As the people who were captured in the first wave, Jia Qian and Zhao Ying were quite familiar with the five-nation alliance in Mangzhou.

This time, the five kingdoms of Mangzhou suddenly launched an attack, which seemed a little incredible to the two of them.

After all, most of the Mangzhou Five Kingdoms are far away from the Yulong Kingdom. If they attacked the city and conquered the land, how could they go to the land of Zhongzhou?

In addition, the five countries assembled are indeed extremely powerful, not to mention a Jade Dragon Kingdom, even ten of them are not rivals.

Zhao Ying and Jia Qian could see that the Mangzhou soldiers who escorted them were actually elites. From the various beasts they were driving, it could be seen that the defenders of the Yulong Kingdom were not opponents at all. Not on one level.

Just like a first-class martial arts master bullying a third-rate martial artist, it was just a casual fight.

But the question is, is the Jade Dragon Kingdom worthy of such a big battle by the Allied Forces of the Five Nations?

Obviously there is no need. The Jade Dragon Kingdom is full of calculations. There may be only one fifth-order beast, and the rest are fourth-order. Not to mention the five-nation coalition, any one may be difficult to deal with.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Jia Qian and Zhao Ying actually did not resist when they were captured. They were very smart. At that time, they were facing a team of Mangzhou sergeants with fourth-order beasts. Even resistance was useless. Their pets hide.

They used the 'Hidden Beast Talisman', which was originally created by Shang'er.

After all, Shen'er had nothing to do after returning from Tianxuan, and she also had to be guided by Lin Jin and Shuxiaolou, and created this talisman according to the method of the painting world of Shuxiaolou.

As the name suggests, this talisman can hide beast pets and needs to be summoned directly at any time, which is extremely convenient. If it wasn't for the hidden beast talisman developed by Jin'er this time, it would be impossible for Zhao Ying and Jia Qian to pretend to be ordinary people. .

Ordinary civilians, where can there be third-order beast pets, people can see them at once.

Another point, neither Zhao Ying nor Jia Qian really understood why the people from Mangzhou wanted to take away all the people they caught in Hongye City.

Still the same sentence, even if the kingdom on the Mangzhou side is popular with slaves, but if you want to kidnap the population of other countries, and grab a large number of small countries that are close to the five countries, why bother to come to the Jade Dragon Kingdom?

So there must be a problem here.

After observation and analysis along the way, Zhao Ying made a judgment.

These people in Mangzhou are for Lin Jin.

The reason for this judgment was not only that the other party had gathered all the people who had known Lin Jin in the past under strict supervision, but also because Zhao Ying had heard Lin Jin's name mentioned by a Mangzhou officer.

In other words, the reason why the Mangzhou Five Nations Allied Forces came to attack the Yulong Kingdom was because of Lin Jin.

As for what kind of grievances and grievances there are, no one knows. What Zhao Ying and Jia Qian can do now is to try to protect themselves.

Then, wait for rescue.

In this case, the only one who can save them is Lin Jin.

Jia Qian's physique is a little worse. The rush of the day and night has already lost a lot of energy. At this moment, he can't walk, and there are many people who are even worse than Jia Qian.

Mangzhou people are kind at all. In this case, they are not relentless and serve directly with whips. Some people have lost their lives because of being beaten and exhausted.

The old man in front was obviously weak and fell to the ground. Jia Qian went to help him. As a result, a Mangzhou military man came up and waved a whip to beat him.

The whip hit Jia Qian's body, and the latter screamed in agony, and the clothes behind her shattered, revealing bloodstains and delicate skin.

When the Mangzhou military man saw this, he actually became lustful, and the other party was also afraid of military discipline, but they belonged to the bottom end of the entire team, so even if they did something, it would be fine as long as they were not known.

Afterwards, kill and kill.

At the moment, this Mangzhou military man only felt a rush of blood gushing out of his groin.

"What are you doing, let me go!" Jia Qian was so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale. Zhao Ying was also anxious and wanted to step forward, but when Jia Qian saw it, she immediately shut her mouth and hurriedly gestured to Zhao Ying. Ying goes back.

The two of them deliberately stained their faces with dirt before, just for fear of problems, but now there is a problem.

Although Jia Qian was afraid, she knew very well that no matter what happened at this time, she couldn't force it, especially not to catch up with Zhao Ying.

So she stopped Zhao Ying, but she planned to bear everything by herself.

Jia Qian has already thought about it, this Mangzhou military man will definitely drag her to a place where there is no one, and she will definitely die at that time. If this is the case, it will be dead horizontally and vertically, so she will fight with him.

If he died, he would at least be able to keep his innocence. If he was lucky enough to win, he would kill the soldier and wait for the opportunity to rescue Zhao Ying.

This is Jia Qian's plan.

However, looking at the Mangzhou beasts of the third-order peak level of the entire Mangzhou army, Jia Qian knew that her chances of winning were not great.

Zhao Ying was about to die, but her hands were locked. Even if she summoned her own beast pet, it was absolutely impossible to save people in this situation.

"What should I do, what should I do?" Zhao Ying bit her lip, but she didn't notice the blood left. If Jia Qian let that Mangzhou military man take it away, you could imagine what happened.

And just now Zhao Ying has seen the determination to die from the eyes of the other party.

"Even if we die, let's die together." Zhao Ying went out of her way.

She knew that there was only one chance, and that was to summon her pet pet, and at the same time, she broke the rope on her wrist, attacked the Mangzhou military man, and rescued Jia Qian.

Zhao Ying knew that she had no time to think any more, she only knew that she must not let the other party take Jia Qian away.


Thinking of this, Zhao Ying, who has a gentle temperament and always seeks stability, burst out with tremendous power at this time. She immediately activated the hidden beast talisman and released the beast pet.

When Jia Qian saw Zhao Ying's actions, she knew what the other party was going to do.

She is very aware of the consequences of doing so, and even more clearly, she must cooperate with Zhao Ying at this time, otherwise she will die.

The two have a tacit understanding. At this moment, they are summoning third-order beast pets at the same time, and they will attack together.

Zhao Ying used the animal pet to break the rope, and then immediately attacked the Mangzhou soldiers who were holding Jia Qian. At the same time, Jia Qian's animal pet was the first to attack.

This siege was extremely beautiful, and the Mangzhou military man did not react at all, and was bitten on the neck by Jia Qian's third-order white snake.

The venom was injected in an instant, and this Mangzhou military man was like a drunken drunk. He shook twice and fell to the ground with a plop.

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