The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 756: The fifth-order strongest?

Wei Xi's name is actually very loud.

He was born in the army and killed like hemp. For the first 30 years, he was accompanied by swords and horses. He lived a life of licking blood from the knife edge. No accident. Washed out by the rain, it became a dead bone that no one knew.

But sometimes people transfer.

Wei Yan's luck changed in a later battle on the battlefield. His original beast pet died long ago, and the battle situation at that time was extremely unfavorable. Wei Yan and his team might not last until it was dark.

At this time, Wei Xi and the others discovered an underground tomb.

Under normal circumstances, ancient tombs are dangerous and considered unlucky. There are no special circumstances. Ordinary people avoid them. Of course, for some capable people, ancient tombs have another advantage in addition to these disadvantages, that is There are often treasures inside.

At that time, Wei Xi and the others were all red-eyed, and they were full of anger. How could they be afraid of good luck or bad luck? When they saw the ancient tomb, they immediately went down to investigate, and they probably wanted to see if they could find some gold and silver.

As a result, there was a huge danger in this journey, and Wei Xi's companions almost died.

Wei Xi will never forget the scene at that time. He was lucky enough to save his life, but it was because he was chosen by that terrifying beast to become the master of the blood contract.

Because of the things in the tomb, if you want to come out, you must use a medium.

Wei Xi did not tell anyone about this.

That is, he actually has to listen to the words of his own beast pet, not human beings controlling beasts, but beasts controlling people.

But Wei Xi doesn't care about this matter. What he cares about is his own prosperity. If he can satisfy his selfish desires, what if he is controlled by a beast?

At this moment, the prince opened his mouth, Wei Xi nodded, and stepped forward to activate the secret technique at the same time.

The next moment, his stomach suddenly swelled, and then it seemed that something started to rise from his stomach, down his throat, and spit directly on the ground.

This scene is really scary. Just now, Wei Yan's neck and mouth were stretched to the maximum. Others who didn't know it thought it would burst directly, but Wei Yan's body seemed to be different from ordinary people. Nothing happened.

Looking at what he spat out, it was clearly a piece of meat.

Scarlet, with a layer of slime.

The next moment, this mass of flesh and blood actually began to grow wildly. The naked eye could see the growth of bones, mixed in the flesh and blood, constantly wriggling and expanding, and in a short period of time, it was already as big as a giant elephant.

Seeing this scene, both the city guards and the surrounding people felt their scalp tingle and retreated unconsciously.

But Wei Xi's eyes were filled with a kind of smugness, a kind of smugness that you all have to submit to Lao Tzu's feet.

Although he is in pain now.

Every time he is summoned as a pet, he will feel uncomfortable for a while, but it doesn't matter, because every time, he can find satisfaction in other ways.

In Wei Xi's mind, this was an 'equivalent exchange'. As an ordinary soldier, he was able to have the power and status he has today because of this.

So he's more arrogant because he thinks he deserves all of this.

"All of you, watch it. When this vicious beast really appears in the world, you will know what is fear and what is the strongest in the fifth rank." Wei Xi thought to himself at this time.

The mass of flesh and blood is still changing, but the outline is gradually taking shape.

It looks like this thing has a human-like torso, a lion head, horns, a tiger tail, eagle wings on its back, arms like ape, and legs like wolf hooves. It can be said that every part of the body looks like some kind of beast. a part of.

The most important thing is that after molding, this thing still has no skin, a bit like a frog that has been skinned.

At this moment, this unnamed beast monster stood up, with a tyrannical look in his eyes, no one dared to look at him, even the beasts around them all shrank into a ball in fright. Don't dare to make a sound.

The prince over there is also very satisfied.

What he wanted was this shocking effect. To be honest, this Wei Xi was very public on weekdays, and the price was high, but no matter what, the prince was satisfied because he valued the strength of the other party.

This beast monster can definitely be called the strongest fifth-order.

In their kingdom, no beast can stand against them.

In other places, too, there are dozens of other fifth-order beasts that have surrendered in front of the monsters, and it is because of this that they have the title of the fifth-order strongest beast.

In Wangye's view, the fifth-order beasts in this world are already the most powerful beings in the world. He has never heard of the existence of beasts beyond the fifth-order, so from this point of view, Wei Xi's monster is the strongest in the world. .

That Lin is very famous, but when it comes to combat power, he is definitely not an opponent. This time, the prince is also thinking of discussing the conditions with the other party to see if they can join forces and help each other.

The lord, after all, he is just the lord. If he wants to become the emperor, he needs foreign aid at this time.

Obviously, Yulong Kingdom and Lin Jin became his choice. Now that Lin Jin is so famous, it would be a pity not to borrow it, so he came.

It's just that I didn't expect to be so ignored after arriving, but this prince is not surprised. If he doesn't show some skills and means, the other party knows how much you are?

Now I believe that the entire Jade Dragon King City should know, and then they should know how to entertain themselves.

Thinking of this, the prince also showed a proud look.

The breath of the monsters is indeed terrifying. In fact, it not only affects the surrounding area, but the entire royal city is affected.

Without a doubt, Lin Jin was the first to notice this aura.

He is in the palace at the moment, and He Gan personally came to pick him up early this morning, chatting and talking all the time, waiting for the official start of the ceremony.

As a result, a tyrannical aura suddenly came, and the pets of many people around were frightened.

"What a strong oppressive force." Lin Jin was stunned for a moment, that momentum, even the three beasts on him wanted to suppress.

But it's obviously a little bit worse.

Not only the momentum of the ghost-blood beast can't be suppressed, but Xiaohuo doesn't even have to think about it.

Seventh-order beasts are like the realm of true immortals. The momentum just now is at the most imaginary realm, which is a big realm.

It was just the first time that Lin Jin felt such a powerful aura of beasts in Middle-earth, especially in the Jade Dragon King City, which surprised him.

"I have to go and have a look." Lin Jin's heart moved, and he was about to get up, but at the same time, someone below reported that someone was making trouble after Wangcheng just now.

As soon as Lin Jin heard it, he probably knew what was going on in his heart.

This must be a group of people, but they don't know what the other party intends to do, why they are making trouble on this good day of the Jade Dragon Kingdom.

Lin Jin was calm, but He Gan couldn't.

He heard that someone was making trouble, and he was immediately furious.

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