The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 71 You are not qualified for the exam (two more)

Two days passed very quickly.

Exam day arrived in the blink of an eye.

On this day, the animal appraiser associations in various places will hold a unified beast appraiser exam as required, and on the same day, the official beast appraiser promotion test will be held.

It can be said that today is a very important day in the circle of beast appraisers.

In the yard, the big tortoise of clear water is no longer there. Yesterday, Zu Can came to pick up the beast pet. The toxins in the tortoise have been eliminated, and the affairs of Zu Can's family should be almost resolved.

Zu Can was still angry after hearing about Lin Jin's experience, and said that he would bring the Big Clear Water Turtle to the Beast Appraiser Association today to help Lin Jin cheer.

After packing up, Lin Jin was dressed to go out.

For fear of the monster black snake's revenge, Lin Jin slept for the past two days. In addition to letting Xiao Huo sleep under the bed, he also forced Da Huang to lie on the head of the bed.

Even when he went out, Lin Jin always brought rhubarb with him.

So on the road, he was very conspicuous with a fire wolf beast and a big rooster behind him.

The entrance of the Beast Appraiser Association is already full of people at the moment. There are many people who take the Beast Appraiser Exam every year. Of course, very few of them are admitted.

However, those who fail to pass the exam will also have the opportunity to apply to become a trainee animal appraiser. To become a trainee beast appraiser, they can stay in the association to continue their in-depth study, and then take the exam after improvement.

Therefore, in every exam, a large number of the reference people are apprentice appraisers.

As soon as Lin Jin arrived, someone recognized him immediately.

"Lin Jin, is he really here?"

"This man's skin is as thick as a city wall!"

Lin Jin pretended not to hear the cynicism of these people. He went to get the exam card and waited for the entrance exam.

At this time, Zhao Ying, Lu Xiaoyun and Han Dong also arrived.

"Master Lin!"

Three people salute.

"Master Lin will definitely be able to pass the official beast appraiser qualification again!" Zhao Ying firmly believed that Lu Xiaoyun and Han Dong had the same expression.

"Why didn't you take the exam?" Lin Jin asked.

The three of them looked at each other and said, "It is disrespectful to take the exam with the teacher. Besides, the three of us deeply feel that the study of beasts is as deep as the sea, and we want to study and improve. If we take the exam, we must have full confidence. It's all luck and you'll be embarrassed."

Lin Jin nodded.

"It's about to start, Lin Shi can go first, the three of us are waiting for your news." Han Dong said.

"Okay, then I'll go first..." Before Lin Jin finished speaking, Zhang He walked over with a few men aggressively.

"Wait a minute, Lin Jin, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter, because you are not qualified to take the exam at all."

Zhang He was triumphant.

Beside him, following Dong He, although the two had a fight with each other before, but Wang Ji and Nangong Xian adjusted and resolved the conflict, and they had already conspired to deal with Lin Jin in unison.

Lin Jin wants to take the exam and make a comeback?

There are no doors.

The two hated Lin Jin deeply, even if Lin Jin had a glimmer of hope to turn over, they would extinguish that glimmer of hope.

Coincidentally, they did find an excuse.

The people Wang Ji sent to Changping Town found Wei Changyong.

Wei Changyong, the beast master of Changping Town, once planned to step on Lin Jin's position, but he didn't lose the rice by stealing chickens, and even lost the rhubarb at that time.

It's just that Wei Changyong couldn't do anything at that time, and he considered himself unlucky.

Wang Ji's people went to check the last time Lin Jin was in Changping Town, trying to find out what Lin Jin had done, but they found Wei Changyong.

After figuring things out, the two hit it off.

Especially after Wang Ji learned that there was indeed a big cock beside Lin Jin, he secretly arranged for Wei Changyong to be taken to Hongye City, intending to give Lin Jin the last blow at this critical moment.

He wanted Lin Jin to fail even the exam.

Originally, Wang Ji didn't plan to make this deadly move, let alone, he and Lin Jin didn't have any deep hatred.

But in the past few days, Lin Jin's "ability" made him a little "frightened".

Some people started to put up Lin Jin's number, and the plaque sent by the boatman was definitely not aimless.

What concerned Wang Ji most was the appraisal book written by Lin Jin for the batch of Primordial Beast Eggs.

That night, at the banquet in the City Lord's Mansion, Tan Xun, a three-ring beast appraiser who came from the general meeting, greatly praised him because of the book he wrote.

No one knew how shocked Wang Ji was at that time.

Because only he knew that his book of appraising was completely copied from Lin Jin's book of appraising animals.

I thought that I didn't seek merit but no fault, but I didn't expect this result. While rejoicing, Wang Ji was a little scared.

No matter how stupid he is, he knows that Lin Jin is not that simple, and there must be something unique in the sense of beasts.

Before the change, he didn't care, but at that time, he was already suppressing Lin Jin, and in several consecutive ratings, he deliberately gave Lin Jin the lowest score.

Just think, if Lin Jin suddenly rises up, how can he be the president?

Therefore, even for his own sake, Wang Ji has to suppress Lin Jin completely. Only in this way can he be stable as the president, and his future will not be affected by the taint of suppressing his subordinates.

At this time, Zhang He pointed at Wei Changyong he brought, and sneered at Lin Jin: "Lin Jin, do you still recognize him?"

Wei Changyong took a step forward with a grin on his face.

Lin Jin glanced and shook his head.

"do not know!"

It's not that Lin Jin has a bad memory, but when he was in Changping Town, he just glanced at each other. Most of the time, he lowered his head and wrote the book of beasts, so how could he have time to look at people?

It is this glance, and it is also a casual glance, where can I remember.

Wei Changyong was angry: "You don't remember me? Hmph, I do remember you. It's you. The rare beast that cheated me in Changping Town is the cock beside you."

Reaching out his hand, everyone looked, and there was indeed a mighty big cock beside Lin Jin.

"I know you won't admit it, but I have evidence. The people around me are all from Changping Town, and they can all prove it for me." Wei Changyong came clearly prepared.

Several people around him also nodded and opened their mouths to prove this.

This time, Lin Jin became the target of public criticism.

As an appraiser, it is absolutely taboo to deceive people and precious beasts.

This is not only a character issue, but also violates the law. Such people are indeed not qualified to take the exam.

Zhao Ying didn't look good at this time. She was someone who knew the inside story. The big cock beside Lin Jin was indeed Wei Changyong's.

However, it was not Lin Jin who lied to him, but the rooster who followed him.

She wanted to speak, but saw Lin Jin shake her head at her.

Zhao Ying hurriedly swallowed the defense.

Lin Jin smiled at this time: "I went to Changping Town to appraise the beasts that day. There were so many people that I really can't remember you, but when you said that just now, I remembered it. At that time, there was indeed a person who asked me to appraise it. Only, an ordinary rooster, and said how dangerous that rooster is, like a bloodthirsty beast, that, is that you?"

"Yes, it's me!" Wei Changyong nodded: "You finally admit it."

Lin Jin shook his head: "Admit what?"

"You lied to my chicken!" Wei Changyong said.

Lin Jin smiled again: "I saw the beast in public, and there were many onlookers. Excuse me, how can I lie to your chicken?"

"Of course you tame it secretly, and then take it away in secret!" Wei Changyong had already arranged it in his belly, and this was also the result of his negotiation with Wang Ji.

Lin Jin nodded: "The animal appraiser uses only three methods to tame animals, talismans, spiritual seals, and animal taming pills, and all three have traces to follow, all of them are experts in the field, check them directly, lest I say I didn't lie to your chicken, you said I was quibbling."

After speaking, he turned his head and said to Da Huang: "Go, let them see."

Rhubarb, who is already a Tier 3 beast pet, has extremely high intelligence and can actually understand Lin Jin's meaning, showing dissatisfaction, but he still walks over.

Wei Changyong had a psychological shadow on the chicken, and when he saw Da Huang approaching, he hurried back in fright.

Zhang He secretly scolded the trash, he hurriedly stepped forward to test, and Lu Xiaoyun suddenly said: "I also want to participate in the test, so that they don't cheat."

"I'm going too!" Another trainee stepped forward.

In this way, it is impossible for anyone who wants to play tricks or talk freely.

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