The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 635: Half Piece of White Jade Porcelain

Huangshi Sanren discussed his conclusion with Zuomenyi, both of them agreed, and Lin Jin was stunned as he watched. But that's fine, I'll explain it myself.

After all, Lin Jin himself didn't fully understand this matter. At that time, when he wanted to fight back against the shadow, Lin Jin wanted to see if he could borrow the Sword Intent of Qingfeng Yaojian, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

This kind of magic method similar to witchcraft is also a field for Lin Jin to set foot in. It is not good to discuss too much at the moment. If you make a mistake, it will only be laughable.

In the eyes of Huangshi Sanren and Zuomen, Lin Jin was able to tide over the difficulties this time, mainly because of his luck.

Of course, they also knew that Lin Jin had a secret technique to protect the spiritual sense, but since it was a secret technique, they wouldn't take the initiative to ask. In the cultivation world, even fathers, sons and brothers couldn't ask each other's techniques. This was the rule.

At this time, Huangshi Sanren talked about his holiday with Qiu Bin, the god palm immortal. They used to be old acquaintances, but because Huangshi Sanren was plotted against by Qiu Bin during a treasure hunt, so they became enemies.

Of course, I didn't want to mention the various Huangshi loose people in the past, but just told Lin Jin that Qiu Bin, the god palm immortal, had an extreme personality, and he would report it, and he must be careful to deal with it in the future.

"The time has come, let's enter the valley quickly, maybe the spiritual pond has already opened." After Huangshi Sanren finished speaking, the three entered the valley together.

After walking through the jungle for a while, we came to a rather open place.

The plants and trees here are even more special. They all belong to the varieties with extremely strong spiritual energy. You can even see a lot of floating spore-like things, glittering in the air, like a dream land.

Lin Jin didn't pay too much attention to the scenery, because what caught his eye at the moment was a large white jade piece in front of him.

The jade piece is so large that it is a hundred feet long, and its curvature is concave, like a piece of a broken bowl. Half of it is buried deep in the ground, and half of it is outside. If you look at it suddenly, it looks like a white jade mountain standing there.

And there are depressions around this jade piece, with different depths, at this moment there is a faint layer of water vapor permeating, which is very magical.

Around, there are already many figures, in groups of three or five, Huangshi scattered human beings, these are the same as them, because the spiritual pool is about to open, so they come to seek benefits.

Some are loose cultivators, and some are disciples of Immortal Sect.

Lin Jin glanced around, and at a cursory glance, there were at least fifty or sixty immortals, and among them were some demon immortals full of demonic energy.

But in Lin Jin's view, it is just a fairy beast that can change shape.

At this time, Lin Jin saw a person in the distance. It was Qiu Bin, the god palm immortal he had met before, but he did not see the ghost eye woman and another barbarian male immortal.

Qiu Bin and Lin Jing looked at each other, but they immediately avoided their eyes in fright.

Obviously, what happened before was scaring Qiu Bin.

However, the other party peeped at the benefits of the fairy queen's spirit pool and was unwilling to leave.

Huangshi Sanren also saw Qiu Bin, glared at him and didn't pay much attention to it. Now, in this situation, they are all waiting for the spirit water to gather in the spirit pool. Before that, no one would jump out and make trouble. If they do that, they will definitely become the target of public criticism .

"We are lucky, the spirit water in the spirit pond has not yet gathered." Huangshi Loose Cultivator said.

Taking advantage of this process, Lin Jin also learned that the so-called fairy queen spirit pool, where the spirit water gathers, is not really a pool of water placed here, in other words, which pit below is simply a decoration.

"The so-called spirit pool is the gathering of spirit water, and the gathering of spirit water and immortal art is of course ethereal and immortal. Enjoy." Huangshi Sanren explained this, and Lin Jin was able to fully understand it.

Lingchi, hanging water!

Lin Jin's time in the outside world was too short, and he was unfamiliar with everything here. If he hadn't met Zuomen and Huangshi Sanren, he would have been wandering in the jungle now, or fighting with some native beasts.

Right now, I have the opportunity to participate in an immortal-level 'gathering'. Strictly speaking, it is a big step in Lin Jin's cultivation path. As for how to get the water from the Lingchi, Lin Jin can't ask again. I do not know.

At this moment, more and more water vapor gathered at the bottom of the huge white jade piece, and even more and more water vapor in the middle part. If you look closely, you can even see some small fish formed by the water vapor swimming around the white jade piece.

Wonderful indeed.

Lin Jin was a little nervous at this time, and Huangshi Sanren and Zuomen were the same.

On the contrary, Han Xiong lacked interest in this, so he just sat on the side and looked around. There were other immortal beasts on the scene, but none of its size.

Silly Bear is the biggest.

At this time, the water vapor around the white jade piece became more and more dense, and it seemed that it could turn into a liquid immediately.

At this moment, an immortal wearing a long robe suddenly floated up over there and cupped his hands at the others: "Fellow immortals, I am Du Lifeng of the Immortal Doctor's Sect, this time the Immortal Mother's Spirit Pond is opened again, which is also considered to be one of Immortal Daoists. The rare major event in the world will appear later. I also ask you to use your abilities to get the spiritual water. Don’t make a big deal because of it, let alone bully the weak and take advantage of others. I'm afraid that even this last habitat is gone."

This Du Xianren's voice spread with magic, and there was actually a didactic tone in his tone.

The presence of loose immortals is free by nature. Generally speaking, no one is convinced by anyone. If this old man talks like this, under normal circumstances, no one will piss his pot.

Curiously, there was no objection from the immortals at the scene.

Huangshi Sanren saw Lin Jin's surprise, and whispered: "This old immortal Du is quite prestigious, and he is the head of the Immortal Medicine Sect. Although he is only a virtual immortal, the thin dead camel is bigger than a horse, and the Immortal Medicine Sect is a master. He is good at curing diseases and saving immortals. Who can guarantee that he will not get sick? After all, mistakes in cultivation are also common. At that time, you will have to rely on other people's immortal doctors, so whether it is a sect disciple or a loose immortal outside, You have to give this Du Laoxian a bit of thin noodles."

Lin Jin was stunned.

At this moment, another immortal floated out from the crowd, and said loudly: "Old immortal Du is right, my Five Elements Immortal Sect agrees with both hands, and I will take the spirit water later, everyone depends on their abilities, whoever is the best. If you start to grab it, that is to do the right thing with everyone."

Lin Jin understood, this is called setting the rules first.

After all, there are more wolves and less meat. It is really because some people are jealous that they will fight, and it must be a melee at that time. Maybe they will fight chickens and eggs, so no one wants to see this scene.

Those who are powerful will of course set rules. As long as the majority of people agree, the few people will not dare to mess around.

"Our Yundao Sect also agrees." A fairy over there said with a serious face.

"Xuan Daozong has no objection!" A middle-aged man in green robe said the same.

As soon as Lin Jin heard about Yun Daozong and Xuan Daozong, he looked at it carefully. After all, among his visitors, there were disciples of these two Xian Dao sects.

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