Lin Jin was taken aback, but he has also experienced many strong winds and waves, and he can still hold his breath at this moment. Holding the bloody hand together, there was an immediate movement in the Beast Museum.

A burst of blood filled the air, and then Lin Jin saw the current state of the ghost-blood beast.

"The sixth-order ghost and blood beast."

"It belongs to the five elements, rare beasts..."

"It can be condensed, sealed, and transformed into any shape!"

"There are two ways to advance, they are..."

Lin Jin took a deep breath. After this ghost-blood beast was promoted to the sixth rank, it really didn't increase its strength a little bit, and it also added a few more magical powers.

Reaching out and pulling, Lin Jin directly pulled out a person in the blood pool.

This person looked exactly the same as Lin Jin, and there was almost no difference except that he was stained with blood.

Lin Jin immediately knew that this was a magical power of the sixth-order ghost-blood beast, condensing the clone.

Just like the ancestor of the blood robe, the main body can't move, so he uses the clone to respond to the enemy. In the future, Lin Jin can do the same, and this clone's strength is not bad at all, and it is even more straightforward. much stronger.

After pulling the blood beast clone out, Lin Jin found that the blood in the blood pool had not dried up, but had only been reduced by half.

This made Lin's heart skip a beat.

Obviously, even if the sixth-order ghost-blood beast is directly divided into a clone, there is still enough power to protect itself.

From a practical point of view, these sixth-order ghost-blood beasts have surpassed Xiaohuo, which can be said to be both offensive and defensive, and can also create enchantments. It's just that Lin Jin calmed down a lot after thinking about it.

The ghost-blood beast is indeed tyrannical, and the promotion to the sixth-order unexpectedly went smoothly this time, that is because he obtained the clone of the blood-robed ancestor.

In the future, if you want to make the ghost-blood beast advance, it will be more difficult.

Lin Jin saw that there were only two ways to advance the ghost-blood beast. One was to collect some treasures that Lin Jin had never heard of before, and then put the ghost-blood beast into a tier six. Don't be in the body of the beast, and only 50% will be promoted if you suck its essence.

The other is to swallow the blood-robed ancestor.

In Lin Jin's view, these two methods of promotion are not easy. The first method is just to collect all the treasures from heaven and earth. It may not even be successful for hundreds of years, and it is necessary to find a sixth-order beast to swallow it directly. It's not that difficult.

On the other hand, the second method was within Lin Jin's consideration.

But the problem is, the more rare and strange beasts, especially the ghost-blood beasts, which are also of a different kind among the rare and strange beasts, the more difficult the road to promotion will be.

In the future, even if the blood-robed ancestor was swallowed up, Lin Jin estimated that the ghost-blood beast would have advanced to the seventh rank.

The seventh-order ghost-blood beast can reach the level of the blood-robed ancestor, which is not weak, but if Lin Jin takes it out and compares it with the ninth-order swallowing beast, it will not work.

Daojun said that the only way to resist the ninth-order immortal swallowing beast is to have a ninth-order beast to fight against it.

There must be a way for the ghost-blood beast to advance to the ninth rank, but this road must be extremely difficult. On the contrary, Xiaohuo is the most common fire wolf beast. It is very difficult to promote at the beginning, but again, if it is really promoted to a high stage, it is easier to go further than the ghost blood beast.

Of course, this is also relatively speaking, if it is really difficult to promote Xiaohuo to the ninth order, it must be as difficult as going to the sky, but the same advancement, the difficulty of the ghost and blood beast is more difficult, it is the level of hell.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Jin knew that his focus had to go back to Xiaohuo.

At the moment, Lin Jin inhaled the remaining ghost and blood beasts in the blood pool, and then released a small fire. At this moment, a group of flames flew out and condensed into the appearance of a small fire wolf beast, and was looking around curiously.

Lin Jin reached out and patted Xiaohuo's head, looking at the advanced method given in the museum, thinking in his mind.

At present, the ghost-blood beast is already sixth-order, and the next step is to rely on the blood-robed ancestor.

In Lin Jin's eyes, the blood-robed ancestor was already a step toward becoming a ghost-blood beast.

And Xiaohuo also needs to be upgraded to Tier 6 as soon as possible.

The sixth-order beasts are already equivalent to immortals. In other words, it is like a person who wants to become immortal. Among the advanced methods given in the museum, Lin Jin has already selected one, but he also needs some rare materials spar.

Phoenix Feather, Jiuyang Crystal.

Right now, there are none of these two, but Phoenix Yulin is not in a hurry. With Zhao Jingyan here, when needed, just ask for some in the visiting living room.

But Jiuyangjing is a little troublesome.

Lin Jin flipped through various books, but was stunned that he couldn't find a single word of Jiuyangjing. If there were traces to follow, Lin Jin asked himself that even if he traveled all over the world, he would not frown. It's a big deal. Just a place.

But if it's hard to find even the trace, or even the material whose origin is unknown, it will be troublesome.

Fortunately, Lin Jin thought of a possibility.

Perhaps, Jiuyang Crystal is not a product formed naturally between heaven and earth, but artificially refined.

In this world, what kind of people refining is a blind spot for Lin Jin?

The answer is already on the horizon.


Of course, these are all just guesses by Lin Jin, and I have to say, but it is a possibility after all. Lin Jin intends to wait for the next visit to the living room to open, and then carefully ask the two immortal visitors.

Counting the time, the next visit to the living room is approaching, so Lin Jin has been at the border of Mangzhou for the past few days. .

Studying ghosts and blood beasts can easily make people immersed in it. Once immersed, it is easy for people to forget the passage of time. When it was night again and the door to the living room opened, Lin Jin suddenly reacted.

This time, he was immersed in it, and it was actually a few days later, and he didn't even know it.

In the past few days, Lin Jin didn't get a drop of water, let alone eat, but he didn't feel it at all, and he didn't even lose any physical strength and spirit, and he wasn't tired.

Lin Jin knew that on the one hand, it was the improvement of his own cultivation, and on the other hand, it was the blessing brought by the ghost-blood beast.

Blessing the physical body was originally a magical power of ghosts and blood beasts.

Right now, Lin Jing already knew a lot about the ghost-blood beast after the advanced stage, so he put it down for the time being, and then got up and walked into the door of the living room.

In the living room, many visitors came earlier than one.

The people who came early were already greeting each other. Except for the two immortal-level newcomers, the others were familiar with each other and chatted with each other. If you listen carefully, you can hear that they are talking about the Black Wind Demon Sect at the moment.

Feng Ziqian and several other visitors attended the founding ceremony of the Black Wind Demon Sect in person. Of course, this time they had something to talk about, and all the visitors who didn't go were very regretful.

"Monstrous beasts have always been difficult to tame, and most of them are bloodthirsty. If there are people in this world who can restrain monsters and teach them to learn etiquette and law, in my opinion, it is indeed the curator." The old god of Ye Yuzhou said so freely. one sentence.

Obviously, Ye Yuzhou doesn't actually have a good impression of monsters. After all, in his position and past experience, the monsters he has seen are rarely good. Therefore, when he knew that the curator actually founded the Monster Xiu Zongmen, he wanted to teach the monsters. Ye Yuzhou was in awe.

Just thinking about it, that wild and untamed monster can be like a human being, knowledgeable and abiding by the rules, this scene is really unimaginable.

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