"That's good, that's good." Lin Jin saw that he had dealt with this matter, but didn't say any more.

At this time, a black-clothed immortal who was riding a cloud in front said, "It's here!"

Lin Jin immediately looked down.

It's time to arrive. After all, the speed of this black cloud is not slow. At this speed, they have already penetrated more than tens of thousands of miles into the extraterritorial land.

Simply put, it's a long way from here.

Due to the miasma around, there was not much to see, but as he descended, Lin Jin saw countless dense forests, vines with increasingly strange shapes, stretching for hundreds of miles. wetlands.

The most eye-catching is a huge pool not far away. The horror is that this pool is not water, not mud, but a white flower with blue-colored plasma.

This is Lei Chi!

Even at a distance, Lin Jin could feel the terrifying power of the galloping plasma in the thunder pool.

The hairs stood upright.

Heiyun didn't dare to get too close. If he accidentally fell, I believe no one would be spared, including the cover god.

So they landed within a safe distance and went on foot.

Only then did Lin Jin see that there were several other immortals waiting in the formation that had been arranged earlier, and one of them was Daoist Heishui.

Don't ask, these are all people who cover up the gods.

Huang Yingnu was lying on the ground, obviously brought here long ago.

"Be careful!" Monk Huoyuan finally got an opportunity and reminded Lin Jin in a low voice, Lin Jin nodded, he couldn't be careful in this scene.

Therefore, Lin Jin used ghosts and blood beasts to protect his body all the time. Not only that, Xiaohuo could jump out immediately to attack and kill the enemy if needed.

Now Xiaohuo is a sixth-order fire wolf beast, and its strength has reached the virtual immortal realm, so it can be used.

Of course, Lin Jin's most powerful killer right now is not Xiao Huo, nor is it a ghost and blood beast, but his third kind of beast of blood contract, the spirit-devouring ghost insect.

This thing is a terrifying killer. Judging from the experience of Northern Qi Xiangyun when encountering an enemy, this thing can instantly kill a virtual immortal master.

No matter what kind of immortal the opponent is, the result is the same.

As if this is a one-hit-kill weapon, it can harvest a person's life with a single shot.

These gave Lin Jin some confidence, and with the fact that Monk Huoyuan, the real immortal Huo Lian, was beside him, Lin Jin and the others would not be helpless when they turned their faces.

Of course, the door behind Lin Jin to visit the living room is also connected at any time. When needed, he can open the door directly to increase his strength, or just walk away.

In short, everything that should be thought of Lin has thought of.

"I've seen Shizun!" The people waiting over there saw Miao Shenjun walking over, and immediately saluted respectfully. Obviously, they were all disciples of Miao Shenjun.

Heishui Daoist was the most respectful, and at the same time, seeing Lin Jin, there was a trace of resentment and hatred in the corner of his eyes.

But at this time, Daoist Heishui didn't dare to say a word, bowed his head and stepped back.

At this time, Shenjun Chou suddenly said: "I heard that I have a disciple who has offended the curator before, and even was rude to Mr. Lin. I have strict rules, and I don't see such a thing the most."

After speaking, he suddenly shot.

Reaching out and grabbing from the air, the Daoist Black Water over there was shocked, but he was captured by the cover god from the air, soared into the air, and struggled in the air.

It was as if an invisible big hand clasped the neck of Daoist Heishui, and the latter's eyes were about to bulge out.

"I don't know the rules, I should kill you!"

As soon as the fingers were exerted, the neck of the Black Water Daoist was directly twisted, and in an instant, the fluttering limbs fell down weakly.


Lin Jin was also quite surprised. He didn't expect the cover of the gods to be so neat, and so inhuman.

No matter what, the Daoist of Heishui considered him to be his teacher, and the Lord of Covering God actually killed him directly. Lin Jin was stunned to see how ruthless he was.

Obviously, Daoist Heishui is nothing at all in the eyes of the gods, but a chess piece that can be discarded at any time.

Lin Jin responded quickly, and immediately smiled: "The trivial things before are not worth mentioning, why do you have to do this."

Chou Shenjun has a serious face: "He offended Xiaoyao Xian, and sooner or later he will die. How can I say that he worships me as a teacher, and I have to give him a happy life, otherwise he will suffer in the future.

That's a good enough reason.

Lin Jin had no choice but to admire the shameless act of Shishenjun.

Even though he killed the apprentice at will, he actually said that it was for the other party's good, and it was the kindness of being a master.

A cruel man indeed.

Lin Jin smiled and didn't speak any more. The purpose of covering up the gods' move should be to ease the relationship. After all, he saw the resentment of the Daoist Heishui just now.

To tell the truth, if the curator is really Xiaoyao Xian, people like Daoist Heishui cannot stay, and staying is also a scourge.

Therefore, in order to give an explanation to the curator, and for himself, the Lord of the Cover must definitely kill the Daoist Heishui people. The most stupid person here is the Daoist Heishui people. Died at the hands of his master.


But if you die, you will die. For Lin Jin, Daoist Black Water is indeed a trouble and a hidden danger. There is no benefit to keeping it. It is best to cover up the gods.

The attitude of the cover god-monarch has shown, and then it is Lin Jin's turn.

Lin Jin was also unambiguous. He walked up to Huang Yingnv and woke Huang Yingnv with just a few clicks.

What is used here is naturally acupuncture of the gods. Only Lin Jin knows the mystery in it. Others only feel amazing. Huang Yingnu, who can't be cured and can't be rescued by them, actually wakes up so quickly in Lin Jin's hands. come over.

It is a great joy to hide the gods when they see this.

Huang Yingnu is the key to opening the thunder pool in front. Without Huang Yingnu, it would be impossible to open it.

"Mr. Lin really is a clever man." Lord Chou Shen gave a serious admiration.

When Huang Yingnu woke up and saw such a scene, her first reaction was to use a spell to escape, but she was a demon cultivator in the virtual fairy realm, how could she escape.

Another true immortal-level master next to Shishenjun grabbed it and imprisoned Huang Yingnu.

Lin Jin didn't stop her, they needed Huang Yingnu to recite the mantra of the Heavenly Dao, so Huang Yingnu would not be in danger at this time. Of course, if the other party wants to kill the donkey in the end, if Lin Jing can protect it, it must be protected. a moment.

There was no suspense about what happened next. Huang Yingnu was already trembling with fear of the terrifying magic.

What's more, Lord Chiu said very clearly, she only needs to recite a magic mantra with her magical power 'Miaofa Xianyin'.

There was no other way for Huang Yingnu to go.

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