The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 749 Difficult and Miscellaneous Diseases

"Its daybreak?"

"This, how can it be so fast, I don't feel it at all."

"The time is too short, I still want to hear it."

Many young disciples were mourning, but there was no way, the time was wrong, and they had to go to the clinic for a while, and it was impossible to stay here all the time.

When they left, they were all thinking, pondering, and digesting what Lin Jin had said before. This knowledge was enough for them to digest for a while.

Although they hadn't slept all night, these young appraisers were all very excited, and their purpose of coming to the Jade Dragon King City Appraiser Association was finally achieved.

That is to get the guidance of Lin Jianshi.

This is not only because they can learn a lot of great knowledge, but also because of the guidance of Master Lin Jian, after going out, they can freely say that they are students of Master Lin Jian.

Now don't underestimate this level of identity, it is something that can enhance your identity and dignity no matter where you go. This is not only something of great significance to them, but also to their entire family.

Naturally, Lin Jin didn't know what these young appraisers were thinking.

He is not sleepy. When he reaches the realm of Lin Jin, even if he is only a mortal, he can still sleep for a long time by relying on the powerful power of the blood deed beast pet.

In a sense, Lin Jin can no longer be considered a mortal.

But a fairy in another sense.

As soon as possible, he would have to sit in town. After all, what he said would pour out water, but for Lin Jin, it was too easy to diagnose twenty beasts a day.

The general meeting had already arranged a temporary room for Lin Jin, but it was definitely the best hall. It was said that there were people waiting outside when it was dark.

Seeing Lin Jin approaching, everyone saluted respectfully.

Start sitting.

In most cases, Lin Jin doesn't need to touch the beast, and he can write a book just by observing it, including some minor flaws.

What surprised Lin Jin was that in the twenty numbers in the first day, there were no rare beasts that caught his attention, and there were no critical illnesses.

Ordinary beast appraisers can handle this situation.

This made Lin Jin realize one thing. These people didn't really have any incurable diseases, but they came here simply because of their own fame.

Don't ask, these people are either rich or expensive, but Lin Jin feels that this is a waste of time.

There is no need to waste time on things that other appraisers can handle.

So on the first day of the twenty numbers, Lin Jin completed them all in less than half an hour. In the rest of the time, Lin Jin came to Tan Xun and asked about the incurable diseases that were difficult to solve at the club.

These are found in every appraiser association, just like the incurable diseases encountered in medical halls. After all, not all problems can be solved.

Tan Xun saw what Lin Jin meant, thought for a moment, and then said: "There is really one, a rich boy in Wangcheng made a blood contract with a rare beast bought from a foreign state some time ago, but his body is not as good as a day, nor I know how to do it, several appraisers in the general meeting have diagnosed and treated, but they can't see any problems."

After hearing this, Lin Jin asked, "There is something wrong with the son of the rich family. Shouldn't he go to the medical center to see a doctor?"

"They've been there a long time ago, and then they really didn't have any recruits. That's why I thought of coming to the Appraiser Association." Tan Xun said: "The rich boy is frail and sick now, but his blood pact is the other way around, and he doesn't mean to be weak at all. , but we can't see where the problem is, everything is normal."

Appraiser Tan Xun's tone was a little helpless. Obviously, he had no way to do this. It wasn't a problem that couldn't be solved, but he couldn't even see any problems.

As soon as Lin Jin heard this, his curiosity was suddenly lifted.

The harder the better.

"Take me to see." Lin Jin asked directly, but Tan Xun was taken aback and reminded, "Master Lin Jian, you are too famous now."

A simple sentence, revealing a trace of concern.

Lin Jin understood, this kind of thing, it's okay not to go, after all, no one knows what the problem is, but if Lin Jin goes, it will bring great hope to the family.

This thing can't be checked at that time, and it will definitely have an impact on Lin Jin's reputation.

After all, it is said now that there is no problem in this world that Lin Jianshi cannot solve, and Lin Jianshi has long been a living god in the hearts of the people.

So, it is better to do more than less.

Lin Jin naturally knew Tan Xun's kindness, but he was free and easy.

"It's just a fake name, I don't care, why bother with Tan Jianshi."

A simple response, but the realm of that state of mind was immediately reflected. Tan Xun was also awe-inspiring, and he did not say more, but took Lin Jin out of the Appraisal Association.

That rich boy's condition was not very good, and there was no result in seeking medical treatment, so he didn't go out, he just kept it at home.

Said to be the children of rich families, in fact, in Jade Dragon King City, there are a group of powerful people who just stomp their feet. There are too many rich families like this. At this moment, Lin Jin looks at a house in front of him, and feels that the scale is the same as his own in Hongye City. That house is about the same.

However, this is a royal city with an inch of land and a lot of money. It is indeed very unusual to have such a large-scale house, at least it is more powerful than ordinary people.

Tan Xun knocked on the door, and Lin Jin was watching from behind.

Lin Jin is well-informed and knowledgeable, and the technique of observing qi has already gained some momentum. Of course, this method of Lin Jin relies entirely on his beast pets.

At this moment, a touch of blood shone in Lin Jin's eyes, flashed by, and soon returned to normal.

"There is actually a demonic aura." Lin Jin was interested.

In this house, there is a very special demonic energy, very secret, it should be covered with some kind of magic, so that most people in this world can't detect it, including some beasts with keen senses.

Could it be that the beast pet of the rich boy Xueqi is a monster?

In this case, it can be basically inferred that it is the monster that harms people. Is it that simple?

Monster beast, will Tan Xun and other appraisers not be able to see it?

There is that possibility, unless the other party is a monster with a very high cultivation level, just like the current Shen'er, if she wants to hide her breath or something, it shouldn't be a problem to deceive the teacher Tan Xun.

Someone over there opened the door. It was a family member. Tan Xun told the situation. When the family member heard it, he immediately ran back and reported the letter. Soon, the whole family came out to greet him.

Lin Jin's identity is now a gilded signboard that can be used wherever he goes, and there is no need for Tan Xun to hide or conduct private interviews.

After a while, Lin Jin and Tan Xun were sitting in the family's living room.

The head of the household is in his fifties and is a businessman. He is white and fat. He is very smooth, and he knows the etiquette. He can also tell the home furnishings and the conversation of the other party. He is half a scholar.

After being polite, the head of the household asked someone to call his son over. When he saw the person, Lin Jin immediately frowned.

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