After all, everyone knows that Lin Jin is now a four-ring appraiser. As long as Lin Jin returns to the Jade Dragon Kingdom, the Jade Dragon will accumulate for a period of time, and he can become a superior country again.

But this matter, Lin Jin is really not in a hurry.

This time, seeing that it was the opening day of the visiting living room, Lin Jin thought for a while, temporarily put away the free gourd of the world, and then stepped into it.

He has already thought about it. After entering the living room, he will ask if there is nothing else. If not, he plans to come out earlier this time.

In this way, he can continue to study the Four Seas Free Gourd.

But after Lin Jin put on the curator's mask and pushed open the iron door into the living room, he was stunned.

Because the scene of visiting the living room at this moment is really beyond Lin Jin's expectations.

There were several people lying on the ground. It was Ye Yuzhou, Hei Ya, and others, while He Qing was taking care of them. Mrs. Guiying seemed to be injured, and Lao Tian was lying still.

Feng Ziqian stood behind Zhao Jingyan and reasoned with the two of them. Zhao Jingyan had an angry look on her face, but she also showed panic and helplessness.

What's the situation?

Under the mask, Lin Jin frowned.

On the opposite side, stood two people, a man and a woman, both dressed in long robes, exuding great aura.

Among them, the man was surrounded by a giant lion beast, and the other woman, who had nothing by her side, was alone.


These two are different from everyone else.

Although at first glance, there are two arms and two legs, there is no difference, but if you look closely, you will find that these two people are special.

No matter what their clothes or hair, the two of them are not dirty.

At this moment, Lin Jin's heart skipped a beat, and a word came to his mind.

"Stainless body!"

Lin Jin had read the Taoist scriptures. He had also studied the ancient scriptures of the immortal Taoist era. He knew that after becoming an immortal, after experiencing a thunder tribulation, he could achieve a flawless body.

Also known as the Innocent Immortal Body.

This is the biggest difference between fairy and mortal.

Seeing these two newcomers at this moment, Lin Jin felt this way.

It's just the situation at the scene, it seems that a conflict has just occurred.

These thoughts only flashed in an instant. In fact, after Lin Jin pushed open the curator's iron door and entered the visiting living room, He Qing was the first to find out and then asked for help.

"Curator, we didn't do anything, these two newcomers will start when they come up." He Qing hurriedly complained of grievances as if she had found the backbone.

Don't say why, seeing the "curator" appear, the others, including Hei Crow, Mrs. Guiying, Ye Yuzhou, Zhao Jingyan and Feng Ziqian are all relieved.

They were obviously extremely nervous before.

The reality is also obvious, there are so many of them, and they are not the opponents of those two people.

Moreover, from Lin Jin's observation, the one who really did it was actually just one person.

One person has suppressed masters such as Ye Yuzhou, Hei Ya, and Madam Guiying, and he is not afraid of Zhao Jingyan at all. He is afraid that in this world, apart from immortals, there is no other existence that has such a mighty power.

It's just that Lin Jin is surprised, isn't this immortal all extinct?

The only immortal Lin Jin had ever seen was the one from Daluo Temple, but that one had been evaded for thousands of years, and was finally killed by the ninth-order Immortal Swallowing Beast.

But at that moment, Lin Jin also knew the power of immortals.

It can be said that in addition to the abnormal existence of the swallowing beast, the immortal is the top in the world, but shouldn't immortals exist in legends and books? Why would you go to your own living room?

For a while, Lin Jin's mind was also a mess.

But no matter what, Lin Jin had to figure out the situation first, and now Lin Jin was a little angry.

Not to mention whether these two newcomers are immortals, even if they are, they must be honest and act according to their own rules in this living room.

In fact, when the 'curator' appeared, the two immortals, a man and a woman, had already looked at them immediately. Lin Jin had read that the eyes of the immortals showed divine light.

It was the first time for Lin Jin to fight against immortals, and it was only two at a time. Even in the living room, Lin Jin was definitely facing the enemy and encountered the biggest challenge.

So at this moment, every step Lin Jin took forward, his momentum increased exponentially.

Not only his own, but mainly by using the power of the Beast Museum to bless him.

Only in this way can it be possible to suppress the opponent.

The two immortals, a man and a woman, frowned at the moment.

The two of them were pulled into this strange place inexplicably, of course, they were mistaken for being attacked, so after entering, they have been on guard.

Seeing other people, one of the immortals also directly attacked them and defeated them all.

Of course not all.

At least among the 'mortals' in his eyes, there is still a woman whose strength is not bad, and she can rely on beast pets to resist one or two.

These people told the two of them that this place was called the visiting parlor, and the owner of this place, called the 'curator', was a master in the world.

Hearing this, the two immortals sneered again and again, completely dismissive.

In the eyes of immortals, mortals are all ants. Although the two immortal gates they are in have long since hid in the depths of Montenegro, a place outside the territory, due to a huge change a thousand years ago, they have not set foot in the land of Middle Earth for a thousand or two thousand years. Two thousand years, three thousand years, in the eyes of immortals, is just a little longer.

In their eyes, mortals have never been regarded as one thing.

According to the thinking of the two, the so-called curator doesn't need to come. When he comes, he will be directly arrested and tortured, and asked what kind of crooked method the other party used to move them here.

Now, here comes the 'curator'.

The male fairy sneered at this time: "What curator, pretending to be a ghost and making a mystery, come here for me!"

While speaking, the male fairy reached out his hand and grabbed it in the air, as if he was about to grab the 'curator' from the air.

An invisible mana immediately enveloped Lin Jin's body. To be honest, Lin Jin was also taken aback. Although he asked himself that his strength was not weak, he was still a little embarrassed in the face of a real immortal. It's just that if you want to calm down, you can't do it, and the other party will start when he comes up. If this important matter is captured, the face of the 'curator' will be lost.

Therefore, Lin Jin seems to be motionless, but in fact he has already blessed all the power of the Beasts Museum. The most important thing is that he is wearing a real curator mask.

In addition, Lin Jin secretly used his strength, if he was captured by the opponent, then Lin Jin would also recognize it.

The next moment, the mana of the male fairy touched Lin Jin, like an invisible palm grabbing Lin Jin, the power was so great that it was suffocating.

However, this feeling only lasted for a moment, and a more vast and powerful force shattered the mana of the male fairy.

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