Why not panic.

He is also not worried that no one will come to Yulong to support him this time, just one thing, there is Lin Jin, not to mention that the big country that received the invitation is waiting to come, even if it is not received, it will probably arrive.

Regarding this matter, He Gan also specially discussed with the ministers in the court meeting. They are all core officials of the Jade Dragon Kingdom. All of them are extremely smart, and their strategic knowledge is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

As a result, they unanimously concluded that Lin Jin's status in the whole of Middle-earth had reached an extremely terrifying height.

If it was just a false name before, it was just a loud reputation, then it was a bit scary to defeat the Mangzhou Five-Nation Allied Forces almost by one person, and even the opponent who fought didn't even dare to counterattack or take revenge.

The immortals in the world are not just talking about it, it is just this, there will be no one who will not support the invitations sent by the Yulong Kingdom.

The fact is as expected. Next, many high-ranking powers will follow, and the entire Jade Dragon King City is also very lively for a while.

Interestingly, if it were another kingdom, with so many foreign dignitaries and troops in the city, they would definitely be very nervous, and even worry about something going wrong.

After all, no one is easy to provoke, but in Jade Dragon King City, there is no such concern. No matter how arrogant people are, kings or powerful people, in Jade Dragon King City, they are honest, like good people.

Because no one dares to make trouble here.

Especially since they already knew that Lin Jin was within the royal city.

Things such as bringing the beast back to life have long since evolved into hundreds of versions and spread to everyone's ears, so Lin Jinwei has become more famous.

Of course, there are no absolute things in this world. Although most people respect and fear Lin, there are very few people who don't believe in this evil.

A group of dusty teams is resting in an inn in the Jade Dragon Kingdom at this moment.

Looking at the accessories of this team, you can see that they are not ordinary people. They are all fat and strong, with a fierceness that is far away from Middle-earth.

Even the horses they are riding are not ordinary horses, at least they have never seen them in Central Continent, and of course the shopkeeper of this inn has never seen them.

Sometimes I am curious, and it is inevitable to take a few more glances, but the person who lives in the store is not good-tempered.

As a result, the shopkeeper's child was not ambiguous, but he was not afraid at all.

"Since you are the guests, you should abide by the rules of our Jade Dragon Kingdom. When you entered the city, you didn't see the words "Do not cause trouble" written at the gate of the city. Are you planning to break the rules?" The shopkeeper was very polite at first, but these people scolded It was a bit ugly, so his temper also came up.

Even if they are guests from afar, because the people here in Jade Dragon King City are full of confidence, they will not be used to insults by the other party.

Again, they feel that they have a backer.

The backer is Lin Jianshi.

Right now, no one knows who doesn't know. During this period of time, they have also seen many people from other places, even high-ranking officials and nobles, they are polite to them and the commoners of Yulong, and they dare not call and drink, let alone drink. abuse.

So this also makes them feel a sense of pride and pride. In short, the Yulong Kingdom is hospitable and courteous, but it will never be accustomed to each other and allow them to be unreasonable.

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, the person opposite immediately became angry.

"A mere shop owner dares to talk to our lord like this. It's just presumptuous." When he spoke, a fire source immediately poured out behind him, and a flaming snake appeared and rushed towards the shopkeeper.

This flaming mad snake is not simple, at least the third-order, flame attribute, burning flames wherever it passes, if the shopkeeper is really entangled by this flaming mad snake, it will immediately be ignited and burned, fearing that his life will not be guaranteed.

This man's shot was obviously too ruthless, and it was killing people. Seeing this scene, even his companions were startled.

"No way!"

Someone spoke out to stop it, but it was obviously too late.


The flame snake has another ability, that is, deflagration. In an instant, a mass of flames erupted from the inn, and with the sound of explosions, many houses were also implicated.

For a while, the smoke billowed, and the group of people hurriedly withdrew from the outside, all of them looking a little ugly.

"This is broken." One of the leaders of the group said with a solemn expression, and the tall man next to him immediately said: "My lord, I don't think there is any need to worry, it is this pariah who is rude first, where shall we go? It's all justified, not to mention it's unreasonable, what does it matter if you kill a few small people who don't have long eyes? Could it be that he dares to use force against us?"

The tall man didn't care, and then said to the man who just started: "Brother, you killed well, I have been suffocating since the Jade Dragon King City, how can we say that we are all members of the palace of a superior kingdom, and The prince is even more distinguished, and he is the person who may inherit the throne next, but he, the Jade Dragon Kingdom, is not greeted outside the city, and no one will take care of him after entering the city, which is simply unreasonable."

His words naturally aroused the approval of many other companions, and the echoes were endless.

At this moment, the prince also clearly agreed with the words of the captain of his guard.

Indeed, he was holding fire in his own heart.

If nothing else, he is a dignified prince of a high-ranking country, whose status is higher than that of the emperors of those middle-sized kingdoms, and he actually wants to live in such a lowly inn.

Simply ignore him.

He had been on fire all the time before, firstly because he didn't want to cause trouble, and secondly because of Lin Jin.

However, the subordinates he brought are all hot tempered, and they will burst out if they can't bear it, so he, the prince, must not be scolded.

No matter how you say it, no matter what, if you have done everything, you have to carry it on. This is related to his face, and it also affects the face of the superior country to which he belongs.

"Although you have gone too far in this matter, it is also for the sake of this king. Killing two small people will kill you. This king will carry this matter for you, but you must not act on your will after all. After all, this is the Jade Dragon Kingdom. With that Lin Jin there, he is not easy to mess with." Wang Ye warned.

The crowd hurriedly bowed.

"My lord, speaking of Lin Jin, is he really a god in the world as rumored? His subordinates thought it was an exaggeration. In fact, where is there any immortal in this world? It's just nonsense, not to mention that he defeated Mangzhou Five with one person's power. The League of Nations also has elements of exaggeration. From the perspective of its subordinates, the Jade Dragon Kingdom is nothing more than backed by the great kingdom of Tianxuan to defeat the five kingdoms of Mangzhou. In all likelihood, it is also the great kingdom of Tianxuan. As for Lin Jin, he should have some skills. He is a beast appraiser, but he is definitely not like a god as rumored, throwing away his beast appraising methods, his strength may not be comparable to his subordinates."

The tall man said something at this time, with suspicion and disdain in his words.

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