they know that the Water God Sect is huge.

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