The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 740 Heaven and Earth Sword Canon

In addition to some exercises, Lin Jin also found many treasures in the Beast Control Sect.

It seems that these immortal sects like to collect these things, and they are reluctant to use them. People have died for thousands of years, but things are left here, which is cheaper for later people.

Lin Jin was this latecomer, so he was rude and took away all the treasures of heaven and earth.

If you look again, there will be no other good things in the Beast Control Sect. Maybe someone else will find a lot, but in Lin Jin's eyes, other things are a little difficult to get into his eyes.

Walking out of the Beast Control Sect, Lin Jin planned to jump out of the Supreme Mountains and Rivers, but at this time, Lin Jin suddenly remembered something and looked up at the clouds above his head.

"By the way, there is another treasure on it."

Speaking of this, Lin Jin immediately flew up on the clouds, and after a while, he reached the top of the clouds. He saw a sword post hanging in the air. The words were as big as a bucket.

Back then, Lin Jin copied this Heavenly Dao sword sticker back, practiced on his own, and realized a trace of the Heavenly Dao Sword Intent. He once used this magical power to kill many powerful enemies with the power of no sword.

Later, with the Qingfeng Yaojian, and let the Qingfeng Yaojian practice the Heavenly Dao Jianyitie, I did not expect the effect of its cultivation to be more than a hundred times stronger than Lin Jin.

With this one blow, the Qingfeng Yaojian jumped directly into the ranks of the Immortal Swords.

This is what Lin Jin didn't think of at first.

One is that the Qingfeng Yaojian is extremely talented and very talented, and the other is that the Heavenly Dao Jianyitie has greatly improved the Qingfeng Yaojian. Wrong, although there is also an improvement, but the magnitude is small, just like Lin Jin himself.

His current Heavenly Dao Sword Intent is simply not worth mentioning, and there is no way to humiliate him.

"Qingfeng Yaojian, this is the Tiandao sword, you can go and see." Lin Jin said, the next moment, the Qingfeng Yaojian hanging on his waist flew out of its sheath and began to fly in the sky. It seems happy.

After a while, Qingfeng Yaojian transformed into the appearance of a young scholar, first bowed to Lin Jin, and then began to study the sword intent post.

Lin Jin knew that this was the sword spirit of the Qingfeng Yaojian. He was the second master of the Heifeng Yaodong at the beginning, but after being subdued by himself, he was willing to become a sharp sword in his hands.

Before the Tiandao Sword Intentional Post, Lin Jin had already copied it all down. This is the original text, so Qingfeng Yaojian should not gain much from reading the text on it. Experience some sword intent.

This is also Lin Jin's purpose.

But soon, the Qingfeng Demon Sword Spirit seemed to have found something, and when it stretched out its hand to tear it, it actually tore a hole in the Tiandao sword.

Lin Jin was taken aback.

This act of wanton destruction of the treasure is not advisable, but before Lin Jin reprimanded the Qingfeng Demon Sword Spirit, the latter continued to tear off a large piece of sword post excitedly, and then revealed a strange slate behind it.

This was the first time I had seen the slate hanging in the sky. While Lin Jin was surprised, he hurriedly swallowed the reprimands back.

"Thank you, Master, Master must know that there is this Heaven and Earth Sword Canon after this sword post. Qingfeng's admiration for Master is indescribable." At this moment, Lin Jin didn't listen too much to Sword Spirit's words of gratitude, mainly because he was also frightened by the slate. Living.

The ghost knew that there was a stone plate hidden behind it.

Moreover, Lin Jin didn't even know that this stone plate was actually engraved with teeny small characters.

But the Qingfeng Demon Sword Spirit thought that Lin knew it as soon as possible, so Lin Jin didn't want to say anything. He just showed an inscrutable smile and said, "Let's study it."

The sword spirit excitedly led away, and Lin Jin also seemed to be wandering around, but Jia Yun walked over and took a closer look.

"Qiankun Sword Canon!"

A black line appeared on Lin Jin's forehead. Who knew that there was actually a Qiankun Sword Canon hidden behind the Heavenly Dao Sword Post, and it seemed to be quite powerful.

Lin Jin also took a closer look. Although his kendo skills were very average, it would not hurt to gain some knowledge. Lin Jin was also shocked when he saw this.

He hadn't read anything else, but just by looking at the general outline of the Qiankun Sword Canon on the stone plate, he was already shocked.

Lin Jin didn't know the real swordsmanship, and he only knew a little about the swordsmanship, so his criteria for judging were not professional. Just one point, he saw that in the general guide, Tiandao Jianyitie was only one of the swordsmen, so At this point, I know that the Qiankun Jiandian is not ordinary.

Even the Heavenly Dao Sword Post is only a part of it, and the Qiankun Sword Canon is of course a higher order than the Heavenly Dao Sword Post.

At this moment, the Qingfeng Sword Spirit is completely immersed in it, and it is completely indifferent to the outside world. This is a good thing.

Lin Jin didn't know how long it would take to understand Qingfeng Sword Spirit, maybe a few hours or a few days.

There is no need to wait here all the time. Lin Jin is a little bit of ink at the moment, so he should leave the map of mountains and rivers first, there are still many things outside.

For example, the next visit to the living room is about to open, and for example, Lin Jin still wants to renovate the small courtyard in Hongye City, and the traces of the Beast God Sect and the ancestor of the blood-robed ancestor must continue to be investigated, and also, he is going outside the territory. In the place, connect the fire source monk to the Wushangshan River map.

There are many things.

Lin Jin is now considered to be free and unfettered, and the power of the world is completely unable to affect Lin Jin. Whether it is a high-ranking official, a royal family member, or even a high-level country, Lin Jin can completely ignore it.

He Gan, the emperor of the Yulong Kingdom, has asked to see Lin Jin several times, but his wish has not been fulfilled. The emperor of the Tianxuan Kingdom is very smart. He only asked twice, but there is no result, so he will not bother anymore. After all, he knows everything about Lin Jin. Many, this meeting also scores time.

Why are you in such a hurry, Lin Jin understands.

After all, the Jade Dragon Kingdom is too weak compared to other forces.

And the weak Jade Dragon was involved in the largest vortex in the entire Middle-earth. If he was not careful, he would be swallowed without even bones and slag. As the Emperor of Jade Dragon, why not be in a hurry?

However, no matter how anxious he was, Lin Jin would not go to see him immediately.

The same is true now, Lin Jin is going to a place outside the realm to pick up the monk Huoyuan.

One is to fulfill the promise to Daluo Temple, and the other is that Lin Jin can also have an extra helper, but this helper can only be in the map of the supreme mountains and rivers, and cannot take a step.

But even so, if used properly, it can still play a huge role.

Of course, if other immortals are willing to come, Lin Jin is also happy to bring them back.

Things on the road are not listed for the time being. It was two days after Lin Jin arrived outside the territory again. During this period, he also talked to Chen Xuankong and Qin Yunshang about the situation in the visiting living room in advance.

Re-entering a place outside the realm, Lin Jin no longer felt the same as when he first came here. It was like returning to a very familiar place. In the Xuan Dao Sect, the monk Huoyuan nodded and agreed without thinking too much.

Daluo Temple is indeed related to him, and suffered a catastrophe that almost wiped out the temple. Monk Huoyuan did not want this line to be wiped out.

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