The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 58 Chef Liao's Vegetable Field

Lin Jin took his three apprentices straight to Liao Gu's small courtyard.

Speaking of which, since the last time I ate Chef Liao's food, Lin Jin's mouth has been very sloppy, and eating dishes cooked by others always feels a little worse, so I want to eat another meal.

Of course, Lin Jin himself didn't call this a meal, it was an exchange of feelings. I didn't see Zhao Ying and the others buying gifts.

Liao Gu had never been to the Hongyun Building last time. Although the behind-the-scenes boss of Hongyun Building came to the door in person, the old man was very stubborn and was not moved at all.

It is said that the owner of Hongyun Building is very angry. Of course, he is not angry with Chef Liao. In the final analysis, it is the fault of the shopkeeper Zhang Baili. There is no doubt that Zhang Baili was cleaned up very badly, and it is not only a large amount of compensation. Money, and don’t even think about getting a foothold in the restaurant industry in this life.

When Lin Jin arrived, Liao Gu was picking vegetables in the yard, and Liao Gu was very happy to see Lin Jin coming.

He is a person who has been cooking for a lifetime, and his temperament is as strong and straightforward as a furnace. People who like him are those who can say things for three days and three nights. He doesn't even look at the person who he doesn't like.

The people that Lin Jin brought, Zhao Ying and Lu Xiaoyun, had both met Liao Gu. At this moment, the two women were both very ladylike and saluted in a well-behaved manner. Han Dong was the first time he saw the legendary chef Liao, and was shocked. speechless.

"Master Lin Jian treats me with sincerity, how can I continue to hide it from him." Han Dong was already struggling in his heart. To be honest, he really didn't have any psychological burden at first, but he really saw Lin Jin. Han Dong was shaken by his superb skills and convincing morals.

In particular, Lin Jin gave him a lecture. In his opinion, the content he taught was completely unreserved. He taught him all the money, and the gift of teaching was as heavy as a mountain.

So he found Lin Jin alone and confessed.

When everything was said, Han Dong relaxed and felt a sense of relief.

For him, what happens next is no longer important.

Even if he was scolded by Lin Jianshi and driven away, he was willing to accept it. If he did something wrong, he would take responsibility.

Lin Jin didn't say a word after listening.

A period of silence followed.

Han Dong lowered his head and said: "Lin Jianshi, if you want to scold me, scold me, I know I did something wrong, after I go back, I will find Dong He and the others, saying that I will not do this kind of thing again, and then I will Leave the Beast Appraiser Association by yourself."

When you're done, let's go.

Lin Jin called him back.

"Liao Chef God's food, ordinary people can't taste it, and you have this opportunity to taste it, you want to leave, stupid or not?"

Lin Jin smiled, walked over and patted Han Dong on the shoulder: "Since you know your mistakes, you can correct them. How can you not make mistakes in your life?"

What Han Dong heard was a shock.

At this moment, Lin Jin's figure was tall and sturdy in his eyes, like a life mentor, pulling him from the abyss of darkness into the light at once.

Most importantly, Lin Jianshi forgave himself.

Han Dong just wanted to cry at this moment.

In his heart, he secretly made up his mind that Dong He and Dong Que would never have anything to do with them in the future, and Han Dong was very grateful to them.

Lin Jin didn't tell anyone about this.

I don't care because Han Dong did not cause any serious consequences, and at the same time, the other party took the initiative to confess, so, why bother the other party if they can recruit a capable subordinate?

"I'll just say, how could this stupid pig, Dong He, come up with this idea. It turns out that he has a smart older sister and is the wife of Elder Nangong Xian, but so what!"

Lin Jin is really not afraid of this now. Don't look at him now at a low point. He was delisted and banned by Wang Ji.

Now Lin Jin is too lazy to think so much, he just wants to have a good meal.

And two days later is the time for the association's monthly assessment. Coincidentally, it is also the day of the appraiser's major exam, which is quite special.

Apprentice appraisers can take the qualification exam for formal appraisers on this day. Similarly, formal appraisers can take the 'advanced' exam on this day.

Now Lin Jin is a first-ring beast appraiser. He takes the advanced exam. After passing the exam, he can become a second-ring beast appraiser.

This is Lin Jin's plan. In fact, regardless of whether there is an event of delisting and banning this time, Lin Jin plans to take the advanced examination of the Second Ring Beast Appraiser. With the blessing of the Beast Museum, why not participate?

Before that, it's good to rest.

Liao Gu deserves to be known as the God of Cooking. He cooked a few small dishes casually, and it looked delicious. During the banquet, he and Lin Jin had a chat. Zhao Ying, Lu Xiaoyun and the others only knew how to eat. lift.

At this time, Lin Jin noticed that there were some rotten vegetables that had obviously been eaten by insects piled up in one part of the yard.

"It's all that nasty vegetable bug. I don't know where it hides. It often harms my food. My food is watered and nourished with spiritual spring water. As a result, that vegetable bug was attracted. I've tried many ways, but I can't catch it."

The old man Liao Gu was very interesting, but he was actually mad at him by a vegetable bug.

Lin Jin heard it in his ears, and immediately realized that the vegetable worm in the mouth of Chef Liao might not be an ordinary worm, otherwise, how could it be so spiritual that no one could catch it.

Out of curiosity, he asked carefully. Liao Gu described that the vegetable worm was very large, as thick as a thumb, with a blue body and a red pattern. I was so annoyed that I couldn't catch it after several arrests.

"I suspect that the cabbage worm is a rare species. Not only is it cunning, but it is also extremely cunning. I have been defeated a few times by 'fights', but forget it. After a while, I will leave Hongye City. At that time, the evil worm will not harm me if it wants to harm me, I can't afford it, can't I hide it?" Liao Gu looked helpless, and he could see that the battle between him and Cai worm did not prevail, and he was very happy. It's frustration, and it's constant talk at the moment, about what the worm has done.

Lin Jing could only listen.

At this moment, Rhubarb, who was carried by Lin Jin together, passed the dining table with his head up, and on Rhubarb's mouth was a fat vegetable worm in his mouth.

Lin Jin glanced at it inadvertently, but how did he see it? How could he think that the fat worm in Rhubarb's mouth was very similar to the vegetable worm mentioned by Chef Liao.

It has the thickness of a thumb, the whole body is blue, with red patterns, it is really the same.

At the moment, Lin Jin interrupted Liao Gu's complaints and pointed to the big yellow next to him: "Master Chef Liao, is that the evil worm you're talking about?"

Liao Gu was talking vigorously, but was interrupted by Lin Jin, his face was full of unhappiness, but when he turned his head and looked, he was immediately stunned.

Looking at Chef Liao's expression, don't ask, it should be right.

Feeling Liao Gu's eyes, Rhubarb took a step back vigilantly, presumably because he was afraid that the other party would snatch worms from it, so he simply chewed and chewed, and pecked the big worm into several pieces and ate it into his stomach.

After eating, he raised his head, proudly strutted his chicken feet, and ran to the vegetable field to bask in the sun.

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